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Forums - General Discussion - What are the odds!!

Sometimes I think you really are Zap Brannigan.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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I'm really sorry. That's sad. Not your fault that the dumb bitch (19 Y.O.) didn't get the memo to 'Chill the freak out'. And you really should have changed your cell phone number or something like that, that would have been smart. And destroying all your pictures, and old numbers would have probably helped too... Did you want to get caught? Or are you just a n00b at sneaking around, doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing.

Always plan for the worst!

The next girl you're with, don't cheat. And if you do, don't keep numbers/pics in your phone, are you dumb? The phone is one of the most lost devices out there, leave it in a woman's sight, especially unlocked, and she is going to poke and prod.

sorry for you luck guy hope every thing works out okay, but what ever you do dont go back to the 19yr old it will only make things worse

side note....the church you went to was it the same one that was hunted from a previous post?


One Question: Do you love the mother of your child? If yes, drop all contact with the 19 year old girl, and come squeaky clean with your (ex)Fiance. You can't play this "only friends" game with flings. The only way to bring back trust and consequently your girl is to do whatever it takes for her to be comfortable again. This can include following unreasonable expectations, illogical new rules and the like.

IF you truly love her and want to stay together now, you have to abandon yourself and throw yourself at her mercy and pray that she will have you back. It could all backfire, but that is the only way to even attempt to patch things up.

Now imho, you should have come clean back then. Or even better not cheated. I can't say that I feel sorry for you, or anyone in your situation. I can say this: think how terrible your girl and daughter feels now. What can you do to make it up to them?

(PS. the after throwing yourself at her mercy and doing anything unreasonable that makes her feel better, she should drop this. If she holds it over your head, she is on a power trip. Go to counseling.)

edit: Sorry if I sound like a uncaring person, but tough love is the only way to get to some ppl. Best of luck to you, your  ex-fiance, and daughter.

^^^Nah. Whole different church. DMeisterJ, I'm not a rookie by any means. That's not the attitude for me to have right now, though. My homeboy told me "game recognizes game, and right now I'm looking very unfamiliar". He stole that from the "Boondocks" cartoon, but I didn't call him on it.

I've moped. I've cried. I joked about it. But most of all I've said aloud "How in the fuck did I allow this to happen?!"   I'm doing good right now, but it's been rough. If you ever want to live an exciting life, and totally fuck up your own life, be a cop! You won't be disappointed.

Oh well, I gotta work tonight from 6:30pm to 6:30am. I should be sleeping right now. I've been on VGChartz all day. Where's hot 19 year old when I need her? I'm kidding. I'm trying to spend a few weeks focusing on me. And by that, I mean soul searching........and masturbating.......a lot.

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d21lewis said:
^^^Nah. Whole different church. DMeisterJ, I'm not a rookie by any means. That's not the attitude for me to have right now, though. My homeboy told me "game recognizes game, and right now I'm looking very unfamiliar". He stole that from the "Boondocks" cartoon, but I didn't call him on it.

I've moped. I've cried. I joked about it. But most of all I've said aloud "How in the fuck did I allow this to happen?!" I'm doing good right now, but it's been rough. If you ever want to live an exciting life, and totally fuck up your own life, be a cop! You won't be disappointed.

Oh well, I gotta work tonight from 6:30pm to 6:30am. I should be sleeping right now. I've been on VGChartz all day. Where's hot 19 year old when I need her? I'm kidding. I'm trying to spend a few weeks focusing on me. And by that, I mean soul searching........preventing colon cancer.......a lot.
 ther ei fixed it for you 



From the sound of it, you just need to buy yourself some manly robes, some lotions and find yourself a nice girl... who is into swinging. Problem solved, well except the daughter issues.

EDIT: @ El Gefe (under this post): Why don't you see if your wife would be willing to experiment with some ffm (threeway)?

I don't understand why people go behind other people's backs to get off, when they just need to find a partner who is openminded to the things they like.

D21, my friend. Your history will make a lot of people meditate about cheating, specially me. I have a 19 years old girl, she is just my friend, nothing more. but I am pretty sure my wife will not like that kind of relationship... She calls me and Pms me, in fact she use to tell me that she loves me. I have to silence my phone and ignore her...
Based on your history I will stop that.

Thanks for your testimony.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Get balls deep on the 19 year old, all will feel goooood again

fkusumot said:

The ultra hot 19 year old girl doesn't exist until I see pics. 


Agreed. Non-existant until proven existant.