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Knitemare said:
onionberry said:

which hardware innovation and which software innovation?

Looks like people like playstation and they don't even know why they like playstation. Sony is the console manufacturer that does the same thing since the ps1, and that's the good thing about them. You have the same console with more power and the same kind of games with better tech and new faces, that's why playstation is appealing because you know what to expect, you know you're going to get a great standard console and great games for it. When they try stuff like 3d, motion control and vr (yes, VR) they are not as good as when they do the normal stuff, because innovation is not their strenght. Their strength is "look, here's a great console that is going to give you a good amount exclusives and third party titles"

Yes, you are right. They have maintained their status, and damn, even the DS4 (aisde from the touchpad) is the same as the original DS. But hey, even they havent been successful in most innovations (yes, again the touchpad who just a few first party titles for the use of it), theyve been trying even if they go back to basis.

I enjoyed 3D games on PS3. Im a big fan of Killzone, since PS2 days, and using 3D was awesome, but your eyes get tired after a few hours of gameplay.

They used back touchpad in the Vita (another failure btw), and for the games that used it, like Uncharted Godeln Abyss, using it was a clever way to reveals clues.

They inserting new tech (PSVR) without having to make pricey controllers (if you had move on PS3 days, you are half on your way to PSVR), and thats innovation right there. I can see the PSVR not being that successful, but again, theyre trying.

And adopting Hideo Kojima, its a good way to ensure that there will be innovatiing software in the near future.

And yes, that is why I have stick with sony in its long ride since PS1. Oh and right there, with original DS, was innovation, using analog sticks. Nowadays you wont think of a controller without sticks (lol at steam controller).

In the end, they try, but most of the times, they have to go back to what they know itll sell.

And that's why they have so many fans, because they are steady. The situation with Nintendo for better or for worse is that they keep changing stuff every generation, while good for a lot of people, it's bad for those who are fan of a sytem and then they see a new thing and they don't like it.