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Forums - General Discussion - Truck driven into German Christmas market in deliberate attack - 12 dead

Peh said:

It's just a witch hunt that's going on. Immigrants are coming into the country for decades. Blaming all bad stuff on one politician or all immigrants/refugees is just as stupid. If you stop refugess coming into the country, then terrorists will still find a way and cause damage. But I guess you can't expect people to see that far ahead. They only see what's right in front of them. Pointing fingers at everyone and not having a single solution at hand to the issue which both parties could need.

As much as the bold part is true, it's even more trivial. If you seriously think that this is some kind of great insight and imagine yourself surrounded by hordes of stupid people failing to see a trivial wisdom like that, chances are you are underestimating the intelligence of your fellow human beings, or overestimating your own.

Everyone knows that even the best security measures can never completely eliminate the danger of something like this happening. But at the same time, most people know that it is still very well possible to increase or decrease the probabality of something like this happening. Seriously pointing out that even the best measures will never completely eliminate the danger is black and white thinking to me, kind of suggesting that there there is no difference between, say, a 1% chance and a 91% chance of something like this happening, because both numbers do not equal 0%.

And when it comes to the probability of such attacks happening in Germany, the mass migration wave that started some 15 months ago clearly did increase that probability. And (not only) in that respect, it was quite different from the "usual" migration to Germany that has been going on for many decades.

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Ka-pi96 said:
WolfpackN64 said:

It is if you're part of a coalition that is a partaker in the war. Certainly if you supply weapons (even though that is certainly more Western Europe's fault). And taking in immigrants doesn't need to be logical or illogical. Refusing them isn't necessary logical.

Merkel's ideas have logic to them too. Of course she doesn't take them in from the good of her heart, she takes them in because Germany needs a good influx of cheap labor to satisfy the industrial demand of quasi slave labor.

Well while eastern Europe didn`t have all that much to do with war in the middle east or supplying weapons... that would definitely make it logical to refuse them. Accepting a load of people that blame you for destabilising their country... what could possibly go wrong?

And I`ve no doubt Germany could easily get in immigrants willing to do cheap labour from other parts of the world that aren`t hostile to the west.

Really, are there any people more eager to take on cheap (and pretty miserable) labor roles then desperate people? The age of importing people for cheap labor is over, they cannot sell that to the electorate.

Ruler said:
vivster said:
My emigration plans to Japan are solidifying more and more every year.

Youre self to be blamed you and Barozi, i remember you both being anti AFD and pro Merkel. 

#Merkel muss weg

Merkel muss weg ? In this case we will get a red red green government  which will be even more pro immigration and leftist. Merkel is right wing. And AFD will not get 51% on its own to rule. If CDU is not the biggest faction it will become even worse here in Germany.  AFD ruling is out of the question. So either its Merkel or some leftist government. Those are the realistic choices.

LadyJasmine said:

I am Pakistani background and I do not trust men from that country around women, the idea western women would is hilariously naive.



Looks like the Women of germany will have to pay the price so some SJW can feel good about themselves.


Will? They're already paying for it.

Ruler said:
vivster said:
My emigration plans to Japan are solidifying more and more every year.

Youre self to be blamed you and Barozi, i remember you both being anti AFD and pro Merkel. 

#Merkel muss weg

Sure, I'm the one to blame.

Maybe next year I'm actually going to vote for her.


Besides, voting for AFD is the stupidest thing one like you could do. There are only two possible scenarios. Either its going to be CDU/SPD  AGAIN. Or an even more left government. Guess how they will fight for immigrant rights? Even more than Merkel. A vote for AFD is a vote for a left government. That's why it's so funny.

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Ka-pi96 said:
WolfpackN64 said:

Really, are there any people more eager to take on cheap (and pretty miserable) labor roles then desperate people? The age of importing people for cheap labor is over, they cannot sell that to the electorate.

Nope, but there`s still plenty of people desperate enough to want that cheap labour that don`t come from the middle east. I mean just look at the US, the idea of building a wall to stop Mexicans coming in and providing cheap labour was enough to sell to the electorate there. If those Mexicans are willing to move to the US to do cheap labour wouldn`t they move to Germany to do it too if that was an option for them? And when`s the last time you heard of a Mexican terrorist? I certainly can`t remember any.

So what other neighbouring region would you know of that would cause large scale migration to Europe? Africa has always been a steady trickle, but never on the scale that the Syrian and Lybian conflict has escalated. As far as I know, the USA doesn't arm drug militias to fight against Mexico, nor has supported rebel fractions there, so I'm not surprised there is not any noticeable latino terrorism in the US (most terrorism in the US seem to be young white dudes).

Islamic terrorism on the other hand has had decades to grow and fester, also in no small part thanks to the US and Europe. But the first decade, it was largely assassinations against local rulers to try and get power. That didn't really work out, so they started targeting government officials of all kinds (internal terrorism). Eventually, as any good marketer knows, spectacular adds get a lot of attention so they started aiming their sights at the people they felt wronged them. That took a long time to get there.

On the other hand, you could say the USA has been sponsoring terrorists against Cuba and such, but hey, who am I to judge?

WolfpackN64 said:

Merkel's ideas have logic to them too. Of course she doesn't take them in from the good of her heart, she takes them in because Germany needs a good influx of cheap labor to satisfy the industrial demand of quasi slave labor.

While I wouldn't rule out that this was one of the motives, I don't think this really was the main motivation behind it.

Personally, I rather believe that Merkel did not originally intend to start that mass migration wave at all; I believe she rather started it by accident, didn't originally want it to happen - and when it still happened, she just failed to openly admit it and take measures to immediately stop it. Which was hardly a surprise, considering that the media, "refugees welcome"-shouters and other "Bessermenschen" were instantly celebrating her for the whole thing, suggesting that this was such a great act of humanism, and this made us germans sooooo much better and more morally superior to all the cold-hearded scum living in countries like Hungary.

ArnoldRimmer said:
WolfpackN64 said:

Merkel's ideas have logic to them too. Of course she doesn't take them in from the good of her heart, she takes them in because Germany needs a good influx of cheap labor to satisfy the industrial demand of quasi slave labor.

While I wouldn't rule out that this was one of the motives, I don't think this really was the main motivation behind it.

Personally, I rather believe that Merkel did not originally intend to start that mass migration wave at all; I believe she rather started it by accident, didn't originally want it to happen - and when it still happened, she just failed to openly admit it and take measures to immediately stop it. Which was hardly a surprise, considering that the media, "refugees welcome"-shouters and other "Bessermenschen" were instantly celebrating her for the whole thing, suggesting that this was such a great act of humanism, and this made us germans sooooo much better and more morally superior to all the cold-hearded scum living in countries like Hungary.

I do think the economical part played into it. Logically, she would have waited for the EU to lay out a plan so 1. They would know how many people they could realistically take in, 2. How much support should go to the camps in and near Syria (which are currently underfunded) and 3. How the European countries could spread it. Merkel has destroyed any chance of coördination which resulted in a European free-for-all. And it's indeed stupid the liberals all see this as a sign of their moral supriority.

This hasen't helped the European people and certainly hasen't helped refugees.

Locknuts said:
The truck of peace strikes again:

Oh cool, someone else knows SyeTen :D

Muhammmmmmmmmmed, peace and blessings upon him :P

WolfpackN64 said:
LadyJasmine said:

Why have not other countries not opened thier borders? 

Most countries in Europe take in immigrants, but you can immagine the burden on Germany if a lot of Eastern Europe is just dodging it's responsability. That and it's not really certain the perpretator is a Pakistani, the German police is still looking for the cumprit.

You can't go and f* up someone's country and then say "sorry, but you have to stay out". You want a morally sound argument for not accepting a lot of immigrants, stop exporting so many weapons to these unstable countries.

responsability to what ? get raped and murderd ? children molested.  Take in lazy illiterate welfare seekers.

Mad cow merkel invited the assholes(80% 20/40 year old men) lol refugess my ass, let germans enjoy their enrcihment.  

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