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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Direct Feed Games: NX Is 3-4x The Wii U, Nvidia Pascal Tegra GPU

I certainly hope it at least has a 4kUHD player.

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


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Soundwave said:

The NX is almost certainly going to have a larger battery than your phone. Because it has to have one to run that Tegra X1 chip, that means for whatever non-gaming tasks it does, the battery life for *that* should actually be pretty good. 

720p I think is a smarter resolution choice for that screen size. Higher would just needlessly drain the battery. 

Most people don't take pictures with their tablet, so I don't think that's a big issue with the NX (the camera). 

The rumoured NX just doesn't appeal to the Tablet Marke, no 720p is not fine for this market. It's fine for a handheld gaming device, but not a tablet. Camera IS a big deal on Tablets. Basically everything other than gaming is bad, the tablet market will stick with casually playing angry birds and candy crush when they feel the need to game. Most people who own a tablet spend the vast majority of their time on it performing NON-GAMING activities, the one area the NX has an advantage in.

Tablet Gaming is niche.

Barkley said:
Soundwave said:

The NX is almost certainly going to have a larger battery than your phone. Because it has to have one to run that Tegra X1 chip, that means for whatever non-gaming tasks it does, the battery life for *that* should actually be pretty good. 

720p I think is a smarter resolution choice for that screen size. Higher would just needlessly drain the battery. 

Most people don't take pictures with their tablet, so I don't think that's a big issue with the NX (the camera). 

The rumoured NX just doesn't appeal to the Tablet Marke, no 720p is not fine for this market. It's fine for a handheld gaming device, but not a tablet. Camera IS a big deal on Tablets. Basically everything other than gaming is bad, the tablet market will stick with casually playing angry birds and candy crush when they feel the need to game. Most people who own a tablet spend the vast majority of their time on it performing NON-GAMING activities, the one area the NX has an advantage in.

Tablet Gaming is niche.

Depends on what you consider niche. I'm in airports due to my job all the time, and I constantly see kids, even in the same family with multiple tablets playing games. 

Like on a flight two weeks ago, I was in an airport with two kids playing some first-person-shooter on their tablet. 

I see virtually zero 3DS or Vita. Kids are definitely playing on these devices, they're even playing more than just "Candy Crush" on them from what I'm seeing. I'm guessing Nintendo did extensive research on kids and probably realized the same thing. 

If the NX was $500 like an iPad is then yes, I would agree 720p is too low, for a device that's likely going to be $250-$300 max and can double as a home console and play "real" Nintendo games on top of potentially doing "tablet stuff", to me that's a fair sized bargain actually. 

Beyond that I think even though I certainly wouldn't mind some traditional "Nintendo PS4" console, I think Nintendo fucked themselves this gen by giving Sony such a head start. They needed to compete head on in 2011/12, now it's too late for this cycle. 

Sony is not going to be beaten now, not with like a bloody 50+ million unit lead, trying to compete directly now will go worse for Nintendo than the GameCube did (Sony was only 20 million ahead then). It's too late for that type of device. They either need to make a console that's Scorpio+ (Playstation 5) in power now or go this route, going the middle route is akin to walking in the middle of the high way -- you're going to get run over. 

Barkley said:
Miyamotoo said:

Device that aiming at handheld users and home console in same time, with affordable price. That seems like mass appealing.

It's sure aiming at handheld and home console, but it doesn't sound appealing to either, let's look at the three seperate markets the device could appeal to.

Handheld Market - The rumoured 6.2 inch is far too large to appeal to a large chunk of this audience, and the removable controls if anything hinder this even further making the device seem clumsy and unrefined.

Tablet Market - Nintendo putting out the hardware that matters to the tablet crowd is HIGHLY unlikely. 720p is unacceptable in this market, Camera is important and will no doubt be horrendous on the NX. Access to Google Play or IOS Store is also a very big deal, the NX will have terrible app support in comparison to Android/IOS. Battery Life will most likely be much worse than any decent tablet as well.

Home Console Market - As a Home Console it is not only underpowered but also apparently 3 seperate entities, The NX, The Docking Station and a Compute Unit, again the device being seperate entities makes the whole thing feel clumsy and unrefined and not a desirable product for the living room.


Market NX Will Attract - Nintendo Die Hard fans, and the Niche market looking for a dedicated gaming tablet.


The rumoured NX tries to be both a device for portable gaming and home gaming. Due to this it is a mediocre handheld console, awful tablet and a fairly mediore home console.


Miyamotoo said:

They basicly amining for mobile users that want upgrade (there is huge gap on market betwin mobile gamers and PS4/XB1 gamers).

The rumoured NX is not appealing to the smartphone/tablet market in the slightest, other then a very very niche subsection.

6.2" isnt relly big for today market, curently 5.5" phones are becoming standard.

Point is that people will want more complex games, not to upgrade their tablets.

It actualy very simple, you have handheld unit and dock, you take your handheld unit on go and you use dock when you play at home, so its dont "feel clumsy and unrefined and not a desirable product for the living room" at all.



Market NX Will Attract:

-Nintendo fans (not die hard Nintendo fans only but evre NIntendo fan out there because you have handheld and home console in one and full support from handheld and home console Nintendo teams).

-Casual market. With good marketing, great launch and 1st year lineup and affordable price, definitely there will some casuals on board.

-Mobile gamers who will want to go on next level (Nintendo itself said that main reason of their mobile games is to use it like bridge for their dedicated platforms). You don't realise that there is huge gap on market between mobile games and PS4/XB1, and definitely NX bring some of mobile gamers.

-PS4/XB1 owners who wants secondary console,who want to have handheld and home console in one at affordable price and where they can play great and beautiful Nintendo games.


If rumours is correct, NX will be great handheld console (nothing imply that will be mediocre lol) and much better and strong home console than Wii U.

Barkley said:
Miyamotoo said:

So what if NX failes, they have tons of money they will just try again.

Because the longer they fail the further their reputation plummets, one more failure and they'll be a laughing stock in the home console market, if not as a platofrm holder in general. If the NX really fails (less than 25 million LTD) then they will not try again if they have any sense.

Reputation doesn't mean anything, it only comes to how much your current product is popular and how much is selling.

Around the Network
Soundwave said:

Depends on what you consider niche. I'm in airports due to my job all the time, and I constantly see kids, even in the same family with multiple tablets playing games. 

Like on a flight two weeks ago, I was in an airport with two kids playing some first-person-shooter on their tablet. 

I see virtually zero 3DS or Vita. Kids are definitely playing on these devices, they're even playing more than just "Candy Crush" on them from what I'm seeing. I'm guessing Nintendo did extensive research on kids and probably realized the same thing. 

If the NX was $500 like an iPad is then yes, I would agree 720p is too low, for a device that's likely going to be $250-$300 max and can double as a home console and play "real" Nintendo games on top of potentially doing "tablet stuff", to me that's a fair sized bargain actually. 

I'm going to have to wait till the official reveal before giving any more thoughts, the rumours point towards a device with very limited appeal imo, but the actual reveal and concrete information on various features may change my mind.

It IS possible that what we've heard CAN be a device with moderate appeal, the device may still be as the rumours say whilst not being what I imagined in the slightest. There is just too many IF'S and speculation at the moment.

I really don't see the NX running android and I'm not sure it'll be $300 either.

Miyamotoo said:
Barkley said:

Because the longer they fail the further their reputation plummets, one more failure and they'll be a laughing stock in the home console market, if not as a platofrm holder in general. If the NX really fails (less than 25 million LTD) then they will not try again if they have any sense.

Reputation doesn't mean anything, it only comes to how much your current product is popular and how much is selling.


Reputation means everything, when it comes to both public perception AND relations with outside companies.

The worse your reputation the harder it is to create a succesful popular product and the harder it is to negotiate and recieve support from other companies and studios.

Miyamotoo said:

Thats point, NX is again Blue strategie, again will have affordable price and gimmick. Last 2 years of wasteland but despite that Wii sold more than 100m, thats huge succes. Wii U was totally different than Wii and it seems want do well basically from start.

So what if NX failes, they have tons of money they will just try again. Saying that, nothing tells it will fail, they aiming mass appealing with affordable price, and they merged they software units.

Again, who cares about how much less powerful is than Xbox Scorpio if have great and beautiful games that can't be played anywhere else, if its handheld and home console in one, if have affordable price!?

720p for handheld screen not for TV and you really don't need more 720p for handheld, VIta has 540p and majority of Vita games ever run at lower resolution and games still look great. It asumed that will be 720p for handheld mode and 1080p in docked mode when you play on TV.

And that was why I said it needs to sell for $99-$149 at the very most. This thing is going to be a underpowered, gimmicky mess with detachable controllers, a base, a 720p screen, and lord knows what else. If they're trying to sell this thing for $299 or more, its going to tank instantly. $99 more dollars than NX at $299 will get you the PS4 Pro and an established library of 3rd party and exclusive games, on top of access to services like PS Vue and PS Now.

$99 more than that will most likely get you the Scorpio which will be 10 times more powerful, and have access to 360, and Xbox One games along with W10 functionality and 4K blurays.

If Nintendo seriously wants to remain viable as a game company, they need to see how gaming is trending, and act appropriately. Not just predict the gimmick. They need the power to have modern games on their machines. Every failure brings them further and further into obscurity as a hardware maker. They may still have billions, but they won't have the publics ear the next time they unveil a machine at this rate.

Barkley said:
Miyamotoo said:

Reputation doesn't mean anything, it only comes to how much your current product is popular and how much is selling.


Reputation means everything, when it comes to both public perception AND relations with outside companies.

The worse your reputation the harder it is to create a succesful popular product and the harder it is to negotiate and recieve support from other companies and studios.

Yup it also shows good will towards a company and their products. People bought PS4 at launch and for the first 2 years because of the promise of games further down the road. Even though the launch window lineup was lacking. Nintendo isn't affforded that luxury anymore. Wii U sales didn't jump until MK8 launched. Same with 3DS. They didn't see 3DS sales pick up until after a price drop.

Barkley said:
Miyamotoo said:

Reputation doesn't mean anything, it only comes to how much your current product is popular and how much is selling.


Reputation means everything, when it comes to both public perception AND relations with outside companies.

The worse your reputation the harder it is to create a succesful popular product and the harder it is to negotiate and recieve support from other companies and studios.


Why after GC (Nintendo worst selling console at date) Wii become Nintendo best selling console ever if reputation is so important, why after PS2 best selling console of all time PS3 had terrible first two years and become worst selling PS console if reputation is so important, why Xbox360 sold 3x more than OR Xbox and on pair with PS3 while PS2 sold 5x more than OR Xbox if reputation is so important, why after most suscfule Nintendo generation ever and their best selling console ever Wii U become they worst selling console ever if reputation is so important!? 

Like I wrote reputation don't mean anything in console market for buyers, all comes to how much you current or new product is good and appealing.