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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Price of Persia: The forgotten Sands

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I have it on the 360 beat it once might go back to playing it again eventually but I got to beat the cell shaded on first (Prince of Persia 2008).

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I still have a sealed copy from whenever it came out. I liked the cel shaded POP that came out before this one. Should really download this since I have some space on my HD now.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

gintama said:
it is not as enjoyable as the first 3

Its not as enjoyable as the cell shaded on either (Prince of Persia 2008) even though I still haven't beaten that one yet.

Trunkin said:
Have you played The Sands of Time? How does it compare, in your experience? PoP 2009(8?) Soured me to the series, so I didn't even consider picking up the Forgotten Sands.

This is my first experience with the series and I'm only playing it thanks to ps plus. 


About half way through the game now and I'm struggling to put it down.  Excellent and fun gameplay.  


I've fully adjusted to ps3 level graphics now and it looks fantastic. 

I got it for like $5 during some Xbox Live sale years ago. I liked it better than the 2008 PoP game but I still haven't finished it. It wasn't bad. I need to take a day and play it since i loved all of the 6th gen games. Hell, I may have it for PS3, too. I don't know.

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I've been playing it for the last 4 hours since my above reply. Couldn't put it down. Almost at the last fight. Going to finish it off tomorrow. Excellent ps plus game.

Kerotan said:
I've been playing it for the last 4 hours since my above reply. Couldn't put it down. Almost at the last fight. Going to finish it off tomorrow. Excellent ps plus game.

Have you played the original PS2 triology?

LurkerJ said:
Kerotan said:
I've been playing it for the last 4 hours since my above reply. Couldn't put it down. Almost at the last fight. Going to finish it off tomorrow. Excellent ps plus game.

Have you played the original PS2 triology?

Those games wheren't really a PS2 trilogy since they where also available on the Gamecube and original X-Box and the X-Box version looked the best.  Plus Prince of Persia the Sand of Times had additional bonus content on the X-Box since you could unlock the orginal version of Prince of Persia 2 while the PS2 and Gamecube version only had the original version of the first Prince of Persia game as unlockable content. 

Chris Hu said:
LurkerJ said:

Have you played the original PS2 triology?

Those games wheren't really a PS2 trilogy since they where also available on the Gamecube and original X-Box and the X-Box version looked the best.  Plus Prince of Persia the Sand of Times had additional bonus content on the X-Box since you could unlock the orginal version of Prince of Persia 2 while the PS2 and Gamecube version only had the original version of the first Prince of Persia game as unlockable content. 

Question was aimed Kerotan, we could safely assume he had a PS2 XD

Kerotan said:
Trunkin said:
Have you played The Sands of Time? How does it compare, in your experience? PoP 2009(8?) Soured me to the series, so I didn't even consider picking up the Forgotten Sands.

This is my first experience with the series and I'm only playing it thanks to ps plus. 


About half way through the game now and I'm struggling to put it down.  Excellent and fun gameplay.  


I've fully adjusted to ps3 level graphics now and it looks fantastic. 

Sands of time was fantastic.  One of my favorite games of the PS2 gen. It had just the right balance between platforming, puzzle solving, and combat. Mechanically, it was a pretty big shift from other platformers like Jak and Daxter, or Mario, but still so, so fun.  The sequels were a bit more combat focused, but still great. I highly recommend you try them out. I dunno if they released the HD trilogy for PS3, but if you have a PC or laptop made within the past 4-5 years you should have no trouble playing the Steam/GoG versions.