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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are console gamers too willing to accept things?

Slarvax said:
think-man said:
I took screenshots of the post before mods removed if anyone wants a good laugh.

Please and thanks

On the first comment on my page I left a link

Bandorr said:
think-man said:
I took screenshots of the post before mods removed if anyone wants a good laugh.

I am intrigued. I'd love to see these screenshots.

On the first comment on my page I left a link

Normchacho said:
think-man said:
I took screenshots of the post before mods removed if anyone wants a good laugh.

What...can I see...please?

On the first comment on my page I left a link

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I would say yes. But not all console gamers. I think some fans definitely give a free pass for their company of choice though.

I don't consider myself a console gamer or a PC gamer, I play where the games I want are. But I hate some practices in consoles. The "pay to play online" is one of them. I would never pay to play online and that's the reason I avoid both PS4 and Xbox One. Backwards Compatibility was another reason to avoid the PS4 for a while, I really didn't feel ok to have both a PS3 and PS4 when I still wanted to play PS3 games.

About Nintendo, they're not saints. Region Lock is, for me, a reason to never buy another Nintendo device. I hate it. I have an European 3DS and while I'm not in Europe I can't buy any game, I have to import and that sucks. I don't know how people can think that's ok. What's the point of it? I'll probably buy Pokémon Sun and that's it, my relationship with Nintendo is over until they figure that out.

PC is different, I'm not tied to EA, Valve or GOG, I can do whatever I want, so I guess that's the reason PC companies are more willing to fix bad practices when there is backlash.

... Aaaand Zero had a meltdown...

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We lost our greatest Hero with this thread! I hope he comes back after he cooled down a bit.

At the end of the day, the market speaks. Pay to play online only exists, because the majority are willing to pay for it. But you can't lump everyone into that box. I bought a PS4 on launch day. And only had PS+ for one month. Haven't had it since. I don't care that I can't play online with it. Nor do I care about the free games. I would have, if you didn't lose them, when you stopped paying.

As for Buying games over and over again. Are you serious? Who is putting a gun to your head, to buy a remake? I bought the TPHD remaster, because I didn't own the original. If I did, I wouldn't of gotten it. I almost never buy a remaster/remake. If I own an existing version. I also stuck to my guns, and bought the version that didn't come with the Amiibo. Because I have no interest in low quality statues, with DLC. I bought a copy of RE2 last year. I'm not buying the RE2 remake, because of that. I don't care about the improvements, etc. I own the game in some capacity. That isn't the problem with the game companies, or console makers. Just yourself. Unwilling to use self control.

"The is a reason why PC gamers are not being charged again for Skyrim, and thats cos we would make massive backlash about it. Destory its reviews on steam etc etc."

No. PC gamers wouldn't buy it. Because all the modding work, done over the years. Put shame to anything Bethesda could do. Unless they remade the game in a newer engine. Not to mention. There was no platform change. They just got a very small side team to put in the extra bobs and whistles. Just like how Bungie happily patched Halo 1 PC, years later. From missing features, and minor issues.

I didn't accept MS dick move, with blocking Tomb Raider on PS4. I didn't go out and buy an X1. Nor did I get it on PC. I frankly don't care about it anymore. And probably not gonna buy it, till it's on a sale. If at all. That isn't my fault. That is Square's fault for taking the deal. Nor will I accept MS locking Halo to Windows 10. If they port it. I can live without ever playing Halo 3-etc. Because one game series isn't worth me buying an Xbox.

Around the Network

Well, I'm primarily a console gamer, so I can speak why I do prefer playing on consoles.

Exclusives are one reason, for sure.

I also enjoy the easier experience. I work as a programmer, I study for my PhD, so when my day is over I'm pretty much fed up of dealing with issues with computers. My PS4 gives me the chance to just grab the controller, turn it on and play without any worries. My experience with PC isn't quite like that and I've already had to fuss with things when I just wanted to play a damn game and that always ended up stressing me more than relaxing like planned. Sometimes I just have 1 hour to play, so using 40 minutes to solve a stupid issue turns me away. PS4 was quite a jump in this aspect compared to PS3 and now patches are seamless, installs are quick, screenshots and video capture are easy. I'm quite happy with this aspect.

It's the prime platform for publishers. Arkham Knight was crap on PC, MK lacked the second (and by far the best one) DLC pack, The Division almost didn't released for PC, Red Dead was missing last gen, so in the end I feel like PC is always a second class citizen. You get 60 fps and better graphics, but the amount of bad ports and missing games is not something I want to deal with.

Cheats. Publisher sometimes don't want to fight cheaters as they should and games like The Division and MGS5 end up full of cheaters.

No Steam. I'm heavily against Steam because of their DRM politics. I prefer to own my games for real. No point in trying to argue with me, I'm not willing to accept this BS politics.

While my answer ends up here (if I remember everything), I have to say that I don't buy your "this isn't an attack" idea. When you say things like "So are console fans more willing to accept things then fans of PC's", you are generalizing a group that goes against your idea that PC is a better platform. All platforms have theirs ups and downs and people chose what they think will fit them best. It's hard to not see this as just you defending you agenda.

I could argue that PC gamers are more willing to accept things because they love Gabe Newell while he shoves DRM down everyones throat, they keep buying Nvidia GPUs while Nvidia is actively trying to divide the user base to screw AMD (the free-sync vs n-sync situation is basically killing tearing-free monitors because nobody wants to be tied to a vendor for the sake of not having to change the monitor), they buy EA games even if Origin is a PITA and keep buying PC games even if half of the times the PC version is a bad port.

In the end, for any platform, we have to deal with a load of BS from the publishers. The best way to avoid it would be owning multiple platforms so we could chose the best one for each case, but that is also a rip-off and pretty expensive. I'm not trying to make consoles seem better than they are or PCs look worse than they are, it's just the trade-offs that each platform brings.

Boutros said:
Funny how you didn't mention PS Plus Games and Games with Gold.

Funny how you didn't mention that most people don't care about the games that come with those programs.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

ohmylanta1003 said:
Boutros said:
Funny how you didn't mention PS Plus Games and Games with Gold.

Funny how you didn't mention that most people don't care about the games that come with those programs.

I'm not the one making a thread ranting about the issue.

Captain_Yuri said:
Andd he's banned... With no porn posts :(

Y don't people that's gonna get perma post some porn? T_T

At least they will go out as heroes then!

Oh well, back to the topic at hand. I like that post about everyone willing to accept some form of nonsense depending on the platform the best.

The one from Arcaneguyver at the bottom of page 4? Like I said after it, could put that on a tshirt and sell it, just like.... people play where they want because it has different things going for it than other platforms, that shouldn't offend anyone, it's just a choice that different people make.

His post literally has me thinking a Like/Dislike option on posts would be good here... if not for that fact that certain users posts would get mobbed in dislikes because of who they are not what they write sadly enough.

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ohmylanta1003 said:
Boutros said:
Funny how you didn't mention PS Plus Games and Games with Gold.

Funny how you didn't mention that most people don't care about the games that come with those programs.

Based on what? Back this claim up with something please, a satisfaction survey of the service or breakdown of customer complaints from psn+. Just something, you can't drop a bombshell like this without some form of proof.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at