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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Are Turn based RPGs Dead?

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Are turn-based RPGs in mainstream gaming Dead?

Yeah guys......I know its sad. :-( 61 28.50%
NOO!!!!! NEVER!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! 153 71.50%

Turn based JRPG AAA games are mostly gone simply because they did not sell enough. 7th gen of consoles was nothing else than Blitzkrieg of multiplayer FPS/TPP games, now with 8th gen we have the same story with open-world/multiplayer games.

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Augen said:
Not sure what constitutes alive or dead in this, but turn based has seemingly never been a dominant trend in western markets.

Not dominant, but mainstream. Turn based JRPGS were - back in the days - one of the best looking games in the market.

No, but I believe for games like Final Fantasy it's time to let it continue evolving and to quit complaining about it moving in a better direction. There's still plenty of high profile IPs that use turn by turn, though, such as Bravely and Pokemon.

My personal belief, though, is that turn based is a relic from an age in gaming where real time combat was cumbersome and not worth the effort. Even the best of the best, like Zelda and Mana, still don't feel as fluid as they could be by today's standards. I don't believe it should stop being a thing... But less of it certainly doesn't hurt my feelings.

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No, I hope not. I miss them so much. I miss also Front Mission RPGs =(

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Turn based RPGs are a fairly huge genre across mobile and handheld.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Intrinsic said:
2 of the three biggest RPGs coming next year, actually 3 of four are turn based.

FF12, No no Kuni 2 and persona 5

Neither Ni no Kuni 2 or FFXII Hd are turn-based

But no, turn based rpgs are not dead

Turn based combat will stay around for as long as people (mainstream) can stomach it, and Pokemon shows no signs of slowing down.

Keybladewielder said:
Intrinsic said:
2 of the three biggest RPGs coming next year, actually 3 of four are turn based.

FF12, No no Kuni 2 and persona 5

Neither Ni no Kuni 2 or FFXII Hd are turn-based

But no, turn based games rpgs are not dead

ni no kuni may be slightky differrnt, bit its still a turn based system. You literwlly cant have a battle without pausing and inputting instructions/commands. 

FF12 is a full on turn based system. yes the gambit system automates a lot and in the mode where there isn't a wait mode combat seems real-time but it's still at heart a turn based system. 

To me, pick target, scroll through menu of possible commands, dish them out, wait for next command window to become available, rinse and repeat is the definition of a turn based system. it's why spells like haste in FF12 are important but don't even exist in FF15. 

The "wait" addition in FFXV latest patch is proof that they are in a coma at worst.

Not really. I beat one, recently, Bravely Default, and I am currently playing another one, Dragon Quest 7. I've also got two more that I will be playing soon in Dragon Quest 8 and Bravely Second, as well as another I will be playing this spring in Persona 5. Also Pokémon.