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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Savage IGN review (No Man's Sky)

Nem said:
pokoko said:

You're saying that there is nothing between "should be moderated" and "should not be moderated" and you won't complain about anything that does not fall into the "should be moderated" column?  Interesting.  

Look, you can make up all the speculation you want but the the information we have now indicates that Hello Games is the publisher and Sony is the distributor on the PS4.  This isn't rocket science.  That means Hello Games retains control of the IP beyond any limited exclusivity contract they might have signed and the terms of the distribution deal.  Manufacturing and distribution is not publishing.  Advertising deals are not publishing.  It is quite possible for an independent producer to ink deals for these services separately while retaining publication control.

Now, again, if you have anything at all that proves otherwise, I invite you to post it.

So, you think an indy studio has the money to ink advertisement and manufacturing deals in the order of the millions. I would like to know who was crazy enough to give them that loan.

There are some things that are obvious. The proof is in their unlikelyness.

But i think this conversation as ran its course. We will have to agree to disagree.

Thatgamecompany raised $7M for thier next game from investment groups before they even started.  You really don't think Hello Games could secure additional funding after their reveal at E3?  Alright, then.  There is no point to arguing over pure speculation.

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RolStoppable said:
pokoko said:

It certainly is not.  Don't be silly.  That would be like saying, "stop being obnoxious or I'll call the police."  You're grossly exaggerating.  Because I find something to be annoying or suggest what I feel is a better way does not mean that I want the original to be moderated.  You're trying to create a false dichotomy and it's very obvious that you're reaching.

Still, it's going to be interesting to see if you practice what you preach.

I don't have the delusion that you will admit anything when I call you out on something. Pushing you around a bit and seeing what you come up with, that's the reasonable expectation to have.

I am pretty good at practicing what I preach, because I am fully aware that you will take any chance to take a dig at me. Covert attacks are your speciality. But you don't get many of those chances, and even when you see a chance, it doesn't mean it will work. Like two weeks ago when your attempt was called stupid by the mod team. You have to mess up pretty badly in order to get publicly slammed by a mod in such a blunt manner.

Mr. Kettle, Mr. Pot is on line 1.  I mean, that's what this is, isn't it?  You reaching for an attack, even though the two situations are very different, and over-extending yourself badly?  And now following it up childishly when you realize that you've made a mistake?  

Though I suppose that you might not realize the two situations are different, as hard to believe as that seems.  Should we review for your sake?  The first event was me disagreeing with the idea that only fans of a particular console can post general bad news about it or they'll face moderation.  This time, I suggested that the forums would be less cluttered if someone were to consolidate their multiple game-specific threads, with absolutely no call for moderation.

The difference is clear.  Even a blind person--or a zealot--can see that.

RolStoppable said:
pokoko said:

Mr. Kettle, Mr. Pot is on line 1.  I mean, that's what this is, isn't it?  You reaching for an attack, even though the two situations are very different, and over-extending yourself badly?  And now following it up childishly when you realize that you've made a mistake?  

Though I suppose that you might not realize the two situations are different, as hard to believe as that seems.  Should we review for your sake?  The first event was me disagreeing with the idea that only fans of a particular console can post general bad news about it or they'll face moderation.  This time, I suggested that the forums would be less cluttered if someone were to consolidate their multiple game-specific threads, with absolutely no call for moderation.

The difference is clear.  Even a blind person--or a zealot--can see that.

No, I am not making a covert attack. In my response to Mike_L I said that I am calling out a double standard. There's nothing hidden about this. This is an open attack on you as the kind of poster you are on VGC.

Now that you posted this review, it's clear why you think that there is a big difference between the two events. Let's review it properly.

Event 1: A user with an extensive moderation history for trolling Nintendo topics exploited a loophole in the forum rules. Spreading negativity by posting news which grants the benefit of the "don't shoot the messenger rule". The user in question (daredevil.shark) didn't even participate in the thread. Here is the suggestion you disagreed with:

RolStoppable said:

Actually, it has been moderated in the past, but it doesn't serve as a proper precedent when the current mod team is a completely different one now. Long story short: Infamous Xbox fan gebx searched the internet for negative news about Sony and even openly admitted it. Such a practice is nothing more than exploiting a loophole in the forum rules, so there was eventually a stop put to it.

The next point is that the mods stepping in wouldn't prevent the news from being posted. All it would change for the community is that a user who is known to exploit the system would not be allowed to post it anymore, so there's no reason to worry about possible censorship of the content that can be posted on VGC. What would change for the user is that he wouldn't be able to get the gratification anymore, thus the mod team could book it as a win in their battle against trolling and they also wouldn't have to deal with derailing posts that call out the OP anymore. I consider this a simple solution where everybody except one person wins.

Nowhere does it say anything about only fans of a particular company are allowed to post negative news about it. My suggestion was clearly only refering to the very extreme cases who have piled up an extensive moderation history for slamming a particular company.

Here's your response:

pokoko said:

"Share price for Company X has fallen."

"Yeah, well, uh ... OP is a witch!  Burn them!"

Deflection can be fun to watch.

Actually, I look forward to this system people seem to be proposing where you can't post negative articles for a console manufacturer you don't like.  We could set up checkpoints and even build a WALL.  "Excuse me, comrade, you've posted an article about how filthy the bathrooms at NinXstation HQ are.  I need to see your Papers." (said with hand resting meaningfully on ban button)

Maybe everyone should declare which House they belong to when they sign up?  It could kind of be like Harry Potter.  Nintendor, Playstatherin, or Xboxlepuff?

Wait, let's take it a bit further:  You can only post negative news about the House to which you belong, because clearly posting positive news about your own House is also biased.

Mods, I call for an official review of this proposal.  This could be fun.

A post that misrepresented my position so much that a mod called your post stupid. That was absolutely deserved, because that post of yours was awful without a shred of a doubt.

Event 2: You call out a user who in your opinion is on a mission. This isn't unlike calling out daredevil.shark which plenty of people have done in the event 1 thread.

You then back up your initial post by pointing out that there is a pattern. This too isn't unlike what people did in the event 1 thread.

In a sense you are right that the two events aren't quite the same, because I didn't call for any censorship of the content while you suggested that any sort of negativity should be collected in a single thread. It's reminiscent of something that a former moderator (mrstickball) once tried with negative Xbox news. Annoyed that the Xbox platform was met with a wave of negative news, he wanted that any piece of negative news, no matter how distinct the topics might be, would be collected in a single megathread. You've done pretty much the same here, everything should go in one place, regardless of if it concerns reviews, news or whatever else regarding the game No Man's Sky.

Where the two events are the same though, is that both called for a restriction of the threads a particular user can make. I consider your suggestion worse, because yours was a call to change how negative news can be discussed. Almost ten years ago mrstickball's attempt to lump everything together didn't fly with the community either, so he got blasted for being unable to handle negativity. As can be seen above in my quote from the event 1 thread, I didn't call for oppression of negative news; my suggestion was all about taking away the gratification of posting negative news from a user who is known for getting a kick out of slamming a particular company.

You seem confused, as the "response" you posted was not to you.  I quoted someone else.  

You're trying so very hard to compare two things which are not the same, even to the point that you're distorting them both to make them fit.  It really makes you look desperate to attack me over anything, even if you have to manipulate the subject matter.  This goes back to your threat to stalk me, I suppose.  

That situation is not the same as this situation.  Period, end of story.  A rational person who disagreed with me about this situation would simply disagree with me about this situation and argue accordingly.  Instead, you've built an argument based on nothing and it seems kind of silly.  

Regardless, here are the facts:  1)  I disagreed with moderation in that instance, as the topic was relevant and credible, and I never once said anything about moderation in this instance or reported the OP.  2)  My suggestion in this instance was relative to a specific game which the OP had made multiple threads about, not a console or company in general.  Huge amount of difference, even if you don't want to admit to it.

The funny thing, though, is that only you are trying to make it into a big deal.  You're fighting an empty battle that only you care about.

CGI-Quality said:
If you want to tell each other about your posting styles, please do it elsewhere. Now let's get back on topic. ;)

Oops.  Sorry, I'd already clicked on the reply button.  It took awhile to work though that post.  

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Pokoko and Rol, mortal enemies fighting the good fight in the pits of hell called vgchartz

My money's on the blue cat man. He looks calm. White cat man looks terrified.

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Seen this coming since their first trailer so im not surprised at all. NMS formula has been done by elite dangerous before and it didnt work. Shouldv just followed what X3 and eve have done