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RolStoppable said:
Barkley said:

I understand that having experience in both sides is beneficial, I still don't understand the reason behind your post and how it was supposed to be beneficial, it just looks like bringing up a skeleton out of the closet with zero prompting to do so.

But when there's people breathing down their necks, waiting for them to slip up and make a mistake to kick up a fuss about it, it's no surprise the moderators aren't more active in this thread.

It's called banter.

Good moderators aren't afraid of accountability, neither do they have a problem with admitting that they made a mistake. This obviously implies that many of the current moderators aren't good, but merely average. It would be unfair to the good moderators who put in the effort if they were put on the same level as those who don't put in the same level of effort.

Perhaps if this thread was actually about accountability rather than you, more moderators would show up. You tend to confuse your soapbox campaign with actual issues that need addressing, and many mods would probably rather making better use of the time they spend here than on answering your posts.

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RolStoppable said:
I see that the majority of the mod team has been lured out. If you have the time to take potshots at me, you also have the time to comment on the case of contestgamer which is definitely an actual issue.

Have you not already received a satisfactory answer? It's been admitted that in hindsight something should have been done and it was a mistake.

RolStoppable said:

Not yet. Unless I missed something, the only moderator who commented on the case was Angelus who wasn't even a moderator at the time of the incident.

I'd like to hear every moderator's take.

That particular incident I will not comment on, because it is none of my business or concern, nor is it yours... Nor does it have any bearing on your own moderation's.
You need to get over it and move on, there are more important things in life.

With that in mind, it comes entirely down to context and language used during the discussion.
If the discussion is full of baseless assertions full of contentious descriptors, then chances are you will draw the ire of a mod... And so you should.

The entire mod team consists of human beings, who will on the odd occasion make mistakes... And that is perfectly okay, we will apologize and move on and so should you.

So please drop the issue and move on.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Frankly it doesnt matter what the mods agree upon regarding a moderation, i dont see it breaking a rule. Now as the general guideline act civil now that might be up for debate

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

RolStoppable said:
Barkley said:

Have you not already received a satisfactory answer? It's been admitted that in hindsight something should have been done and it was a mistake.

Not yet. Unless I missed something, the only moderator who commented on the case was Angelus who wasn't even a moderator at the time of the incident.

I'd like to hear every moderator's take.

Madonna, just to clarify, do you want that bowl of skittles with only the red ones, right?

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CGI-Quality said:
kirby007 said:
Frankly it doesnt matter what the mods agree upon regarding a moderation, i dont see it breaking a rule. Now as the general guideline act civil now that might be up for debate

It does matter, because if he wants it reversed, and The Mods say no, then all of this screaming isn't helping. People are allowed to disagree with Moderations, though. We've never tried to take that right away. 

Ah yes that was different back when the mods werent the highest order, brett was approachable to get stuff overturned. In case the mods were wrong 

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, I was on vacation for the past week. No internet. It was fantastic! Looks like I missed a doozy of a week here! But I'm back just in time for me to take one for the team.

Quick rhetorical question: Why didn't Rol bring this attention to the mods as he has here in October?

Because it benefits him to bring it up now, and not in October. This is what he does. He doesn't care about this site as much as he cares about having as much power as possible on this site, and he's willing to go to rather large lengths to get it. That is, he constantly scours and documents VGChartz. I have no doubt that he has numerous well-organized notes on numerous users and mods on this site that he considers to be "people of interest". His latest thesis is further proof of this. He uses these documents to help construct and evolve a narrative to allow him to act in whatever way he sees fit, constantly nit-pick the rules with mods until he defines what he feels is an exploit he can use both in conversing with other users to bait users he dislikes into moderation, and share with the users he likes to keep them out of moderation, He also documents blackmail material and/or dirt on other users/mods so he can bring up their past when he sees fit both in conversation and moderation. He's demonstrated this in the past as well. Finally, he also documents the imperfections in the moderation of this site (both where he feels users were inappropriately moderated or inappropriately not moderated) these little nuggets of moderation (or lack thereof) that he holds like precious little trump cards, just waiting for the moment he inevitably takes heat for being the user he is, and try and use it as an exploit to get himself out of hot water he undoubtedly feels he doesn't really deserve and refuses to take responsibility for. I have no doubt he has other little nuggets in various stages of development just waiting to share with us all when he feels it will benefit him in the future.

I have to ask, Rol, Is this site the only thing of meaning you have in your life? That's a serious question. Do you have any healthy, loving relationships in your real life? Could you go, say a week or a month without even going to this site and have no issues with that? It appears to me you care about this site a little too much for anyone with a healthy life outside of it. It's obvious to anyone you take the interactions of this site way, way too seriously.

But sadly, instead of actually letting go, you're just going to add some lines to the potatohamster file instead. It's not like you even pretend it doesn't exist.

P.S. In before Rol accuses the mods of derailing the thread for not meeting his demand for comments on his little nothingburger he's been storing for months.

Azuren said:

Oh shit I second this and I'm gonna grab a beer.

He said he reported it in this thread

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.