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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4: New Horizon - Zero Dawn Footage

GribbleGrunger said:
KLXVER said:

Im saying that I hope its more like Fallout 4 in that the world is there for you to explore and do as you please. Find stuff to upgrade your items, explore buildings and caves for "treasure", tackle the story in what order you want etc...  

Unlike in Mafia 2 where its just there as a backdrop to the story.

You won't be able to tackle the story in whatever order you want. That would be silly.

Why would that be silly?

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KLXVER said:
Mike_L said:


I really hope NX is successful or else this constant trolling of everything PS will be even crazier.

Dont play that card and assume that we are bitter about the WiiU just because some of us arent already calling this game a masterpiece. Im not saying the game will be bad, I just question the RPG aspect of the game.

No. I'm sorry. I'm frustrated with certain users' post style and how unconstructive patterns are ignored by mods these days but it's not fair to insinuate that you're trolling. Your opinions are often well argued and I often find myself agreeing with you.

I'm just disappointed to hear about the Skype group calls and how impossible it is to have a PS related thread stay on topic these days. The most disappointing thing is to hear that certain mods are part of both problems. I'm sad that I want to leave this community.


Mike_L said:

Bold: But that is what pisses me off the most


VGC didn't use to be like this. People entering threads only to troll and without any interest in the subject at hand used to be moderated.

Its his opinion even though he clearly denies everything stated about the game by anyone who has played it and the devs themselves, but why does it matter if he doesn't buy it? There are many who will and as long as the game is a success its all good.

But questioning whether its open world even though its confirmed to be so, that is going a bit too far. Devs don't lie about this stuff, especially a reputed dev like Guerilla Games.

Because talking trash about something that you don't even own or aren't ever planning on buying is just so unconstructive and unnecessary. It drives threads off topic and causes frustration for the ones that are actually interested.


OT: Sorry for being off topic. I hope to see more of this game at tomorrow's PS Meeting.

KLXVER said:

Why would that be silly?

Because it's a story.


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