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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

Jranation said:
Barkley said:
I'm amazed people are claiming "300k" isn't a lot to win by. Amazed but not surprised.

Sony have been loosing the last few months because people were holding for the PS4 Pro right?  

I'm sure 300k is more then the XBO won over the last few npd's, but no, Microsoft won the last few NPD's because of the XBO S. The Pro doesn't account for all of those victories.

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BraLoD said:
LivingMetal said:

Boobs and VGChartz are the other two.

Boobs are part of one of them, but VGC? Heh...

I'd say that shitposts are the third pillar.

BraLoD said:
Acevil said:

Isn't that ironic seeing how many sony centric fans mentioned this crap gamer guy in this thread? Someone I never heard of, or care to learn. 

Sadly VGC made me know him, didn't knew about him as well, never saw one of his videos either.

I don't plan on learning a thing outside of him, he just sounds like someone that is capitalizing on audience from both sides. 


XBO outsold PS4 by 266.2k in July, August, September and October combined.

300k would completely wipe out everything the XBO fought so hard for the last 4 months, and then a little extra as well. Yet this apparently wouldn't be a good victory for PlayStation somehow

Barkley said:
XBO outsold PS4 by 266.2k in July, August, September and October combined.

300k would completely wipe out everything the XBO fought so hard for the last 4 months, and then a little extra as well. Yet this apparently wouldn't be a good victory for PlayStation somehow

I think the logic is.... that means they sold about equal, before counting the Pre-orders of PS4pro.

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Oh well none the less congrats again to the PS4 for winning Nov NPD. Ready for December now!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

There are some questioning the PS4 performance but we know it's got momentum behind it after Sony announced the PS4 had the best Black Friday week worldwide wide in PlayStation history. We then have a few claiming the Xbox One is gaining momentum but it's down YoY in its strongest territory.

Maybe we should be asking questions why Xbox One is down YoY, so why is it?

Before this months NPD the PS4 was leading the XBO by 203k for the year of 2016, was getting mighty close. If the 300k gap is true PS4 should very comfortably take USA for the year of 2016. XBO will have to come out swinging with Scorpio if they wish to reclaim their home territory for 2017.

Intrinsic said:
pray4mojo said:

Sorry. I didn't see the question. 

I think it will based on sales momentum and their new console coming out. Winning four out of the last five months can't be ignored and if they can pull that off with a redesign, what can they do with an all-new, machine? 

I could be wrong and things just magically revert back in Sony's favor but usually, that's not how the gaming industry works. You will typically see sales swing in chunks, or years. It's not often hardware wins for four months and then drops off. There's usually fire behind that smoke and it's probably why Microsoft felt compelled to open their mouths lately about the tides turning, or whatever it was they said (can't remember the actual quote). They know something we don't... more than just winning NPD. There's probably alot of internal data that we don't have access to that is showing them something bigger has happened in the US than just a blip on the map.

Sales momentum of their new console coming out? Thats the single worst reason you could give.

Look at what "sales momentum" of the PS4pro did to PS4 sales. Right now, all the momentum MS has is on the introduction of the slim and selling off older XB1 stock at really low prices. Once a box for the scorpio is shown, expect the effect it has to completely decimate sales of XB1s in anticipation of said box. It happened with the PS4 and it will happen with the scorpio. 

That internal data you mention could also as easily be showing them that they are fucked. Cause winning 4 months out of 12 in the one territory that you have a fighting chance isn't anything to be proud of. Point is, we don't know what that internal data suggests. But we do at least have a years worth of sales and full knowledge of everything that has happened in the market in retrospect to draw our conclusions. 

And next year, don't forget the switch is coming out. That thing is going to sell like crazy to the soccer mom crowd wanting to buy the newest best handheld/tablet/console for their kids. . Chances are Nintendo wins every NPD month from March through to December if the Switch is nearly as successful as it could be. Even if it's just on the merit of being a new console. 

I hope that we will have 3 consoles fighting for NPD's 1 spot again. That the Switch will be successful in the USA and WW.

Swordmasterman said:
Intrinsic said:

Sales momentum of their new console coming out? Thats the single worst reason you could give.

Look at what "sales momentum" of the PS4pro did to PS4 sales. Right now, all the momentum MS has is on the introduction of the slim and selling off older XB1 stock at really low prices. Once a box for the scorpio is shown, expect the effect it has to completely decimate sales of XB1s in anticipation of said box. It happened with the PS4 and it will happen with the scorpio. 

That internal data you mention could also as easily be showing them that they are fucked. Cause winning 4 months out of 12 in the one territory that you have a fighting chance isn't anything to be proud of. Point is, we don't know what that internal data suggests. But we do at least have a years worth of sales and full knowledge of everything that has happened in the market in retrospect to draw our conclusions. 

And next year, don't forget the switch is coming out. That thing is going to sell like crazy to the soccer mom crowd wanting to buy the newest best handheld/tablet/console for their kids. . Chances are Nintendo wins every NPD month from March through to December if the Switch is nearly as successful as it could be. Even if it's just on the merit of being a new console. 

I hope that we will have 3 consoles fighting for NPD's 1 spot again. That the Switch will be successful in the USA and WW.

That right there is absolutely best case scenario.  I would love to see it myself.