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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

bunchanumbers said:
mrstickball said:

Not really. I think Trump's thing is that he at least respects adversaries.... Not wanting open war with them. He's generally been pretty anti-war since on the campaign trail... Negative on Iraq, Syria, Libya, and others. With that kind of lean-in for disliking such things, you really don't want the Russians as an adversary.

He claims to be anti war but he was right there wanting war and lying about it years later. Its hard to trust anyone who lies 71% of the time. Plus he already has multiple ties with Russia. I coudn't trust him. He has no real answer to fix the obamacare, his usual reply to policy is 'we're gonna make it the greatest you've ever seen. You're gonna be so proud.' That's not a real policy. He has no real answers. I can't believe a guy got this far by using general statements. Not even talking about his 'secret plan' to defeat the terrorists. He offers nothing real.

Politifact scores people based on political affiliation, not truth, sad to say. 

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Trump is gonna win, Comey knows it!

Too bad now, Hillary gets to blame her loss on Comey's unprofessionalism despite the fact that she's gonna lose regardless

US election: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in poll for first time since May in wake of email scandal

The scandal that followed Hillary for years is just now affecting her? Ok

New theory: the "pro-Trump" faction of the FBI leaked the emails to Wikileaks as leverage against the administration/"pro-Hillary" faction of the FBI. If Trump wins they'll never see the light of day. If Hillary wins they leak and all hell breaks loose.

badgenome said:
New theory: the "pro-Trump" faction of the FBI leaked the emails to Wikileaks as leverage against the administration/"pro-Hillary" faction of the FBI. If Trump wins they'll never see the light of day. If Hillary wins they leak and all hell breaks loose.

Just for clarification: are head of FBI/'Pro-Trump' FBI faction Putin's agents? ))

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Sharu said:

Just for clarification: are head of FBI/'Pro-Trump' FBI faction Putin's agents? ))

Everyone is a Putin agent, but they're all working under a double blind so they don't realize that everyone else is also a Putin agent.

badgenome said:
New theory: the "pro-Trump" faction of the FBI leaked the emails to Wikileaks as leverage against the administration/"pro-Hillary" faction of the FBI. If Trump wins they'll never see the light of day. If Hillary wins they leak and all hell breaks loose.

That's fine. Trump doesn't need leaked emails to win

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Reeks of desperation now that polls are painting a clearer picture (suddenly).

In a week's time the political election in the USA will be all over and a new President will emerge. Under President Trump the US will embrace freedom, democracy and the return of Capitalism. Under Clinton it will be a continuation of the mayhem of the Obama policy agenda. It is clear cut do you want the good honest President Trump or the bad corrupt Clinton as your President?

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
good honest President Trump or the bad corrupt Clinton as your President?

Neither of them are honest, Trump contradicts himself everytime he opens his mouth. "I didn't say that" Que video footage of him saying exactly "that".

Don't kid yourself into thinking either are good choices, Trump is a moron.

LurkerJ said:

That's fine. Trump doesn't need leaked emails to win

For now. If the election were held today he'd likely win. But it's possible that they ("they" being either the Dems or the NeverTrumpers) have been holding back something for the last minute, like another really damaging video or audio of him. If there is and they release it on Friday it would dominate the weekend news and he'd have no chance to react and no time to recover.