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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Strong parallels between Switch and Wii: Next runaway hit for Nintendo?


How do you see NS performing sales wise?

Wii level: 100M+ 42 9.27%
Moderate success: 80M+ 42 9.27%
3DS level: 50M+ 112 24.72%
It will sell more than N64: 30M+ 145 32.01%
Will barely outsell Wii U: 15M+ 86 18.98%
Won't outsell Vita and i... 26 5.74%

I don't expect it to sell even 20 mil. Switch have too many negatives to be a smash hit.

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The Wii came with a game and was priced lower than the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The Switch doesn't come with a game and costs more than Xbox One and PS4 (which come with games).

I doubt it will be a runaway success.

VitaminZ said:
The Wii came with a game and was priced lower than the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The Switch doesn't come with a game and costs more than Xbox One and PS4 (which come with games).

I doubt it will be a runaway success.

Its not price that really matters. Its content as that creates value. Wii Sports created value that kept Wii sold out for two years where it fetched a continous price on eBay over $400, which was a lot more than PS360's prices.

NS is a home console that can be taken anywhere. It has superior local multiplayer support, superior rumble and motion technology, some of the best exclusive IPs in the industry such as Zelda, Mario, Pokemon and the many portable-only titles that are typically exclusive to Nintendo like Monster Hunter.

While it may not be a Wii-like explosion, it very well could be a DS-like ramp up where year 1 was steady and later years were amazing.

superchunk said:

Its not price that really matters. Its content as that creates value. Wii Sports created value that kept Wii sold out for two years where it fetched a continous price on eBay over $400, which was a lot more than PS360's prices.

NS is a home console that can be taken anywhere. It has superior local multiplayer support, superior rumble and motion technology, some of the best exclusive IPs in the industry such as Zelda, Mario, Pokemon and the many portable-only titles that are typically exclusive to Nintendo like Monster Hunter.

To be fair, neither Pokemon nor Monster Hunter have been confirmed as coming to Switch.

onionberry said:
It's going to take time, but I see future for this device/brand. Forget about all the bad media from neogaf and eurogamer, they're reacting to the launch year of the system, which btw is miles better than the wii u AND wii in terms of hardware/games. But, it's going to take time and games. Maybe not a wii situation tho.

Yes games and we all by now accpet that its not gettting those huge AAA 3rd party games.

And its lacks a WiiSports.  So games more or less like the GC or wiiu had.  

So yahh future.  


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sethnintendo said:

Main difference would be that the Wii launch line up was far superior.  Far more genres and games represented.  I wouldn't get a Switch till Holiday 2017 if that.

Agreed.  I've owned every Nintendo home console, and almost all handhelds.  I love Nintendo games.  However, since I already own a Wii U, I see no reason to buy a Switch at launch.  I'll buy Zelda for the Wii U, and hold off on Switch until there are a few more games that I care about.  So, I think holiday 2017 is the earliest possible time for me.  I'll probably buy it if they offer an attractive bundle deal.  Otherwise, I may hold out even longer.  I could see waiting until holiday 2018 even.  

With that said, I do have a preorder in, just in case I change my min

VitaminZ said:
The Wii came with a game and was priced lower than the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The Switch doesn't come with a game and costs more than Xbox One and PS4 (which come with games).

I doubt it will be a runaway success.

Agreed.  At this point, the Switch has the highest cost of entry.  That's a much different situation than the Wii faced.

It also has a tiny launch lineup.

I see no reason to believe that it will be a hot seller in months 2 through 8.  

gatito said:

Let's take a look at the facts.

  • Redemption console after an underwhelming one (GameCube, Wii U)
  • People are very curious about it and is stirring up interest in mainstream media (Just go on YT and look for reviews and reactions)
  • Innovative hardware (Wiimote, Hybrid device)
  • About the same price (adjusted for inflation)
  • Newest and highly anticipated Zelda at launch

Switch also has a lot more going on like a promising lineup for its first couple months, is developer friendly and is also almost guaranteed to have all of their heavy hitters including the handheld exclusives like mainline Pokemon and Animal Crossing. I think we're looking at the beggining of a new golden era for Nintendo.

1. that has nothing to do with succes, good sales, invalid point

2. people are just as currious on yt as they were when the wiiu was launched, invalid point

3. no, the Switch is not inovative,  a gaming tablet that has side controlers and can conect to an external display/tv trough Hdmi has been done before,   invalid point

4. invalid point, the other consoles on the market are priced cheeper and are more powerfull spec wize, no chance at retail

5. I guess ... but you can buy it on the last gen Nintendo console ..

onionberry said:
Normchacho said:

Yeah, in the first 9 months the Wii was out it got


Madden 07

CoD 3

Super Paper Mario

Madden 08

and Metroid Prime 3


between then and the end of it's first year it would get Tony Hawks Proving Grounds, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Fifa 08, NBA Live 08, Guitar Hero III, and Super Mario Galaxy.


The Switch doesn't have nearly that kind of lineup on the way.

the switch has Zelda Breath of the wild, Splatoon 2, Just Dance 2017, Mario Kart 8, Dragon Quest 11, FiFA, Steep, NBA 2k, Skyrim, Xenoblade chronicles x 2, ARMS, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania, Sonic Project 2017, fire emblem warriors. Now put little games like disgaea 5, Dragon Ball xenoverse 2, Rime, Bomber man, Dragon Quest 10 and Dragon Quest heroes 1&2 etc. We have some more stuff that are not system sellers but they are good for the library, and this is what we know BEFORE e3.

So I don't know man, that looks like a pretty good line up of games and again, that's what we know. So whether you like those games are not, ports or not, to me that seems like a good start for the console and I'm more excited for this lineup than I ever was for the wii line up, which was pretty good too. Not saying that is going to be more impactful than the wii, cause there's nothing like wii sports on the switch, but speaking about games/quality, switch is better imho.

Many of those Switch games you mentioned are not new.  Plus, the Switch's "killer app", Zelda, is coming out on another system at the same time.  And, that system is one that many of the likely early Switch adopters already own.  

I think the Switch will outsell the N64 in lifetime sales, but it'll be tough to do much more than that unless it hits a mass-market price point ($200) within a year or so on the market. It will obviously sell out at launch and be scarce for about a couple months after (largely due to limited stock early in its life), but after the initial hype dies down I don't think the Switch will have the post-launch legs that the Wii had for several reasons.

#1 no ground breaking system seller like Wii Sports packed in. $300 is alot to ask the mainstream audience to plunk down for a console who's only real must-have launch title is Zelda, which generally appeals more the core Nintendo fanbase than the mainstream.

#2 everything you needed to play and enjoy the Wii came right in the box for $250. People aren't going to shell out another $50 for a glorified tech-demo game like 1-2-Switch like the types of numbers the Wii and Wii Sports did for its first year on the market, and an extra pair of JoyCons is going to set you back $80 on top of that (not counting an additional $30 for the grip/charging base).

#3 the Wii had plenty of software during its first year on the market, both 1st and 3rd party, that was a hit with both Nintendo fans and the mainstream audience, and that continued for several more years into its life. Other than Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey, there aren't many titles on the immediate horizon for the Switch that will be popular with both audiences, and like the Wii U 3rd party software is going to be very scarce throughout the Switch's lifespan.

E3 is going to be a crucial bench mark for the Switch, as by then we'll see if it manages to maintain its launch momentum going into the summer, and if there are any new major titles announced for it besides the usual Nintendo fare.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.