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Most balanced, sure, because they provide quality 1/3 party support AND get Japanese games, where as MS provides quality 1/3 party, but no Japanese games, and Nintendo provides quality 1st party and Japanese support, but lacking in 3rd party. Just comes down to how important those are to you. If you're ok with 3rd party support that is lacking, Nintendo platforms are great. If you don't care about Japanese support, Microsoft platforms are great.

As far as innovation, I don't see where they innovate on either any more than others. I would give the edge on both of those to Nintendo, and quite easily. I would even put Sony last on hardware behind MS. Sure, the PS4 is powerful, but the PS2 and 3 were pain in the asses for devs, and their Vita was abandoned, same with Move, and the Pro is a very weak upgrade. Its too early to tell on their VR. They're not far behind MS here though, MS hasn't done much ofnanything special either. Kinect was a did this gen in support and games, but it was huge for 360.

Software wise, can't think of anything Sony has done lately that would be called innovative.