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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?


Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?

Yes....its too slow and w... 49 27.68%
No...its merging mobile and console. 111 62.71%
I don't Care what the Ja... 17 9.60%

I'm thinking it and you are thinking it.

Is an underpowered $350(300 plus a game if not bundled) console going to pull off another Wii success? 

Or is just another Nintendo Nail in the Nintendo Console Coffin?


User was moderated for this topic and his replies in it ~ CGI

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Depends on your definition of failure. If it sells 50m LT it will be considered a success by some and a failure by others.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Arnt rumors saying there will be a 199$ & 249$ model?
Maybe its underpowered,.... but its also a handheld, that got some appeal.

do you think it will sell more then wiiU?

Around the Network

Why are you inventing the price?

And no, I think is very far from doomed, which doesn't mean is gonna be a Wii success, there is life between both cases you know?

If it's $350 it will be.

But I think it's pointing towards being a fair bit cheaper then that.


squibbfire said:

do you think it will sell more then wiiU?

Almost certainly.

Where did the $350 pricepoint come from?

Anyways I'm not gonna say anything right now, it could go either way for Nintendo.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Doomed by the hater potaters">"><img src="

squibbfire said:

do you think it will sell more then wiiU?

Yes. Better Concept, launches with a Zelda game, and a mario that looks to go back to 3D collectathon style that people enjoy.

The me of today is pretty sure, it ll do alot better than the Wii U.

I hope I can find this, and qoute it in 2020, if Im wrong.