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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference Thread - It's over!

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My ready is body

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
Shadow8 said:

Definitely, you can sleep when you get back home ;)

Sleep at school, like the cool and also uncool kids do!

Lol that's what I do too, just trying to be a decent role model :p


Shadow8 said:
Teeqoz said:

I'll still get 3 hours of sleep anyway, more than enough, right?

Definitely, you can sleep when you get back home ;)

Well, I have a concert tomorrow, but I might be able to catch a few Zs between school and before I have to play.

ZhugeEX said it's going to be 10X better than MS so I'm hype

Currently Playing: N/A

Anime and Studying is life RN

This could not have worked out better for me actually. My first Monday off in like 6 weeks AND I have tomorrow off too! Wooooooo E3!

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
Come on, we need more hype than this!

Here, hype shirts for everyone, that should help


BraLoD said:
I'm too hyped, dammit.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Teeqoz said:
Shadow8 said:

Definitely, you can sleep when you get back home ;)

Well, I have a concert tomorrow, but I might be able to catch a few Zs between school and before I have to play.

That's the spirit!


hopefully neogaf and vgchartz can stay up this time
