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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next Round of Price Cuts?

Rocketpig - can you consider GeoW2 a system seller? the first one was on the same system. The fan base of the game already have the system. Granted the first one was... but are people going to skip that and go straight for a sequel. (i wouldn't consider R2 a system seller either)

There doesn't seem to be a reason that a sequel from a game on the same system (doesn't entice people to upgrade from the old) would push many systems.

EDIT: damn i was slow.

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Wouldn't people who wanted a PS3 for MGS already bought it. If I recall that was the reasoning for many early PS3 shoppers was the future PS3 games heh. Sequels can sell consoles especially if they did previously and stay as AAA games else why would sony bother with resistance 2 if everyone who bought part 1 already has the system heh.

I can see a pricecut for the 360 in NA this year, possibly around fall to coincide with GeoW 2, but not in Eu/Others or Japan (what's the use in Japan anyway?).
If the 360 can't maintain the lead over PS3 this year with many factors going for it, it'll be even harder next year.

PooperScooper said:

Rocketpig - can you consider GeoW2 a system seller? the first one was on the same system. The fan base of the game already have the system. Granted the first one was... but are people going to skip that and go straight for a sequel. (i wouldn't consider R2 a system seller either)

There doesn't seem to be a reason that a sequel from a game on the same system (doesn't entice people to upgrade from the old) would push many systems.

EDIT: damn i was slow.

I should have clarified my point: Gears will sell a few consoles but not as many as MGS4. In terms of pure sales numbers though, I think it will surpass anything put out by Sony this year.

I think Gears will move a few consoles, especially in NA if MS gets the Pro to a $279 or $299 price point and if Epic makes the game even bigger and better than the first, which it appears they will. In any case, Resistance 2 is a bad comparison point because it didn't sell anywhere near the numbers of Gears if you exclude the massive number of bundle sales it enjoyed.

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BengaBenga said:
rocketpig said:
Dno said:
I Think they need more big titles this year. GOW2 and Alan wake arent big enough to go agasint sonys many AAA titles this year. ninja gaiden is gonna be hot but not a system seller. Sony has many system sellers so its gonna be hard for microsoft unless they cut the price in USA.

What real "system sellers" does Sony have this holiday season? In 2008 overall? I see Metal Gear Solid 4 and that's it. To counter it, the 360 has Gears of War 2. I call that pretty even.

Each system has their smaller games like Splinter Cell, Fable 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Killzone, Ninja Gaiden, etc. but those are hardly system sellers.

Look at the lists objectively and they're actually pretty even. Sony doesn't have their big hitters coming until 2009 now... God of War III, GT5, and FFXIII should all release next year.

I have to disagree slightly. I DO agree that the 360 has an about even line-up as PS3, probably even slightly better because they have more exclusives and the multiplatforms are generally better on 360. Especially Splinter Cell, Ninja Gaiden and Fable are big, imo bigger than LBP, Resistance and Killzone especially since FPS is more the 360 territory).

But I don't think Gears of war 2 will be a system seller, because the series started on 360, so all fans of the series have a 360. Same for Resistence 2 btw.

Socom, Haze, Little big planet, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran turismo 5 Pro, Are all HUGE games (i didnt even say all of them) that are heavy hitters that are coming THIS year. You can argue that the xbox lineup is great (which it is ill be getting a lot of games^^) but this year Sony pulls out a better victory.

There are at least THREE system sellers there (socom, MGS4, GT5 pro) and xbox will have 1 so far and that is gears. ninja gaiden never sells super well splinter cell will sell great banjo might be good (rare has sucked since they been with microsoft) mab alan wake but thats unproven.

if you like xbox line up thats great but sony has equal to if not better IMO. 2009 will be even better for sony yes but 2008 is awesome already.

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DKII said:

I suspect Gears of War 2 won't be much of a system seller at all, since the people it would sell to would mostly already have bought the system for Gears of War 1.

They said that about Halo 2 for the Xbox......

There will certainly be a price cut by November 2008.  That means that the 360 will be a minimum of $100 cheaper for the launch of GeoW2 than it was for GeoW.  The game will be graphically upgraded (even if it's only slight) and probably slightly longer and better.  Furthermore, it will be advertised like nothing else and it now has brandname. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Dno said:

Socom, Haze, Little big planet, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran turismo 5 Pro, Are all HUGE games (i didnt even say all of them) that are heavy hitters that are coming THIS year. You can argue that the xbox lineup is great (which it is ill be getting a lot of games^^) but this year Sony pulls out a better victory.

There are at least THREE system sellers there (socom, MGS4, GT5 pro) and xbox will have 1 so far and that is gears. ninja gaiden never sells super well splinter cell will sell great banjo might be good (rare has sucked since they been with microsoft) mab alan wake but thats unproven.

if you like xbox line up thats great but sony has equal to if not better IMO. 2009 will be even better for sony yes but 2008 is awesome already.

Socom has never been a huge system seller and the latest screens looked HORRIBLE!!

MGS4 will sell some consoles but will have the same problem Halo 3 did, with most of the fanbase being hardcore enough to own the console already.  There is no doubt Sony has a good line-up, but with the delays of GoW3, GT5 and FFXIII it definately couldn't be called "better" than the 360's.

Fable 2:  Will be the best WRPG this year (and the 360 had the best one last year with Mass Effect).

Banjo Kazooie 3:  Made by the original team, it has the potential to a better platformer than Galaxy.

Ninja Gaiden2: Hack and Slash with system selling capabilities worldwide, even if only slight. 

Alan Wake: Survival horror.  Action/shooter with platforming aspect.

APB:  INSANE looking MMO.

Halo Wars: What will probably be the best ever console RTS (which may or may not be saying much).

Left 4 Dead:  Words cannot describe it's greatness.

JRPG's:  Lost Odyssey, Operation Darkness, Infinite Undiscovery and Tales.  PS3 has Valkyrie.  Add ES and BD and the 360 is on top till FXIII

Splinter Cell: Convinction:  This may or may not be the 360's MGS4 (Conviction's graphics certainly look better).

Too Human:  Action/RPG

Oh....and Gears of War 2. 



You listed eight titles and six of them are shooters. 

Many of them will suffer from the "hardcore's already bought the console" issue.

The 360 WILL have more variety than the PS3.  

At the end of the day, I think the 360's line-up will be far superior in retrospect, but we have no idea which titles in which line-up will turn out to be Lair's, and which will turn out to be Bioshock's.   




starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Dno said:

Socom, Haze, Little big planet, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran turismo 5 Pro, Are all HUGE games (i didnt even say all of them) that are heavy hitters that are coming THIS year. You can argue that the xbox lineup is great (which it is ill be getting a lot of games^^) but this year Sony pulls out a better victory.

There are at least THREE system sellers there (socom, MGS4, GT5 pro) and xbox will have 1 so far and that is gears. ninja gaiden never sells super well splinter cell will sell great banjo might be good (rare has sucked since they been with microsoft) mab alan wake but thats unproven.

if you like xbox line up thats great but sony has equal to if not better IMO. 2009 will be even better for sony yes but 2008 is awesome already.

MGS4 will sell some consoles but will have the same problem Halo 3 did, with most of the fanbase being hardcore enough to own the console already.  There is no doubt Sony has a good line-up, but with the delays of GoW3, GT5 and FFXIII it definately couldn't be called "better" than the 360's.



Hm.... He didnt name any of those games.... and how can games without dates even get delayed.... especailly GoW3 that game was announced last summer no one expected it till the earliest this Winter.

PooperScooper said:
starcraft said:
Dno said:

Socom, Haze, Little big planet, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran turismo 5 Pro, Are all HUGE games (i didnt even say all of them) that are heavy hitters that are coming THIS year. You can argue that the xbox lineup is great (which it is ill be getting a lot of games^^) but this year Sony pulls out a better victory.

There are at least THREE system sellers there (socom, MGS4, GT5 pro) and xbox will have 1 so far and that is gears. ninja gaiden never sells super well splinter cell will sell great banjo might be good (rare has sucked since they been with microsoft) mab alan wake but thats unproven.

if you like xbox line up thats great but sony has equal to if not better IMO. 2009 will be even better for sony yes but 2008 is awesome already.

MGS4 will sell some consoles but will have the same problem Halo 3 did, with most of the fanbase being hardcore enough to own the console already. There is no doubt Sony has a good line-up, but with the delays of GoW3, GT5 and FFXIII it definately couldn't be called "better" than the 360's.



Hm.... He didnt name any of those games.... and how can games without dates even get delayed.... especailly GoW3 that game was announced last summer no one expected it till the earliest this Winter.

If you hadn't very selectively edited my post in your quote, you would have been able to see that I was looking at his statement in a more macro sense, examining the line-up throughout the year.  Much of the talk about the PS3 having an undeniably better 2008 line-up that ended recently came about because of the belief that those three games would ship in 2008.

I went on to discuss the titles Dno mentioned. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

* Bump *

360 Sales have been hurting worldwide as Microsoft sort of gets into a holding pattern (which they're not), something is on the way whether its a new SKU, Bundle, or price drop something is happening.

Does anyone know if Microsoft would be allowed to bundle GTA IV with the 360 if they wanted to like a Premium 360 & GTA IV for $349? They'd likley have to pay full royalties, but it'd sell insanely well.

I'm expecting at least a new SKU this year with the same specs, but cooler components yet again.

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