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spemanig said:

Ballas said:

All those options you said will be on NX are already available on current gen consoles. But with PS4 and XB1 you also have the additional choice of buying games at retail. People like to have a choice and going digital would limit their choice rather than expand it.

If people wanted to go digital like you said console games would have had a much higher digital sales ratio than the 10-20% they usually do. Why is that so, going by your logic, they should have moved en masse to digital downloads?

Steam sales are not overstated. They are incredible and offer discounts on a huge variety of popular games. Steam prices are generally also quite low compared to consoles. PSN has some good sales now and then but it doesn't compare with Steam.

I agree touch screen allows for some cool UI design and if NX has that it will be an advantage. But let's not compare Nintendo to Apple and Google in terms of software development. They don't have the same resources and experience and Nintendo's online infrastructure isn't even up there with PSN and XBL. It took Apple and Google years of experience before their app stores became what they are now. DS4 does have a touch screen and Sony could integrate it more efficiently.

People like quality. The fact is that physical media damages the quality of that platform. People will gladly give up that choice for a higher quality. The first iPod wasn't a CD player with MP3 built in. It was an MP3 player, and that's it. People didn't have a choice, and they loved it because it made the product better. And now Apple is Apple because they notoriously don't give people a choice. And they are always right in doing it and they are the biggest tech company in the world right now because they don't give consumers a choice when it hurts the quality of their products. Choice only matters to hippies. Quality of experience matters to everyone else.

The amount of people buying digital over physical on consoles grows every year, but even still you're inflating the issue of digital. My point has never been that there was some active movement for digital by a huge group of millenial hipsters. My point is that not having physical is not an purchase-stopping issue for anyone but collectors and... the opposite of millenial hipsters idk.

Steam sales definitely are overstated. eShop has plenty of sales that occur almost as frequently, and the only reason there aren't more is because there aren't enough third party games to make them.

I chuckled at you thinking that DS4's touchpad could do anything UI wise that's even remotely comparable to what Nintendo can do with a touch screen. They have the resources and experience now. They have DeNA, and they've proven to know what they are doing. Again, that's what DeNA were brought in for. Not mobile. Their UI and their backend and their platform, and they have NERD for their cloud stuff, another new partner of theirs. Making a UI comparable to Apple and Android isn't some difficult task. They already did most of the work. They just need someone who knows what they're doing, DeNA, to do it for them on NX.

You really think Sony can't release a controller with a cheap LCD display on it? Having a screen on the controller didn't do shit for the Wii U anyway.

You don't even need a screen on the controller, just allow streaming to a tablet/phone, everyone has one of those in their house already.

These are things Nintendo can't patent and will be copied easily if they have any degree of market success. Microsoft laughs at tiny little DeNA, they can't do anything they couldn't do far better.

You can be digital only to your hearts content today on PS4 or XB1 already. You never have to buy anything physically if you don't want. Hell even Wii U does this already. Who cares.