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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Would I be able to get in on this? I would love to play and beat you guys in Warhawk.


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im down

SlumsofOhio said:
Would I be able to get in on this? I would love to play and beat you guys in Warhawk.

 Of course you can. We're very inclusionary. A lot of people have shown interest, so most likely we will need to create multiple rooms.

Dogs Rule said:
SlumsofOhio said:
Would I be able to get in on this? I would love to play and beat you guys in Warhawk.

Of course you can. We're very inclusionary. A lot of people have shown interest, so most likely we will need to create multiple rooms.

If we have too many people, we could make a room for the people with Omega Dawn, and a room for the people without, such as myself.

im in but im not really available all the time because i got Baseball till 8 PM Est but i can play on Fridays any time and weekends too

PSN - SP3NCE1325 (no Omega Pack but a have the headset)

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xstonexcold316x said:
im in but im not really available all the time because i got Baseball till 8 PM Est but i can play on Fridays any time and weekends too

PSN - SP3NCE1325 (no Omega Pack but a have the headset)

Good news than because the games are scheduled for the first and third saturday of each month beginning THIS Saturday. Most likely from 4 Pm EDT to 7or 8pm EDT.

Im in, but can we get a list of all players and there psnid if different. My psnid is dawve30. I dont have omega dawn but will get if enough people want to play it. I can only host 8 player games.

Now does anyone know how i work out the time difference between the time set for the game and bst.


count me in Robmate is my psn

I haven't played it in months but I'm interested in getting back into it, fine with Sat. evening eastern time. PSN ID: ckmlb.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Dogs Rule said:
xstonexcold316x said:
im in but im not really available all the time because i got Baseball till 8 PM Est but i can play on Fridays any time and weekends too

PSN - SP3NCE1325 (no Omega Pack but a have the headset)

Good news than because the games are scheduled for the first and third saturday of each month beginning THIS Saturday. Most likely from 4 Pm EDT to 7or 8pm EDT.

alright that good im in