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I also beat it, i think I feel quite simulair, altough the open world and the game where fun. And the characters and story at times likeable, everything this game does has been done better by games like The Wither, Dragon age etc.

Also the story confused the hell out of me, and felt a but rushed at times, they should have added a few extra cutscenes and streamline everything a bit better and make it more epic.

Anyway, I would highly recommend you finish FFX since you got trough 50% and the ending 50% is the best ^^
Glad you finished it, it was also the shortest ever for sure. but at least it was a fun game, waiting 10 years like you said I can only imagine someone to be disappointed, But maybe others liked it a bit more then we did right


PS: bravely default was a better JRPG by sqaure in my opinion

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