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Box art looks hideous but the pics posted by poklane look amazing.

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Come on, it's not THAT ugly. I love my PS4, but it isn't a very pretty console either. I remember how people didn't believe that the PS3 slim was real back in 2009 because they that it was ugly (which it was). Honestly, I stopped caring how these consoles look like a long time ago. I'm thinking this may be real, It makes sense to release the PS3 slim at the same time (or a little before) as the Neo.

For nostalgia:

A few more pictures of the rumored PS4 slim:

Looks okay to me, probably gonna get this. But I'll wait to see how exactly Neo looks like.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Looks ugly

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poklane said:


Edit: more

Definitely gonna be available the day after it's announced.

Ok, it's real and that looks really nice.


The PS5 Exists. 

Edit: Removed until I am more confident of my findings.

100% gonna be available September 8th. It looks like it could hit stores tomorrow if Sony wanted to.

Okay i didnt see the photos posted by poklane. It looks good now. September NPD just got 10X more interesting.

At least those button-shaped pads at the bottom are pretty