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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Beyond Good & Evil Reboot is certainly a Nintendo Switch exclusivity

Bandorr said:
Well seeing as she didn't even spell sequel right..

I see no reason to believe it until they prove it. There is nothing to gain, so why not wait?

I was about to type the same thing. I certainly don't believe that it's exclusive until we here something definitive.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

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I wouldn't say rumors are certainties D:

But would be nice to have

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Came here to say "Whaaaaaa?!", but can only say "Huuuh?" Why would she post this if it's not confirmed?

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Timed exclusive, maybe. I just don't see why UBI would ever tie a game like this to one system. Zombi U andthe rabbids series ade sense at the time, but BG&E would be perfectly marketable on Xbox and PlayStation.

Hope not. That awful zombie game comes to mind.

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foodfather said:
Hope not. That awful zombie game comes to mind.

Not sure what you mean here. You hope BG&E isn't exclusive because you thought Zombi was bad?

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Do you think Nintendo will make the same mistake as with making Bayonetta 2 exclusive? It upset a lot of gamers.

I'm just happy that it looks like it will end up on NX, whether is multiplat or exclusive doesn't matter much to me.

Slimebeast said:
Do you think Nintendo will make the same mistake as with making Bayonetta 2 exclusive? It upset a lot of gamers.

Depends on whether or not it is their dime that is paying for developement. If it's UbiSoft it is a timed exclusive, if its Nintendo funding it like they did with Bayo 2 it will be exclusive.

Slimebeast said:
Do you think Nintendo will make the same mistake as with making Bayonetta 2 exclusive? It upset a lot of gamers.

That wasn't on Nintendo though. Platinum couldn't get anyone to fund the game. Nintendo stepped in. They ain't about to fund game for everyone else to play but Nintendo gamers. Same difference with games like Dead Rising 3 and Street Fighter V.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron