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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: New 3D Mario POSSIBLY A Nintendo Switch Launch Title!

My "New Mario available on March 10th" prediction is more and more beliavable as time goes on

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Soundwave said:
It doesn't really make business sense. Period. Even movie studios don't open two big movies the same weekend for a reason.

People need to get out of the bubble of the "internet fanboy warz". Having the "greatest launch evar1" might make some feel warm and fuzzy for internet bragging rights but it's probably not smart business.

And if they do that they damn well better NOT have the same problem the Wii U/3DS/even Wii and DS had with mediocre software support in month 2/3/4. They better have a big game for this period too because it's just as important, maybe even more important than a launch lineup. We saw the Wii U and 3DS completely come of its wheels with its post launch lineup.

If that happens again to Switch, no matter how good the launch lineup is, Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves.

You are wrong. Totally make business sense if they want that Switch have higher chances for succes and to be very popular out of gate. Comparing with movies doesn't make any sense because movies sell just itself while great games are selling whole console and other games with it.

Lol, that doesn't have anything with "internet fanboy wars", it has with clear sense. Let's look at few facts: Switch will be launch in middle of generation with very strong competition with around 80-90 m established user base and that will has new variations of their consoles, it will be launched in March, it coming after worst selling Nintendo console ever. If Nintendo really wants Switch to succeed they need to have very strong launch lineup, to bring attention of industry despite PS/Xbox consoles on market, and that could people want to buy With right away at launch because already great available exclusives.

They want, Nintendo several times said they will also have very stong post launch period, they several times said that 1st year is most important for platform. Wii U got 1st strong game (Mario 3D World) at beginning of second year (when Wii U was already dead), while Wii for instance has two very strong system sellers right of gate, Nintendo it seems want to do something similar with Switch and possible 3D Mario and new Zelda.

StarOcean said:
It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

Everything she said about Switch is true for now, including ports of Splatoon and Mario Kart.

Soundwave said:
StarOcean said:
It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

Uh aside from getting everything on the Switch concept correct, even the screen size apparently?

She's been redeemed with the NX stuff, clearly she has some sources. 

Anyway's its not really shocking a new Mario would be ready at this point. Super Mario 3D World was finished in fall 2013 ... that means the main EAD Tokyo team will have had more than 3 full years to work on this game. 

They're overdue for a new game if anything. 

Yes, because those were not already leaked from different forums before she said it? They were. I saw them. Same way her "Switch" reveal date happened to occur 3 days after Takashi Mochizuki said it would. No, she's full of shit and didn't reveal anything. The only credit I give her for is tricking people into believing her, which is, quite sad

Miyamotoo said:
StarOcean said:
It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

Everything she said about Switch is true for now, including ports of Splatoon and Mario Kart.

Things that were predicted before she said it, yes

Around the Network
Soundwave said:
Miyamotoo said:

Actually make sense if they want to have very strong launch and make very attractive console right of gate.

If they launch both games on Switch launch that doesn't mean later will be drought.

It doesn't make sense even from that POV. There's only a set amount of units available for launch anyway and those are likely to sell out no matter what just with Zelda. 

Most systems sell their initial stock no problem. 

Nintendo's problem has been their post launch periods have been atrocious. 

So moving Mario into that slot would make way more sense. 

I'd say there's almost 0 chance Nintendo would launch them on the same day, even if they are both 100% complete. Just bad usage of resources. 

I'd argue its a bit more complex then that. The Switch could launch without Zelda or Mario and still likely sell out at launch, its more a question of creating momentum. Creating a massive splash in one period of time can have lasting effects beyond said period, arguably one that could be more powerful then spreading it out in smaller seperate splashes. Its why manufacturers will make a price cut coincide with a huge game. Both things independently act as a selling point, together they can pass a threshold they would have failed to do alone in terms making the console seem a desirable purchase.

I think Nintendo want the Switch to be seen as a unescapable must have from day one. Wii U's momentum died very suddenly because it was never a must have system to begin with. Beyond that core gamers have been left very skepticle of Nintendo. A steady drip drop of software may not be as provocative a marketing tactic as Nintendo launching with one of the best launch line ups of all time.  Further more we're assuming Nintendo doesn't have an abundance of titles to spread throughout a year. Once they've established that momentum they can offered to slow down and leave bigger gaps between their software releases. 

I could see Nintendo going either way with this.

StarOcean said:
Miyamotoo said:

Everything she said about Switch is true for now, including ports of Splatoon and Mario Kart.

Things that were predicted before she said it, yes

Actually some Switch infos we heard from her first, like Nvidia instead of AMD.

Miyamotoo said:
Soundwave said:
It doesn't really make business sense. Period. Even movie studios don't open two big movies the same weekend for a reason.

People need to get out of the bubble of the "internet fanboy warz". Having the "greatest launch evar1" might make some feel warm and fuzzy for internet bragging rights but it's probably not smart business.

And if they do that they damn well better NOT have the same problem the Wii U/3DS/even Wii and DS had with mediocre software support in month 2/3/4. They better have a big game for this period too because it's just as important, maybe even more important than a launch lineup. We saw the Wii U and 3DS completely come of its wheels with its post launch lineup.

If that happens again to Switch, no matter how good the launch lineup is, Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves.

You are wrong. Totally make business sense if they want that Switch have higher chances for succes and to be very popular out of gate. Comparing with moves doesn't make any sense because movies sell just itself while great games are selling whole console and other games with it.

Lol, that doesn't have anything with "internet fanboy wars", it has with clear sense. Let's look at few facts: Switch will be launch in middle of generation with very strong competition with around 80-90 m established user base and that will has new variations of their consoles, it will be launched in March, it coming after worst selling Nintendo console ever. If Nintendo really wants Switch to succeed they need to have very strong launch lineup, to bring attention of industry despite PS/Xbox consoles on market, and that could people want to buy With right away at launch because already great available exclusives.

They want, Nintendo several times said they will also have very stong post launch period, they several times said that 1st year is most important for platform. Wii U got 1st strong game (Mario 3D World) at beginning of second year (when Wii U was already dead), while Wii for instance has two very strong system sellers right of gate, Nintendo it seems want to do something similar with Switch and possible 3D Mario and new Zelda.

It's stupid for a myriad of reasons. It hurts third parties and will turn them off from the get go. You may think it's a great idea, ask Capcom if they think it's a great idea, you'll probably get a different answer. It creates a probable post-launch lull, which was the MAIN problem with the 3DS and Wii U. It wasn't the launch itself that was problematic for either system, it was the period of month 2/3/4/5 where things fell apart. 

It even hurts Zelda and Mario IMO. These are probably games that require a nice window to be enjoyed on their own and appreciated that way, shoving two games like that together is not good for either one. 

Also again Wii U and 3DS did not have a problem with their launches. Both sold out basically their launch shipments, the post launch period shold be priority number 1 for Nintendo actually. 

Zelda alone will get the "I'm a Nintendo fan but I don't buy a Nintendo system without a big game" stick-up-his/her-ass Nintendo fan to buy at launch anyway. No need to overkill that. 

Miyamotoo said:
StarOcean said:

Things that were predicted before she said it, yes

Actually some Switch infos we heard from her first, like Nvidia instead of AMD.

That's not new info and was speculated months before she said it

Soundwave said:
Miyamotoo said:

You are wrong. Totally make business sense if they want that Switch have higher chances for succes and to be very popular out of gate. Comparing with moves doesn't make any sense because movies sell just itself while great games are selling whole console and other games with it.

Lol, that doesn't have anything with "internet fanboy wars", it has with clear sense. Let's look at few facts: Switch will be launch in middle of generation with very strong competition with around 80-90 m established user base and that will has new variations of their consoles, it will be launched in March, it coming after worst selling Nintendo console ever. If Nintendo really wants Switch to succeed they need to have very strong launch lineup, to bring attention of industry despite PS/Xbox consoles on market, and that could people want to buy With right away at launch because already great available exclusives.

They want, Nintendo several times said they will also have very stong post launch period, they several times said that 1st year is most important for platform. Wii U got 1st strong game (Mario 3D World) at beginning of second year (when Wii U was already dead), while Wii for instance has two very strong system sellers right of gate, Nintendo it seems want to do something similar with Switch and possible 3D Mario and new Zelda.

It's stupid for a myriad of reasons. It hurts third parties and will turn them off from the get go. It creates a probable post-launch lull, which was the MAIN problem with the 3DS and Wii U. It wasn't the launch itself that was problematic for either system, it was the period of month 2/3/4/5 where things fell apart. 

It even hurts Zelda and Mario IMO. These are probably games that require a nice window to be enjoyed on their own and appreciated that way, shoving two games like that together is not good for either one. 

Also again Wii U and 3DS did not have a problem with their launches. Both sold out basically their launch shipments, the post launch period shold be priority number 1 for Nintendo actually. 

Zelda alone will get the "I'm a Nintendo fan but I don't buy a Nintendo system without a big game" stick-up-his/her-ass Nintendo fan to buy at launch anyway. No need to overkill that. 

So because 3rd party (most likely inferior ports) Nintendo don't need to have strong launch games!? :D  Main task for Nintendo is to make Switch selling, is Switch is selling and games will sale also, if Switch does not sell, sales of game will bad. You assume if they launch Mario and Zelda they will have post-lunch lull, but you dont know that, Nintendo itself said they will have strong post launch period also.

I want heart them, it didnt hear Wii Sports and Zelda TP, relly great games will sell great.

Of Course that Wii U/3DS had problems with launch lineup, they didn't had any must have game on launch, and actually reason to buy console at launch. Thats beacuse only hardcore Nintendo fans buyed 3DS/Wii U at launch despite they werent must have games, but great games at launch attract also people that are not just fans, look at Wii with Wii Sports and Zelda TP and compare that with 3DS/WiiU.

3D Zelda and 3D Mario attract different type of consumers, it's perfect combination.