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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

Regardless of what happens with the email investigation, I'm still not voting for Donald Trump.

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method114 said:
Here's Hillary Clinton discussing rigging elections in other countries

One of the wisest things I've heard coming out of her mouth

Soundwave said:
badgenome said:


Anyway, all they said was that the activity was consistent with Russia's methods and motivations. They're just pushing the party line.

Who is Paul Manafort and how did he end up running the Trump campaign. 

Also Trump's own son has stated Trump has a large portion of his business assets are in Russia. 

Russia has been offered something very sweet if Trump wins (which is basically treason) IMO.

Clinton has ties with Russia to. She sold them large amounts or uranium and Podesta has his daughter with huge investments in Russia.

Trump voters believe any info they get either its true or not... kinda sad really...

jesus christ people there isn't some kind of conspiracy against Trump..

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Naum said:
Trump voters believe any info they get either its true or not... kinda sad really...

jesus christ people there isn't some kind of conspiracy against Trump..

But the election is rigged!! Donald Trump said so!!



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VGPolyglot said:
However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

Most of America is too zombified for a revolution.

Naum said:
Trump voters believe any info they get either its true or not... kinda sad really...

jesus christ people there isn't some kind of conspiracy against Trump..

The media has never been so biased in their coverage against any candidate, ever. If they skew their coverage, why would they not skew their polls as well?

She was dumb with how she stored her email. Really not the biggest issue of the election for me.

NobleTeam360 said:
VGPolyglot said:
However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

Most of America is too zombified for a revolution.

It's either "Red" or "Blue." Not good.

Soundwave said:
badgenome said:

Dude, she deleted 33,000 of them the day after they were subpoenaed. This isn't about not following security protocols. This is about committing a crime to cover up an even bigger crime.

Bottom line is anything from those emails harming anyone in the US? Yes or no? 

Trump has an entire foreign government hacking emails on his behest (which is borderline treason, but hey lets give that a pass by the way, it's just a funny joke when Trump does something like that), Wikileaks, and all that. 

They haven't found one email that shows anything of any real importance. 

She screwed up an email protocol, a protocol that quite frankly she shouldn't be in charge of anyway. That doesn't make Trump a better candidate. It simply does not. 

The bottom line is she broke Confidential Protocol, then destroyed evidence, then lied about it. That's three laws.

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