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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Are Turn based RPGs Dead?

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Are turn-based RPGs in mainstream gaming Dead?

Yeah guys......I know its sad. :-( 61 28.50%
NOO!!!!! NEVER!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! 153 71.50%
JRPGfan said:
Do you guys consider the ATB system from final fantasy XIII as turn based?

It absolutely is. Xenoblade is turn based. There is a misconception turn based is just one thing. Dragon Quest. Not true. Dragon Age Origins is turn based. The basis of turn based is stats and timing. Turn based can be presented to look more action but the mechanics work the same. Your level your stats your timing all matter. ARPG stats don't determine timing. Closest to that is the Ys bump system which is stats and position not timing. So it's ALMOST turn based. Turn based does not always mean selecting from a menu. That is confusing actual mechanics with presentation. If your stats are important to the timing in a battle when you and a enemy attack that is the core basis of turn based.

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SegataSanshiro said:
JRPGfan said:
Do you guys consider the ATB system from final fantasy XIII as turn based?

It absolutely is. Xenoblade is turn based. There is a misconception turn based is just one thing. Dragon Quest. Not true. Dragon Age Origins is turn based. The basis of turn based is stats and timing. Turn based can be presented to look more action but the mechanics work the same. Your level your stats your timing all matter. ARPG stats don't determine timing. Closest to that is the Ys bump system which is stats and position not timing. So it's ALMOST turn based. Turn based does not always mean selecting from a menu. That is confusing actual mechanics with presentation. If your stats are important to the timing in a battle when you and a enemy attack that is the core basis of turn based.

I think you're confusing turn-based with menu-based.

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Azuren said:
SegataSanshiro said:

It absolutely is. Xenoblade is turn based. There is a misconception turn based is just one thing. Dragon Quest. Not true. Dragon Age Origins is turn based. The basis of turn based is stats and timing. Turn based can be presented to look more action but the mechanics work the same. Your level your stats your timing all matter. ARPG stats don't determine timing. Closest to that is the Ys bump system which is stats and position not timing. So it's ALMOST turn based. Turn based does not always mean selecting from a menu. That is confusing actual mechanics with presentation. If your stats are important to the timing in a battle when you and a enemy attack that is the core basis of turn based.

I think you're confusing turn-based with menu-based.

No I am not. People are. RPGs been playing them for 30 years. Best friend teaches game design. People think somehting like Xenoblade isn't turn based when it is. You have a swing timer in DAO which is based soley on your characters stats. All that is turn based.

SegataSanshiro said:
JRPGfan said:
Do you guys consider the ATB system from final fantasy XIII as turn based?

It absolutely is. Xenoblade is turn based. There is a misconception turn based is just one thing. Dragon Quest. Not true. Dragon Age Origins is turn based. The basis of turn based is stats and timing. Turn based can be presented to look more action but the mechanics work the same. Your level your stats your timing all matter. ARPG stats don't determine timing. Closest to that is the Ys bump system which is stats and position not timing. So it's ALMOST turn based. Turn based does not always mean selecting from a menu. That is confusing actual mechanics with presentation. If your stats are important to the timing in a battle when you and a enemy attack that is the core basis of turn based.

This matches my thoughts on it. Alot of people dont think this way though.

Intrinsic said:
Keybladewielder said:

Neither Ni no Kuni 2 or FFXII Hd are turn-based

But no, turn based games rpgs are not dead

ni no kuni may be slightky differrnt, bit its still a turn based system. You literwlly cant have a battle without pausing and inputting instructions/commands. 

FF12 is a full on turn based system. yes the gambit system automates a lot and in the mode where there isn't a wait mode combat seems real-time but it's still at heart a turn based system. 

To me, pick target, scroll through menu of possible commands, dish them out, wait for next command window to become available, rinse and repeat is the definition of a turn based system. it's why spells like haste in FF12 are important but don't even exist in FF15. 

In ni no kuni and ffxii your character can attack at the same time as the other characters, while in turn-based games you have to wait  for your turn to attack. Selecting from a menu =/=turn-based.

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Heh, one of the best selling games this gen is a turn based RPG (Pokemon)

There's still some love for them. I mostly enjoy them in Strategy RPGs like divinity original sin and wasteland 2. The likes of Pokemon and previous FF, i'm not that much of a fan anymore.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Like a lot of people said, there are a ton of turn based RPGs that remain. You have Pokemon, Persona, SMT, Etrian Odyssey,Dragon Quest, Neptunia, Fire Emblem, Legend of Heroes and so many other ones coming down the pipeline. They may becoming far more niche but they are far from dead.

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

Ka-pi96 said:
Not dead, but there`s no where near as many of them as there should be.

Oh, and to those saying FF12/Xenoblade are turn based... if they were then I would have liked them and I really don`t like them...

Jedi level senses over here... but yeah.

Turn based gameplay allows the developers to create a game that is both relaxing and a times stressful, when done well it really does add plenty to the experience.

Ka-pi96 said:
Azuren said:
No, but I believe for games like Final Fantasy it's time to let it continue evolving and to quit complaining about it moving in a better direction. There's still plenty of high profile IPs that use turn by turn, though, such as Bravely and Pokemon.

My personal belief, though, is that turn based is a relic from an age in gaming where real time combat was cumbersome and not worth the effort. Even the best of the best, like Zelda and Mana, still don't feel as fluid as they could be by today's standards. I don't believe it should stop being a thing... But less of it certainly doesn't hurt my feelings.

People aren`t complaining about it moving in a better direction. They`re complaining about it moving in a worse direction. You may disagree, but don`t try and say they`re arguing against things being better when in their view they`re doing the exact opposite.

pretty sure combat is not the main complain