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shikamaru317 said:
lmaobox said:

There is no way Nintendo can hit the $250-$300 price target with those specs while having far worse economies of scale than SONY.

People here seriously underestimate how much volume affects specs. Considering Nintendo postponed NX launch to March 2017, I'm guessing they aren't very confident about their next console, meaning they will place far less orders from suppliers than SONY is. Nintendo would need to buy specs half as strong as the PS4 to even get the $400-$500 pricepoint without taking a loss.

What volume issues are you referring to? Last I heard Nintendo thinks they can sell 10m NX units in the first year. They've likely dialed back their expectations since then, but I'm sure they plan to have at least a couple million ready for launch and sell at least 5m in the first year.

Polaris 11 is intended to replace the $150-$180 line of AMD GPU's at retail, and since Nintendo is buying in bulk and AMD is desperate for deals right now, I'm sure Nintendo could have easily got a good deal on a custom Polaris 11 based APU. I think $300 is indeed possible for a theoretical NX using Polaris 11. I'm sure Nintendo knows it's suicide to release against PS4 with a poor price/performance ratio.

Yup, Nintendo not choosing Polaris 11 is a monumental fuck up. It's tiny, cheap, incredibly power efficient, and would've given them better than PS4 performance.

My guess is they gimped their console to allow for easier game sharing with the portable.

That and they probably again went with expensive custom gimmicks like a free-form LCD display on the game pad which means they had to cut costs on the chipset as a result.

I think what they've probably done is make something akin to a PSVita + PSVita TV, except the Vita TV in their case has somewhat better performance than the portable, but not a huge gap. So maybe you have a console that's 700-800 GFLOPs, and a portable that's 300-400 GFLOPs both based on mobile chips (Tegra X1 + cheapo ARM CPU if that Nvidia rumor is true).