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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: NX not gonna use X86 architecture, raw power close to XBO

spemanig said:

Ballas said:

All those options you said will be on NX are already available on current gen consoles. But with PS4 and XB1 you also have the additional choice of buying games at retail. People like to have a choice and going digital would limit their choice rather than expand it.

If people wanted to go digital like you said console games would have had a much higher digital sales ratio than the 10-20% they usually do. Why is that so, going by your logic, they should have moved en masse to digital downloads?

Steam sales are not overstated. They are incredible and offer discounts on a huge variety of popular games. Steam prices are generally also quite low compared to consoles. PSN has some good sales now and then but it doesn't compare with Steam.

I agree touch screen allows for some cool UI design and if NX has that it will be an advantage. But let's not compare Nintendo to Apple and Google in terms of software development. They don't have the same resources and experience and Nintendo's online infrastructure isn't even up there with PSN and XBL. It took Apple and Google years of experience before their app stores became what they are now. DS4 does have a touch screen and Sony could integrate it more efficiently.

People like quality. The fact is that physical media damages the quality of that platform. People will gladly give up that choice for a higher quality. The first iPod wasn't a CD player with MP3 built in. It was an MP3 player, and that's it. People didn't have a choice, and they loved it because it made the product better. And now Apple is Apple because they notoriously don't give people a choice. And they are always right in doing it and they are the biggest tech company in the world right now because they don't give consumers a choice when it hurts the quality of their products. Choice only matters to hippies. Quality of experience matters to everyone else.

The amount of people buying digital over physical on consoles grows every year, but even still you're inflating the issue of digital. My point has never been that there was some active movement for digital by a huge group of millenial hipsters. My point is that not having physical is not an purchase-stopping issue for anyone but collectors and... the opposite of millenial hipsters idk.

Steam sales definitely are overstated. eShop has plenty of sales that occur almost as frequently, and the only reason there aren't more is because there aren't enough third party games to make them.

I chuckled at you thinking that DS4's touchpad could do anything UI wise that's even remotely comparable to what Nintendo can do with a touch screen. They have the resources and experience now. They have DeNA, and they've proven to know what they are doing. Again, that's what DeNA were brought in for. Not mobile. Their UI and their backend and their platform, and they have NERD for their cloud stuff, another new partner of theirs. Making a UI comparable to Apple and Android isn't some difficult task. They already did most of the work. They just need someone who knows what they're doing, DeNA, to do it for them on NX.

You really think Sony can't release a controller with a cheap LCD display on it? Having a screen on the controller didn't do shit for the Wii U anyway.

You don't even need a screen on the controller, just allow streaming to a tablet/phone, everyone has one of those in their house already.

These are things Nintendo can't patent and will be copied easily if they have any degree of market success. Microsoft laughs at tiny little DeNA, they can't do anything they couldn't do far better.

You can be digital only to your hearts content today on PS4 or XB1 already. You never have to buy anything physically if you don't want. Hell even Wii U does this already. Who cares.

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shikamaru317 said:
lmaobox said:

There is no way Nintendo can hit the $250-$300 price target with those specs while having far worse economies of scale than SONY.

People here seriously underestimate how much volume affects specs. Considering Nintendo postponed NX launch to March 2017, I'm guessing they aren't very confident about their next console, meaning they will place far less orders from suppliers than SONY is. Nintendo would need to buy specs half as strong as the PS4 to even get the $400-$500 pricepoint without taking a loss.

What volume issues are you referring to? Last I heard Nintendo thinks they can sell 10m NX units in the first year. They've likely dialed back their expectations since then, but I'm sure they plan to have at least a couple million ready for launch and sell at least 5m in the first year.

Polaris 11 is intended to replace the $150-$180 line of AMD GPU's at retail, and since Nintendo is buying in bulk and AMD is desperate for deals right now, I'm sure Nintendo could have easily got a good deal on a custom Polaris 11 based APU. I think $300 is indeed possible for a theoretical NX using Polaris 11. I'm sure Nintendo knows it's suicide to release against PS4 with a poor price/performance ratio.

Yup, Nintendo not choosing Polaris 11 is a monumental fuck up. It's tiny, cheap, incredibly power efficient, and would've given them better than PS4 performance.

My guess is they gimped their console to allow for easier game sharing with the portable.

That and they probably again went with expensive custom gimmicks like a free-form LCD display on the game pad which means they had to cut costs on the chipset as a result.

I think what they've probably done is make something akin to a PSVita + PSVita TV, except the Vita TV in their case has somewhat better performance than the portable, but not a huge gap. So maybe you have a console that's 700-800 GFLOPs, and a portable that's 300-400 GFLOPs both based on mobile chips (Tegra X1 + cheapo ARM CPU if that Nvidia rumor is true).

spemanig said:

Ballas said:

All those options you said will be on NX are already available on current gen consoles. But with PS4 and XB1 you also have the additional choice of buying games at retail. People like to have a choice and going digital would limit their choice rather than expand it.

If people wanted to go digital like you said console games would have had a much higher digital sales ratio than the 10-20% they usually do. Why is that so, going by your logic, they should have moved en masse to digital downloads?

Steam sales are not overstated. They are incredible and offer discounts on a huge variety of popular games. Steam prices are generally also quite low compared to consoles. PSN has some good sales now and then but it doesn't compare with Steam.

I agree touch screen allows for some cool UI design and if NX has that it will be an advantage. But let's not compare Nintendo to Apple and Google in terms of software development. They don't have the same resources and experience and Nintendo's online infrastructure isn't even up there with PSN and XBL. It took Apple and Google years of experience before their app stores became what they are now. DS4 does have a touch screen and Sony could integrate it more efficiently.

People like quality. The fact is that physical media damages the quality of that platform. People will gladly give up that choice for a higher quality. The first iPod wasn't a CD player with MP3 built in. It was an MP3 player, and that's it. People didn't have a choice, and they loved it because it made the product better. And now Apple is Apple because they notoriously don't give people a choice. And they are always right in doing it and they are the biggest tech company in the world right now because they don't give consumers a choice when it hurts the quality of their products. Choice only matters to hippies. Quality of experience matters to everyone else.

The amount of people buying digital over physical on consoles grows every year, but even still you're inflating the issue of digital. My point has never been that there was some active movement for digital by a huge group of millenial hipsters. My point is that not having physical is not an purchase-stopping issue for anyone but collectors and... the opposite of millenial hipsters idk.

Steam sales definitely are overstated. eShop has plenty of sales that occur almost as frequently, and the only reason there aren't more is because there aren't enough third party games to make them.

I chuckled at you thinking that DS4's touchpad could do anything UI wise that's even remotely comparable to what Nintendo can do with a touch screen. They have the resources and experience now. They have DeNA, and they've proven to know what they are doing. Again, that's what DeNA were brought in for. Not mobile. Their UI and their backend and their platform, and they have NERD for their cloud stuff, another new partner of theirs. Making a UI comparable to Apple and Android isn't some difficult task. They already did most of the work. They just need someone who knows what they're doing, DeNA, to do it for them on NX.

Saying that those things matter only matter to hippies shows how limited your views are. There are plenty of people that like choice. Android is bigger than iOS because it offers choice and its not limited. Apple came out with a massive leap in phone technology with the iPhone and that has paid its dividends in the form of loyal customers and huge sales. If NX does any of what you're saying its not gonna be a big leap at all just more of the same, maybe better suited to the digital thing, but not at all revolutionary. But that would be made up by the fact that PS4 and XB1 offer more choices and PlayStation as a brand is incredibly strong.

If PS4K is real the NX will have tough times ahead. Playing popular multiplats like GTA V at 1080p 60fps on console would attract a huge audience to upgrade to PS4K and NX's library will be weak due to its mid gen release while PS4K will have a strong existing library of PS4 games that will look and run better and PS4 owners wouldn't have to rebuy or leave the games they play due to it being an upgrade.

What has DeNA done in terms of UI that was anything on the scale of Play Store and PSN? Nothing. It takes a well developed infrastructure to accomodate such a huge marketplace. As for cloud computing Microsoft is way ahead of them and they still haven't done anything remarkable. Nintendo having just entered this field of development will be way behind.

spemanig said:

Because mainstream consumers aren't against going all-digital. That's your problem. You think an all digital console will cause this mass exodus. It won't. You think it's actually a negative point for enyone who doesn't frequent a gaming forum. It isn't. No one is as passionate about this non-issue as you are. No one but you is going to see the NX and go "humbug - they're FORCING digital on us." They'll go "oh wow, this thing is neat" and not even pay attention to the fact that it's digital only because, newsflash, everything is nowaways. People are used to all digital and have been for a decade. Nobody thinks about physical anymore outside of console gaming and nobody but the 2% will even notice when it's gone. NX will come out, will provide a user experience that is quicker, easier, more streamlined, and more modern than anything physical could ever achieve, and that will make physical media platforms like PS4 and XBO look completely obsolete by comparison. I guarantee you the PS4K2 and the XB3 will be digital only in response to the NX if they don't release a digital only revision of the PS4K and XB2 first. The equivalent of Blackberry releasing a touch screen phone after the iPhone.

And don't be mistaken - I have never once said that digital only would be the selling point. It's not. Digital only is merely a means to an end, but it is the means. People aren't going to want the NX because Nintendo markets it as digital only, because they won't market it as digital only, just like Apple doesn't market the iPad as digital only or the Apple TV as digital only. It's 2016 - that's not some out-there prospect anymore. Digital only is the means to that end. It's the glue that keeps it all together, not the product. Like I said, it's about UI, OS, firmware, the unified platform, and marketplace. That's the selling point. What's going to sell the NX is simply that it'll frankly be a better, more modern product than the PS4 or XBO are while still being on par. That's all that matters. PS4 is the Blackberry. NX is the iPhone.

They aren't the same now. The NX platform is going to change that. It will be the same as mobile platform in that specific way. That's a literal quote from Iwata. It will be like iOS and if you knew anything about those platforms, you'd know that they are tailor made to make scaling between hardware SKUs as seemless as possible. That's why the App Store is successful. It's easy to develope for on everything. That's the entire purpose of making this platform the way it is. To solve that issue. It doesn't matter if the handheld is way less powerful. That's the point of scaling down. The NXDS versions of games won't look as good as the console variations, and they won't need to. The smaller screen with higher pixel density as well as the law of diminishing returns makes up for the massive drop in resolution and asset quality, and all those extra recourses will be used to make the game look and run better. That's why Vita games looked comparable to PS3 games even though it was much weaker than the PS3. A sheild-level handheld running games at a 540p resolution would easily make games that look comparable to PS4/XBO/NX games. Easily. It doesn't need to be even remotely as powerful as those platforms to output comparable graphics. Again, that's just maths.

And calling the NXDS versions of games "worse versions" is an extremely disingenuious thing to say that erroniously dismisses the entire allure of handhelds. No one buying the NXDS cares that the versions are worse. No 3DS only owner cares that Smash 3DS is inferior to Smash Wii U. Still sold more copies. It's good enough. Looks good enough and runs well enough. That's going to be the case for like 90% of NX games. If Smash 3DS had cross buy/save/play with Smash Wii U, literally no one who owns both systems would give a flying shit that it was inferior, and those people would probably play it more. Nobody who likes handhelds cares that it doesn't run games at 1080p 60fps. That's not what they're for and no one will ever be disappointed in that. If someone owns both the NX and the NXDS and buys COD, you bet your ass they'll be excited to play it on their lunch break with the same save as the one they have are home without needing to think about it. That's a fucking dope luxury.

Of course the NX is going to have two screens. Both the handheld and the console will.

I can't believe what I'm reading in this next paragraph. To think that someone genuinely can't understand the concept of a coupon is baffling. My Nintendo rewards are merely a tool that makes buying software cheaper for dedicated users. They are independant of actual sales. Obviously. It's additive. I'm not going to explain to you the psychology of why this kind of thing works, but what I will say is that it's not this killer app for the platform. None of this stuff is. Everything combined is what will sell the NX, not one of the little things by themselves. No one is buying a PS4 because of PS+'s monthly subscription games for example, but that's obviously a system that adds percieved value to the ecosystem there. "PS4 gives you free games every month." Well, no it doesn't, but by that point the truth doesn't matter; the good PR has done its job in making the PS4 look like a better economic investment. That's what My Nintendo is doing, but rather than using a subscription based model, it's using a more active reward system. One that will undoubtably be integrated directly into the UI of the platform it was actually built to take advantage of. That's good because it makes every single purchase you make feel like a return on your investment towards more software. And software bought with coupons still reward points, which adds to that. Platinum Points are the same thing. The whole thing is meant to make the user feel like the entire NX ecosystem is a clockwork of ways to save the user money. That, in turn, becomes the identity of the NX eshop - its marketplace. That's why I compared it to Steam. When people think of Steam, they think of sales even though that's a gross eggaduration. My Nintendo is a program that allows Nintendo to cultivate that mindset with the NX eshop. Since the eshop will be the only marketplace for the NX, it will gain that same kind of identity. And that's on top of regular sales, which occur on a weekly basis. With a digital only platform, Nintendo has complete control of the consumers buying experience. That's a good thing for Nintendo, because they don't need to rely on retail chains to represent their games correctly. They advertise what they want in the way they want, and that's good, because they have their best interests in mind.

Also, get out of here with used games lmfao. Anyone who thinks that used games are what's going to stop the inevitable digital renaissance is out of touch with reality. It's a non-factor that only benefits Gamestop. PC gets along fine with no used games, and so will NX. There are a non-factor.

No, the best argument is "Look at how awesome and modern our platform is. Nintendo games, third party games, and the device is really good." Boring to type. Exciting to watch.

To end it, I'll just leave you with my favorite Miyamoto quote from E3 2014:

"So, particularly with digital downloads now and the idea that you're downloading the right to play a game, that opens up the ability to have multiple platform digital downloads where you can download on one and download on another. Certainly from a development standpoint there is some challenge to it, because if you have two devices that have different specs and you're being told to design in a way that the game runs on both devices, then that can be challenging for the developer—BUT if you have a more unified development environment and you're able to make one game that runs on both systems INSTEAD of having to make a game for each system, that's an area of opportunity for us." - Miyamoto with Kotaku

Make of that the only thing that can be made of that.

I'm like 90% digital this gen...I have no issue going digital, others most certainly do. Mostly, it's not even about going digital though, it's the lack of choice that's going to sink this. You also seem awfully quick to dismiss the same vocal minority that buried Microsoft's plans for the Xbox One. Most people wouldn't have even noticed always being online. But the vocal minority, who do care about that sort of thing, created really bad word of mouth.


Are you living in 2020? Digital movie sales are just set to outpace physical sales this year. The mass consumer market is still perfectly comfortable with physical media and gamers are even slower to adopt than the general population. Hence why digital game sales still trail physical sales by a huge margin.


A huge part of your idea also hinges on the evaporating handheld market. They are so intrinsically linked that if you aren't in one the appeal of the other is greatly diminished. If you don't want the handheld, the home console is just a digital only, Xbox One level console with a rewards program.


And how do you handle storage on the handheld? Even if it comes with 128 go of internal flash storage that's what? 2 AAA games after accounting for the OS, Apps, Saved data, room for patches, ect. So what? Every time you get a new game you delete one off of it? Then your stuck with those games any time you leave the house? Man, that's way more convenient than taking out a game and putting in a new one...


Literally your idea of Nintendo's argument is the same as mine only you added the words "modern" and "good". Which are abstracts. They don't represent anything tangible.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Soundwave said:
JustBeingReal said: Snipped my older post for size.

Yeah I agree. OS is not going to be a game changer. MS has basically an equivalent mobile OS as Apple/Google, even better in some ways to be honest, but no one buys a Windows Phone. Why? Because it doesn't have the same app ecosystem in variety that Apple or Android have.

Also really I mean, it's not like MS and Sony are stupid either. If Nintendo has some OS features that are really well done -- guess what? Sony/MS will copy them fairly quickly. You can't patent or copyright an OS feature.

And digital games ... so what? Who cares. You can buy every game digitally from Sony or MS already. So what if it's not as sleek of a service as Steam, it's more than functional enough to get gamers any game they desire easily enough.

If anyone else started really selling games because of an OS, it would be copied quickly. Even iOS was copied quickly by Google, Apple continues to sell big numbers because they have incredible marketing and brand prestige and their phones are top of the line in performance (something this NX is not even close to).


Well using the kind of approach that lets you make a multi-sized appraoch to releasing dedicated hardware for different audiences is pretty game changing, but then not capitalizing on it with games everyone wants basically nullifies any positive effect this attempt at a new paradigm has.

If Nintendo's games were huge selling beasts now then fine this would basically build on that momentum, but Nintendo doesn't have that, they lack in sales and their platforms get avoided by the very audience that Nintendo needs to target to themselves back in the game. If Nintendo actually focused on targeting the gamers that grew up playing Nintendo games back in the 80's, those people who now still buy video games would be buying Nintendo as their primary platform of choice.

3rd party is essential and this rumored level of performance and alien architecture (compared to what the rest of the dedicated gaming industry uses) is going to turn them off, not bring them onboard with Nintendo again.


As for the digital sales thing, yeah Nintendo are never going to avoid selling physical media, to kill a huge part of your sales, by making people go away from buying physical your basically killing a good half or more of the current business you get. Why risk it when it's better to give customers options of where they can buy games and DLC?


Sony and Microsoft can definitely adopt the same kind of approach by going to AMD and getting them to make an SOC to put in mobile hardware or make more powerful newer updated consoles and games just run, so long as they're patched, which doesn't take much work. Just because Sony and MS may not have invisioned this for PS4 and XB1 as an ecosystem, that doesn't mean they can't adapt their OS and API to work this way. Hell Sony makes tablets, phones, consoles, have past history with the PC market too, with their relations with 3rd party and their internal talent they could react to this very quickly.

They're likely going to own the VR market too, so merging everything into one huge Playstation architecture is just a natural step for them.

Microsoft can just piggyback off of their already established Windows and XBox platforms.

It's just a matter of adding new options really, something that would likely be far less costly than creating a whole new platform.

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im telling u that scince some time

Soundwave said:

Yeah all the "All In One" XBox didn't do crap for the XBox this gen. They tried "Apple-ize" the console in a lot of ways and it failed miserably so they had to pivot away from it quickly. And MS is a huge OS creator, Nintendo is not creating something better with an employee size 1/10th of MS.

People just want a game console that has good technology in it for a reasonable price that plays a large breadth of software including all the top 3rd party content. And something that they also watch Netflix and Hulu and NFL/NBA/MLB League Pass on.

And that's it. All the crap about the console being the center of the living room and controlling your TV through the console and TV apps ... no one gives a shit about that. When people get into a living room they just want to relax and be entertained, it's the couch effect.

Best Post I have ever read. its true

My guess is if the Nvidia rumors are true, then Nintendo is maybe using a custom Tegra X1. It's a good mobile chip, the tech behind is reasonably tested as Nvidia's had the Tegra X1 in the Shield micro-console for over a year now already.

Maybe the Nintendo console will be a custom 1 TFLOP (2x the current Tegra X1) Nvidia chip @ 20 watts, the portable may be 1/2 to 1/4 that.

This would line up with not being quite as good as an XBox One but still "industry leading" ... for a *mobile* chip, the Tegra X1 is pretty high end.

This is based on *if* what Emily and Semi-Accurate are saying is legit.

I would bet all my chips that ninendos relations with AMD is still intact. Slim chance Nintendo is with nvidia

It's funny how supposedly 360 only succeed because it was 1 year earlier, and all Sony mistakes, and how Wii U was absolutely incapable to do the same with all the mistakes that Microsoft did with the launch of Xbox One.

I don't think Nintendo needs a super powerful system, but if it's not x86 the problema with third party support will be the same of The Wii Ü. Launching the NX 3 years into the generation is The main problem anyway.

If you are going to compete with two stablished consoles (and one being a sales juggernaut like is Ps4) You need to have luck, a great product, and market it flawlessly, you won't succeed without this three.

Tim and The Princes...