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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Shadow1980 said:
tak13 said:

Seeing New 3ds xl rankings, which warms my heart, I guess that people agree with Nintendo that switch isn't replacing 3DS...

Announcements of new systems don't ever have any visible effect on sales of systems they're replacing. However, the actual release of new systems does have an effect that is almost always immediate and pronounced. DS sales were already declining before the 3DS came out, but started to absolutely crater once the 3DS was released. The DS wasn't doing amazing when it first came out, but even then it caused GBA sales to have a noticeably sharp dive. We see the same pattern in other product lines besides Nintendo handhelds. Perhaps the only time a new system didn't have an immediate effect on its predecessor's sales was the PS3 in the U.S., and that might have had something to do with the $500 price tag at launch. It wasn't until the PS3 was reduced to $400 that the PS2's decline in sales started to experience a pronounced acceleration. But that was one exception for a rule that seems to be true in every other case.

Since the Switch doubles as both a home console and a handheld, and will likely be marketed as such (the reveal video even focused more on its portability than the fact that it's also playable at home on your TV), I expect it to cause an immediate and pronounced YoY drop in 3DS sales. The 3DS is doing fine now, but it could very well be a last gasp. The 3DS will almost certainly be down quite a bit in 2017, by holiday 2018 it will likely be dead in the water sales-wise, and it could be discontinued before the end of 2019.

The actual word and push from Nintendo though is that it is a home console that is portable, not a handheld.  And yes, there is a difference.  I bet it will be marketed straight at the console audience first because of 1) price (the Switch will be WAY too expensive for a handheld), 2) battery life (early models I bet will have ok battery life at best), and 3) the 3DS is currently riding a bit of a wave and is making them easy money.  So they'll ride the wave until a price drop makes the Switch a more plausible option for the handheld devotees and then you'll see your handheld IPs make the jump in larger numbers and a shift in marketing tone.  For now, portability will be pushed as a feature, but the system won't be framed as a handheld.

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CGI-Quality said:
tbone51 said:

I know FF is huge and will sell well but do people really think its going to push ps4s that much? I mean it seems many think this game is on another level in terms of system sellers. 


Ps4 going to do well with the pro and cuz of the holidays. FF will help but i dont think it will be the reason whg ps4s sell x amount of hw imo

The point is that the game will help. That's all it needs to do.

Yep . Basically you're saying it will be a factor and I'd agree. 


Great to see the Pro rising high.  FFXV tracking well too.  


Pokemon doing big numbers.  I wonder will they hold top spot until launch or will cod sneak in there. 

Kerotan said:
CGI-Quality said:

The point is that the game will help. That's all it needs to do.

Yep . Basically you're saying it will be a factor and I'd agree. 


Great to see the Pro rising high.  FFXV tracking well too.  


Pokemon doing big numbers.  I wonder will they hold top spot until launch or will cod sneak in there. 

Yes ff15 will sell ps4's maybe not that  much in the  West  but definitely  in japan.

8 hours since last update:


#12 PS4 Pro (same)
#34 PSVR Headset (down 1)
#38 N3DSXL Lime (up 3)
#42 PS4s UC4 Bundle (down 5)
#43 PS4 Fool's Edition (down 5)
#55 PS4 UC4 Bundle (down 9)
#77 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (down 11)
#78 N3DSXL Galaxy (down 9)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#01 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#02 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#39 PSVR Robinson The Journey (same)

PS4: 4 in the top 100 / 3 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10
XB1: 1 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10


The PS5 Exists. 

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Ok, the fact that Pokémon is still first with both version is just madness...

CGI-Quality said:
tbone51 said:

I know FF is huge and will sell well but do people really think its going to push ps4s that much? I mean it seems many think this game is on another level in terms of system sellers. 


Ps4 going to do well with the pro and cuz of the holidays. FF will help but i dont think it will be the reason whg ps4s sell x amount of hw imo

The point is that the game will help. That's all it needs to do.

Well yeah the game will help obviously like watchdogs2/titanfall2/etc, i was talkin more about being a system seller (better than avg) like how destiny was back in 2014 for ex.

People still talk about Titanfall 2 as a big release, are serius guys?

After those UK sales i would say is pretty obvius Titanfall 2 is a niche game.

Ryng_Tolu said:
People still talk about Titanfall 2 as a big release, are serius guys?

After those UK sales i would say is pretty obvius Titanfall 2 is a niche game.

Niche? That's really not true and I bet the game will have some good legs due to the reviews and customer reception.

walsufnir said:
Ryng_Tolu said:
People still talk about Titanfall 2 as a big release, are serius guys?

After those UK sales i would say is pretty obvius Titanfall 2 is a niche game.

Niche? That's really not true and I bet the game will have some good legs due to the reviews and customer reception.

It Sold less than Games like The Order 1886, and is just Over what Street Fighter V sold first week in UK.

I Said all.