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Soundwave said:
JustBeingReal said: Snipped my older post for size.

Yeah I agree. OS is not going to be a game changer. MS has basically an equivalent mobile OS as Apple/Google, even better in some ways to be honest, but no one buys a Windows Phone. Why? Because it doesn't have the same app ecosystem in variety that Apple or Android have.

Also really I mean, it's not like MS and Sony are stupid either. If Nintendo has some OS features that are really well done -- guess what? Sony/MS will copy them fairly quickly. You can't patent or copyright an OS feature.

And digital games ... so what? Who cares. You can buy every game digitally from Sony or MS already. So what if it's not as sleek of a service as Steam, it's more than functional enough to get gamers any game they desire easily enough.

If anyone else started really selling games because of an OS, it would be copied quickly. Even iOS was copied quickly by Google, Apple continues to sell big numbers because they have incredible marketing and brand prestige and their phones are top of the line in performance (something this NX is not even close to).


Well using the kind of approach that lets you make a multi-sized appraoch to releasing dedicated hardware for different audiences is pretty game changing, but then not capitalizing on it with games everyone wants basically nullifies any positive effect this attempt at a new paradigm has.

If Nintendo's games were huge selling beasts now then fine this would basically build on that momentum, but Nintendo doesn't have that, they lack in sales and their platforms get avoided by the very audience that Nintendo needs to target to themselves back in the game. If Nintendo actually focused on targeting the gamers that grew up playing Nintendo games back in the 80's, those people who now still buy video games would be buying Nintendo as their primary platform of choice.

3rd party is essential and this rumored level of performance and alien architecture (compared to what the rest of the dedicated gaming industry uses) is going to turn them off, not bring them onboard with Nintendo again.


As for the digital sales thing, yeah Nintendo are never going to avoid selling physical media, to kill a huge part of your sales, by making people go away from buying physical your basically killing a good half or more of the current business you get. Why risk it when it's better to give customers options of where they can buy games and DLC?


Sony and Microsoft can definitely adopt the same kind of approach by going to AMD and getting them to make an SOC to put in mobile hardware or make more powerful newer updated consoles and games just run, so long as they're patched, which doesn't take much work. Just because Sony and MS may not have invisioned this for PS4 and XB1 as an ecosystem, that doesn't mean they can't adapt their OS and API to work this way. Hell Sony makes tablets, phones, consoles, have past history with the PC market too, with their relations with 3rd party and their internal talent they could react to this very quickly.

They're likely going to own the VR market too, so merging everything into one huge Playstation architecture is just a natural step for them.

Microsoft can just piggyback off of their already established Windows and XBox platforms.

It's just a matter of adding new options really, something that would likely be far less costly than creating a whole new platform.