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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I finally beat a Final Fantasy game

I beat Final Fantasy XV (the main story, at least) tonight, and I can say that it's the first FF game I have actually finished. I have played every numbered entry in the series except for the MMO's, X-2 and Lightning Returns (if that counts) and until XV, I had never beaten one. I have been absolutely horrible at making an effort at finishing any of them. This is about how far I've made it through each one:

I: I'm on the final boss in the PSP/iOS remake
II: Barely played, made no significant progress
III: About 50% of the way through on a since deleted playthrough
IV: Favourite in the series, 80-90% through. Currently on the moon
V: 20-30% through
VI: 30-40% through
VII: 30-40% through
VIII: 5% through, also haven't touched much
IX: 20-30% through
X: 50%ish through
XII: Also barely touched, hated it, never going to try to finish
XIII: 80-90% through. On the 2nd last chapter
XIII-2: 20%ish through

As you can see, bad track record. Only reason I finished XV is because it was pretty easy. IV and X are the ones I most want to finish someday, as they're my 2 favourites. But once I stop playing an RPG, it's hard to go back to it. IV just requires a bunch of grinding where I'm at and I stopped X because I think I got a new game while I was playing it.

As for how I felt about XV, I thought everything before you leave the open world is absolutely fantastic. Had/having so much fun in there. But everything after you leave the open world was kinda bad, especially Chapter 13. Luckily for me, I only got excited for the game after the name change, so I'm not too disappointed after only waiting 2 or so years for the game. But if I had waited 10 years, I think I'd be disappointed in the game a little. Overall, might just barely crack my top 5 in the series.

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Congratulations. Its a really good final fantasy game. I just got out of chapter 13. That part was my least favourite part of the game.

I also beat it, i think I feel quite simulair, altough the open world and the game where fun. And the characters and story at times likeable, everything this game does has been done better by games like The Wither, Dragon age etc.

Also the story confused the hell out of me, and felt a but rushed at times, they should have added a few extra cutscenes and streamline everything a bit better and make it more epic.

Anyway, I would highly recommend you finish FFX since you got trough 50% and the ending 50% is the best ^^
Glad you finished it, it was also the shortest ever for sure. but at least it was a fun game, waiting 10 years like you said I can only imagine someone to be disappointed, But maybe others liked it a bit more then we did right


PS: bravely default was a better JRPG by sqaure in my opinion

Twitter @CyberMalistix

I rather enjoyed FFXV, and yeah it's definitely one of the easier Final Fantasy games; I also agree the story is rather short. I beat it in 35 hours but that's with a bunch of side quests I decided to do before finishing the story otherwise it would of only taken me like 20 hours to beat the story. Once you leave the open world; the story starts to just go by so quick.

Also I'm currently wanting to go back and play some of the older Final Fantasy games; starting with Final Fantasy IV and then VI as I hear pretty much universal praise for those two games.

It's certainly true that you don't need grinding in FFXV. It wouldn't be possible anyway with every enemy giving next to no XP and appearing only every few miles.

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Ka-pi96 said:
heh, I actually have the same problem with FF games (and RPGs in general). They`re hard to finish in one go because they`re so long, but it`s also really hard to get back in to them from where you left off. Usually I end up playing the first part of the game a lot of times and only actually finishing it like once or so.

Haven`t finished 4, played through to the moon on both the PS1 and Steam release though.

Haven`t finished 5, got maybe 40% through

Haven`t technically finished 7. I mean, I`ve finished it but only due to a cheat disc saves in the last dungeon. When I first played it I got stuck at that stupid bone village minigame since I could never find the item needed to progress in the story. Currently replaying it on PS4 though and am doing the disc 2 stuff for the first time ever.

Haven`t technically finished 8 either. Played most of it through, finished the game with cheat disc saves. Can`t remember which part I skipped although I know it wasn`t too much of the game. Played the 1st disc through like a hundred times or something though.

Finished 9 many times. It was an awesome game, what can I say?

Finished 10 once. Love the game but I`d rather just keep playing blitzball than finish the game

Finished 13 twice. Played through to near the end about 1 more time than I`ve finished it though.

Haven`t finished 13-2. Stopped playing it as soon as I found out you only get 2 people in your party. Really wasn`t happy with that, I mean I hate that the oldest FF games have a fixed party of 4 people but 4 is still so much better than 2!

2 people, yeah but 3 fighters since you can and should tame monsters to fight with you. I really liked that system as you were always looking for stronger ones to improve your party.

I am currently playing X which is my first ever Final Fantasy game. I have NO idea how far I am:  I am now playing as Yuna after trying to locate her for an extended period of time . I am hoping to make this my first ever Final Fantasy that I beat, and then i will move on to Final Fantasy VII.

Siosal said:

I am currently playing X which is my first ever Final Fantasy game. I have NO idea how far I am:  I am now playing as Yuna after trying to locate her for an extended period of time . I am hoping to make this my first ever Final Fantasy that I beat, and then i will move on to Final Fantasy VII.

FFVI beats them all. VII isn't even the best on PS1 that goes to IX. FFVII was just most peoples first game so it's the most well known but not really the best.


As for OP FFXV is decent but has a lot of dumb problems. It borrows a lot from better games but that's not really a bad thing. It's concept has been done before and a lot of design choices that are odd and somewhat dated. It's enjoyable but many things I would change. I will say this much. Best game bearing the name Final Fantasy since Final Fantasy XII in 2006. XII was pretty damn good even tho Vaan sucked.

vivster said:
It's certainly true that you don't need grinding in FFXV. It wouldn't be possible anyway with every enemy giving next to no XP and appearing only every few miles.

It is very much possible actually. Mob hunts and exploring around can give you huge experience points. This is specially more prevalent once you reach Duscae where there's wildlife almost everywhere. Defeating mini bosses roaming around the areas also give you a lot of XP. I grinded until Chapter 3 and reached level 54 until just before the battle with Titan.

Congrats! You should finish IV and XIII, since you are already pretty close

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