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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are you XBox 360 Achievement Whore?

I only have around 20 games for my 360. I don't think that's enough to get a high score.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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I would like the achievements if they actually unlocked something :( But as for now, the message does nothing but break an otherwise beautiful or intense moment :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I'm still the biggest whore on VGC




And I carry that badge of honor with pride!

Just got 3 new achievements for Blue Dragon today. Very excited I did. I should be able to 950/1000 it on my first playthrough. I just gotta finish figuring out how to beat the Squashtritch w/o getting stomped (I did it, but not on my first try).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

acievements are worse then halo. they fuck up peoples lives.

my friend has 35 000

mrstickball said:
I'm still the biggest whore on VGC




And I carry that badge of honor with pride!

Just got 3 new achievements for Blue Dragon today. Very excited I did. I should be able to 950/1000 it on my first playthrough. I just gotta finish figuring out how to beat the Squashtritch w/o getting stomped (I did it, but not on my first try).

Damn you for flaunting that in my face Stick! *shakes fist in the air* I'll beat you yet!!! :D

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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Having said that, I am trying to focus on getting in the top 100 RPG players on the X360.

Right now, my current scores for the RPG Genre stand at:

Enchanted Arms: 1000/1000
Phantasy Star Universe: 1000/1000
Oblivion: 1250/1250
Two Worlds: 870/1000
Marvel: Ult. Alliance: 650/1250
KUF: Circle of Doom: 150/1000
Mass Effect: 565/1000
Eternal Sonata: 340/1000
Blue Dragon: 150/1000
Dark MoMM: 0/1000 (haven't played)
Lost Odyssey: 0/1000 (haven't played)

Total Score: 5,975/12,000 with 2 unplayed games. I own Marvel, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, so I am still increasing my score on those games. I just can't find my Mass Effect disk right now :(

At that score, I am currently tied at #513. I do not have Phantasy Star Universe, or Enchanted Arms...So I can't validate those games at the moment, for everyone to see at

But with all of this extra time off from work...I could easily up my score quite a bit. I just got 30GS in Blue Dragon today, and could easily get 500 in it soon, by maxing my classes out. I could probably get another 1,500GS from games I own in the RPG genre, fairly quickly (maybe 30-40hrs).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I have like 7 000 with 8 games and 8 or 9 xbla games. I dont know about whore... but i like to spend many hours getting 1 achievement.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

Mrstickball gets major Kudos from me.

For finishing oblivion and getting all 1250. I did that on my old account and it took me eighty hours.

My achievement score is only at 3380 or something like that.

My official time for my first 1000/1000 runthrough on Oblivion was about 103hrs. I created a new character for Shivering Isles - which took around 20hrs.

Now, mind you, Oblivion, like PSU and EM, are games that the AP comes naturally, and without any real difficulties, outside of the normal gameplay. So they were alot of fun.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.