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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Opinion? Prediction?: Nintendo are going mobile and/or multi platform.


Nintendo should...

Go multiplatform. All in. 124 29.25%
Just mobile. 32 7.55%
Just ps4. 13 3.07%
Just PC 6 1.42%
Just X1. 9 2.12%
None of the above. Stay exclusive. 226 53.30%
Yes. But hold exclusivity... 7 1.65%
Other in comments 7 1.65%
lionpetercarmoo said:
Neodegenerate said:
Sweet Jesus when are these threads going to stop?

So long as Nintendo makes a profit on their hardware they will continue to make it. Enough with the "one successful enterprise should change their entire business approach" bullshit.

No You're wrong. And the day Nintendo announces  they're going 3rd party I'm going to laugh in your face.

That is a remarkably well thought out and reasonable argument from you.  I can see every one of your points so clearly that I have no choice but to change my stance right now!

Or, ya know, no.

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Ariakon said:

The funny thing is that Nintendo's stock price is rising astronomically based primarily on the assumption that they're going to do just as the OP said, to a certain point, and become more a software company than a hardward company, designing games primarily for mobile and only tinkering with their own consoles if they really feel the need for it. 


I have a really hard time seeing Nintendo change their current plans, however, and I see that clashing with investors soon if Pokemon Go ends up making less money than many have assumed. It's going to be interesting to see whether Nintendo stays strong with the path they're currently taking, as in focusing most of their efforts on consoles while allowing other developers to assist them to bringing their properties to mobile, or if they will react more heavily to the fervor surrounding their company and its perceived willingness to shift its business model into one more focused on software than their own hardware. 

I'd be fine with Nintendo dedicating a lot of their mobile profits towards expanding their development staff for mobile and treating it as a replacement for their dwindling handheld market just as long as they don't take the lazy way out by porting old console/handheld games or try to make traditional console games for mobile.  I agree completely with you that Nintendo should create games for mobile that are unique to the platform and caters to its audience and their general attention span and not try to make traditional games and force them on mobile like some people (speaking in a general sense) think Nintendo should do.

Well to be honest, there's a handful of nintendo games I wouldn't mind playing but I'm not willing to buy a nintendo console for a handful of games. Most of it's library is too focused on gremlins. I also hate their innovative controllers. I'm all for them going third party and I think nintendo would make a lot more money if they did. It's not a sign of them losing or failing but rather a sign of them evolving as a business. Nintendo can go third party on it's own terms when they want. Sega was forced into it. There's a huge difference.

If nintendo's hardware doesn't reach to the levels of sales they want, they'll eventually go that route regardless of what the fans think.

If NX produces mediocre sales, then yes.

I mean, even in terms of just Pokemon Go, so many people have gotten to play the game because it is available on mobiles. If its about getting the most amount of people to play their great games, I think they should go multiplat. I mean, don't we all win?

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Okay, let's take a look at this. Imagine Nintendo going third party. Not only would they lose any licensing fees from third party developers on their systems (granted, not too many in comparision with Sony and Microsoft, but still) they would also earn less from their own games. They have to pay licensing fees themselves. Plus, they wouldn't be able to keep the prices of their games high for long periods of time, like they are doing on their own platforms. Let's also not forget they would lose income from their hardware itself. They are making tons of cash with selling 3DS with hardware from the last decade for 199 €.

Ok, so if we take all that into account, I think it's safe to say that Nintendo's games would need to sell at the very least double than what they are doing on their own platforms. So, what are the chances that Mario Kart would sell 15 million when going multiplatform? What about Mario, could that double the sales of Battlefield 4? Sure, it's possible, but is it guaranteed? I say no, it isn't. And that's also why I think it would be a bad idea for Nintendo to just end each and everything they are working on right now. It's way too risky. If Nintendo goes multiplatform and sells just about the same amount of units like they are doing now, then they are going to lose big time. So for that to happen, it would need an absolute clear indication that sales would go through the roof. I don't see something like that. Nintendo already sells a shitload of games, despite plattforms with a relatively small user base.

It's in no way comparable to Sega. Going multiplatform happened out of desperation. Sega sold very few games, in no way comparable to Nintendo's franchises. Plus, they didn't sit on a big fat pile of money. Going multiplatform or even mobile isn't a safe bet for Nintendo, it could also be the start of the end.

At the moment, I see absolutely zero chance of it happening. Sorry. Try again in 10 years. I'm sure Nintendo will be still doomed by then.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Roketan said:
lionpetercarmoo said:

No You're wrong. And the day Nintendo announces  they're going 3rd party I'm going to laugh in your face.

Well, i am playing Miitomo on a Sony device so...

Now try a Playstation Console.

Nautilus said:
lionpetercarmoo said:

No You're wrong. And the day Nintendo announces  they're going 3rd party I'm going to laugh in your face.

Well, we will be laughing in your face until that happens.Chances are we will still be laughing by the time you go from this world from the next, so...

There is no next world. I bet 10-15 years from now until Nintendo games are on Playstation, Xbox and PC.

lionpetercarmoo said:
Nautilus said:

Well, we will be laughing in your face until that happens.Chances are we will still be laughing by the time you go from this world from the next, so...

There is no next world. I bet 10-15 years from now until Nintendo games are on Playstation, Xbox and PC.

it was a manner of speech....

in 10-15 anything can happen.Playstation games could be in PC, and in a microsoft or Nintendo console.the same can be said for microsoft.There is simply no indication(outside of the XBox, since it seems it wont have no exclusives in the near fututre for the console) that Nintendo will do that.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

lionpetercarmoo said:
Nautilus said:

Well, we will be laughing in your face until that happens.Chances are we will still be laughing by the time you go from this world from the next, so...

There is no next world. I bet 10-15 years from now until Nintendo games are on Playstation, Xbox and PC.

Oh wait, you are gonna laugh in my face over something that you think is gonna happen in 10-15 years?  During such a time that all consoles might go away due to new tech?  Or multiple companies may shift their business priorities?

At least you are the kind of person who really goes out on a limb and stretches when calling out someone else with no facts whatsoever to back it up.  I respect that about you.