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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Innovation and Power in one

onionberry said:
Knitemare said:

I think the OP doesnt mean is the best innovating, but its the best balance. Best innovating in Hardware Microsoft, best innovating in sofware, nintendo. The one with best balance between those 2, Sony.  Thats why it is were it is.

which hardware innovation and which software innovation?

Looks like people like playstation and they don't even know why they like playstation. Sony is the console manufacturer that does the same thing since the ps1, and that's the good thing about them. You have the same console with more power and the same kind of games with better tech and new faces, that's why playstation is appealing because you know what to expect, you know you're going to get a great standard console and great games for it. When they try stuff like 3d, motion control and vr (yes, VR) they are not as good as when they do the normal stuff, because innovation is not their strenght. Their strength is "look, here's a great console that is going to give you a good amount exclusives and third party titles"

Yes, you are right. They have maintained their status, and damn, even the DS4 (aisde from the touchpad) is the same as the original DS. But hey, even they havent been successful in most innovations (yes, again the touchpad who just a few first party titles for the use of it), theyve been trying even if they go back to basis.

I enjoyed 3D games on PS3. Im a big fan of Killzone, since PS2 days, and using 3D was awesome, but your eyes get tired after a few hours of gameplay.

They used back touchpad in the Vita (another failure btw), and for the games that used it, like Uncharted Godeln Abyss, using it was a clever way to reveals clues.

They inserting new tech (PSVR) without having to make pricey controllers (if you had move on PS3 days, you are half on your way to PSVR), and thats innovation right there. I can see the PSVR not being that successful, but again, theyre trying.

And adopting Hideo Kojima, its a good way to ensure that there will be innovatiing software in the near future.

And yes, that is why I have stick with sony in its long ride since PS1. Oh and right there, with original DS, was innovation, using analog sticks. Nowadays you wont think of a controller without sticks (lol at steam controller).

In the end, they try, but most of the times, they have to go back to what they know itll sell.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

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pokoko said:
NATO said:
A lot of the things (most, in fact) Nintendo are credited with being innovative with aren't actually invented by Nintendo, merely popularizing existing implementations.
The same is true for Microsoft and Sony, the only true innovation by Sony was the walkman, everything else is just an altered version of something else, or, as is the case for much of Microsofts developments too, a result of purchasing a technology or company developing a technology, and co-opting that technology into their own R and D.

What you get is fanboys of a particular console insisting that one is more innovative than the other, when in reality they all just do what they need to do to bring in the money.

Sony isn't more innovative than Nintendo, Nintendo isn't more innovative than Microsoft, and so on, Sony will only be in the middle with console power as a result of the scorpio, so the balance argument is silly, it's not like Sony planned to be in that position.

Ultimately, the topic of innovation and development aside, at the end of the day it's the games that drive the industry, and Nintendo and Sony are the leaders in that field, (Nintendo are only behind in that regard because they release less frequently), Microsoft lag behind because while they have the best online platform as a result of utilizing their azure network, their investment into software seems to stop short of fueling the development of entirely new franchises, while leaning heavily on their staple set (forza, gears, halo), Nintendo themselves were prone to the same and still are, but at least in the last few years have been expanding into taking a risk with their younger development teams and creating titles such as Splatoon.

Nobody cares which controller had a dpad (switch doesn't even have one!),nobody cares who brought motion controls first, nobody cares who did full body tracking, nobody cares who released proper VR first, all that really matters is "are the games good?"

Pretty much.  Who really cares about trying to prove who is the most innovative?  What's the point?  A little ego stroking for something the fans had nothing to do with?  Nintendo revolutionized the standard controller and it has been improved upon many times since.  Sony revolutionized dual analog stick controls and they've been improved upon many times since.  Microsoft set the standard for online play and everyone followed.

What's important is where a product is right now.  

It also has to be noted that actual innovations are very rare and are not the same as "buy this because it's different" gimmicks.  Innovation leaves an indelible mark on an industry that spans generations.  The more a market matures, the less innovations there are to be discovered--except those that can only come about because of technological progression.  Anyone who really wants innovation should stop pretending that it will come about because "power" stops being important.

Well, then Wii clearly was innovative, not only sold 100m to a blue ocen but also created the concept than now is gonna be heavily used in VR for years :D Oh and also in Switch, an inminent succes :)

Good old Wii, someday it will remember as what it really was, a visionary console.

The_BlackHeart__ said:
Alkibiádēs said:

You're just listing games, I'm asking what did these games innovate. 


Lets see if I understand.

If I say that there is nothing similar to Gravity Rush on the market, you will probably say that platforms have been done before, therefore I will be wrong corret?

But if you say that Splatoon is something different, but I dare to say that is another shooter, I will also be wrong right?

I really don't want to get into the fact that Nintendo releases the same franchises over and over and over and over again every generation, because I appreciate Nintendo a lot. But I have been in this same spot before and I know I will never make you see things another way.

So I hope you have an excellent day Sr. :)

My thoughts exactly.Nintendo releases the same franchises over and over and over and over,no one bats an eye or say they are mliking it to death.The only franchise Sony has released since day one is GT.They create multiple IPs every generation.

i honestly don't know why people consider nintendos first party lineup strong. seriously, how strong can a first party be when their biggest ips up to this date (mario, zelda) already existed 30 years ago? geeez... i wonder how strong disney would be if mickey mouse and donald duck were their biggest blockbusters these days...?

Knitemare said:
onionberry said:

which hardware innovation and which software innovation?

Looks like people like playstation and they don't even know why they like playstation. Sony is the console manufacturer that does the same thing since the ps1, and that's the good thing about them. You have the same console with more power and the same kind of games with better tech and new faces, that's why playstation is appealing because you know what to expect, you know you're going to get a great standard console and great games for it. When they try stuff like 3d, motion control and vr (yes, VR) they are not as good as when they do the normal stuff, because innovation is not their strenght. Their strength is "look, here's a great console that is going to give you a good amount exclusives and third party titles"

Yes, you are right. They have maintained their status, and damn, even the DS4 (aisde from the touchpad) is the same as the original DS. But hey, even they havent been successful in most innovations (yes, again the touchpad who just a few first party titles for the use of it), theyve been trying even if they go back to basis.

I enjoyed 3D games on PS3. Im a big fan of Killzone, since PS2 days, and using 3D was awesome, but your eyes get tired after a few hours of gameplay.

They used back touchpad in the Vita (another failure btw), and for the games that used it, like Uncharted Godeln Abyss, using it was a clever way to reveals clues.

They inserting new tech (PSVR) without having to make pricey controllers (if you had move on PS3 days, you are half on your way to PSVR), and thats innovation right there. I can see the PSVR not being that successful, but again, theyre trying.

And adopting Hideo Kojima, its a good way to ensure that there will be innovatiing software in the near future.

And yes, that is why I have stick with sony in its long ride since PS1. Oh and right there, with original DS, was innovation, using analog sticks. Nowadays you wont think of a controller without sticks (lol at steam controller).

In the end, they try, but most of the times, they have to go back to what they know itll sell.

And that's why they have so many fans, because they are steady. The situation with Nintendo for better or for worse is that they keep changing stuff every generation, while good for a lot of people, it's bad for those who are fan of a sytem and then they see a new thing and they don't like it.

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Most balanced, sure, because they provide quality 1/3 party support AND get Japanese games, where as MS provides quality 1/3 party, but no Japanese games, and Nintendo provides quality 1st party and Japanese support, but lacking in 3rd party. Just comes down to how important those are to you. If you're ok with 3rd party support that is lacking, Nintendo platforms are great. If you don't care about Japanese support, Microsoft platforms are great.

As far as innovation, I don't see where they innovate on either any more than others. I would give the edge on both of those to Nintendo, and quite easily. I would even put Sony last on hardware behind MS. Sure, the PS4 is powerful, but the PS2 and 3 were pain in the asses for devs, and their Vita was abandoned, same with Move, and the Pro is a very weak upgrade. Its too early to tell on their VR. They're not far behind MS here though, MS hasn't done much ofnanything special either. Kinect was a did this gen in support and games, but it was huge for 360.

Software wise, can't think of anything Sony has done lately that would be called innovative.

onionberry said:

And that's why they have so many fans, because they are steady. The situation with Nintendo for better or for worse is that they keep changing stuff every generation, while good for a lot of people, it's bad for those who are fan of a sytem and then they see a new thing and they don't like it.

Yeah. We humans are afraid of changes. Always, and its normal. But difference with Nintendo, is that if they come up with a different idea, they keep it, and sony is kind of cowardly in that aspect, because if they see people dont like, they run back. For example, the boomerang controller. I was skeptical and for me it was a good thing that they retreat from that idea Xp. And then, there is microsoft, who strategy is buy innovations lol.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

i find it odd when people say sony doesn't innovate software... i mean the main reason people are excited about the switch for example is games like

mario kart, smash bros, 3d mario etc etc etc games that play pretty much the same as they did 20 years or so ago

The reason Sony is doing so well this generation is because they decided not to innovate relative to the competition. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with their focus on Kinect and their ridiculous online policies early on, allowing Sony to get a huge amount of good press for saying 'we're keeping things the same and not doing what Microsoft is doing,' and Nintendo went overboard trying to innovate with the Wii U, leading to the console being a failure saleswise. Sony released a safe, normal system with a good variety of safe, normal games, and that is exactly what the market wanted in the 8th generation.

Software innovation is mostly on the indie side of things nowadays.

Alkibiádēs said:
The_BlackHeart__ said:

I believed this was the most obvious part, but ok, here we go out the top of my head, in no order in particular:

The Last of Us, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, The Last Guardian, DriveClub, The Order1886, Knack, Until Dawn, Alienation, Nex Machina, Horizon Zero Dawn, Detroid Become Human, Resogun, Death Stranding, Spiderman, NiOh.

And that is just the most recent ones. I may be forgetting 2 or 3 maybe.

You're just listing games, I'm asking what did these games innovate. are the latest iterations of mario kart, smash bros, 3d mario etc etc etc innovative?