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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Cobretti2 said:

Yer but the thing is if I want to play a 90s rail shooter I CAN, they exist.  Why would I pay $60 for one when I can pull one out of a storage box in my cupboard?

I see what you're saying, but if we followed through on that logic we'd have to "retire" certain genres. And I would hate for that to happen.

I guess what bothers me is that some critics and consumers think Star Fox Zero is overpriced because of the way it looks and how long it takes to see the final credits roll. For me, that's poor criteria. In a way video games are simply a set of tools and encounters, and we as players get from them what we put in. That's why you see folks talking about how they sunk a hundred hours on Star Fox 64, a game that can be "beaten" in an afternoon.

And about graphics: I know that we've always been fascinated by great-looking games. I remember marveling at Super Mario 64 when I first got my N64, and I recall being floored by the HD graphics on X360. But resolution, textures, lighting, and particle effects are just one part of a grander experience. I wish fewer people would, to use a tired expression, judge a book by its cover. And I wish people wouldn't hammer the top dogs for turning in a poor graphics performance but forgive the little indie guys. 

But I guess that brings us back to price. We're willing to drop $15 on a crummy-looking "indie" game but not $60 on a crummy looking "AAA" game. Why? Fun is fun.

I guess reason I am being harsh is becase I really believe NIntendo coudl make Starfox a much bigger franchise that connects to a new generation of kids as well as the true loyalists. I think the characters could become very icon like mario. 

I know people hate the rare reskin, but you know what I didn't mind land missions.

I would love to see a true space travel  with zelda/jetforce jemini mix with lego games (comedy for Fox as he is meant to be a fox lol) and a nice epic story that is qwerky. 

Nintendo always talk about branching out byong there current business model so why not link it to an anime. Kids would love it. Working well for Ace Attorney as example.   Create the story through the anmie and represent it through the game.



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I was about to make a topic on something regarding replayability, but it got too big and I over edited it. Eventually it timed out.

I feel like replayability is something that isn't taken into account for games these days. I'm not referring to replaying a game in different ways or different paths. I'm talking about replaying a game doing the exact same things, or maybe just taking into account how much fun is it really for someone to play a game in different ways, and would they really care to?

How good are some games if you become used to everything they offer and you already know what to expect? Just because this game over here is a GOTY winner after playing one time through doesn't all of a sudden make it better or even on par with games that are more enjoyable after already knowing the same things in each playthrough. The real GOTY's are known only after they have stood the test of time.

Some games (especially these days) have a lot of scripted sections that you don't really have much control over, although they try and give you that illusion (looking at you ND) and it can feel like you're just going through the motions. But you become keen to these things on every playthrough after and the drop in quality once realized can be pretty significant.

Lube Me Up

Cobretti2 said:

I guess reason I am being harsh is becase I really believe NIntendo coudl make Starfox a much bigger franchise that connects to a new generation of kids as well as the true loyalists. I think the characters could become very icon like mario. 

I know people hate the rare reskin, but you know what I didn't mind land missions.

I would love to see a true space travel  with zelda/jetforce jemini mix with lego games (comedy for Fox as he is meant to be a fox lol) and a nice epic story that is qwerky. 

Nintendo always talk about branching out byong there current business model so why not link it to an anime. Kids would love it. Working well for Ace Attorney as example.   Create the story through the anmie and represent it through the game.

Well, on that front I agree with you (and Soundwave above). Nintendo has mismanaged the franchise, and hasn't done enough to build up the brand.

I also love your Zelda/Jet Force Gemini game idea. You could do something that's a mix of Star Fox, Rogue Squadron, and even Mass Effect. I would buy that game in a heartbeat :)

gabzjmm23 said:
75 is fine. if this game looks like StarWars Battlefront for graphics, these reviewers would certainly increase the score in the 80s.

It's fine until you realise that only 30% of critics recommend the game.

Lawlight said:

It's fine until you realise that only 30% of critics recommend the game.

The problem with that OpenCritic RT-like score is that they consider "not recommended" a score behind 75, I think. At least based on scores and the percentage. Metacritic says that any game behind 75 is a mixed response too. I think that nowadays they have to lower that mark. I get that before everything which was behind an 80 was a shitty review, but now, you can read reviews with a 70 score that speaks well of the game. In fact, a 70/100 it's not a bad score at all, and gaming reviews are changing, they're now harsher,  so it's ridiculous to keep the same "<75 = bad game". I was saying the same this gen with games like QB or SF:Zero. That's the way it is now. At least I think so.

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LMU Uncle Alfred said:
I was about to make a topic on something regarding replayability, but it got too big and I over edited it. Eventually it timed out.

I feel like replayability is something that isn't taken into account for games these days. I'm not referring to replaying a game in different ways or different paths. I'm talking about replaying a game doing the exact same things, or maybe just taking into account how much fun is it really for someone to play a game in different ways, and would they really care to?

How good are some games if you become used to everything they offer and you already know what to expect? Just because this game over here is a GOTY winner after playing one time through doesn't all of a sudden make it better or even on par with games that are more enjoyable after already knowing the same things in each playthrough. The real GOTY's are known only after they have stood the test of time.

Some games (especially these days) have a lot of scripted sections that you don't really have much control over, although they try and give you that illusion (looking at you ND) and it can feel like you're just going through the motions. But you become keen to these things on every playthrough after and the drop in quality once realized can be pretty significant.

Great point. I think that comes back to an idea Rol is always talking about: is a game worth playing vs. is a game worth owning. And owning is definitely related to replay value, not only in terms of different characters, storylines, and paths, but, as you write, in terms of how much enjoyment can be had from the base mechanics. 

Take, for example, the Gears of War 4 beta. I've been playing a lot of co-op deathmatch. The maps are always the same; the mechanics are always the same; the goal is always the same. But I cannot stop playing. It's just so much fun. So in that case, the replay value is based simply on doing the exact same thing, over and over again.

spemanig said:

Star Fox has all-range mode and on foot sections (that's what the walker is, guys. It's a third person shooter.) It's not just a rail shooter, and Wii remote is not good at all for something like that. Using the second analog stick like it's supposed to be used would accomidate all of these modes without cutting the visuals in half, straining the framerate. The Walker would control better and the all ranch mode would control far more naturally. Even if the rail mode was a casualty, at worse it would control at well as SF64, and at best, it would offer more percision aiming. That simple fix could have allowed for a control center on the game pad with various functions to innovate Star Fox in a much different way. They could have consolidated the controls so much.

But again, this game didn't even start as a Star Fox game. It's literally like Guard and Giant Robot. Miyamoto was making tech demos to justify the gamepad, and decided to slap Star Fox onto it. He did the same with Guard. Come to think of it, the same was the case with the original and SF64 (FX chip and rumble). They were all made to test some hardware gimmick. It's like they don't even give a shit about these franchises.

I'm afraid of what will make Miyamoto finally make an F-Zero game.

Yeah, the walker sections is similar to a TPS, I get that. But my favourite control scheme for games which have aiming and movement independent is Wiimote + Nunchuk, or mouse + keyboard on computer. That applies to TPS too. I've played games like RE:4 Wii edition, and it feels more comfortable, more intuitive and my skills improved with the Wiimote a lot, compared to the GC version. Same with FPS like CoD, for example. Almost everything that involves aiming. I also feel more comfortable with gyro-controls similar to Splatoon. I'd probably use the gyrocontrols in SF:Zero even if I had an option of using a standard controller. What I don't get is the use of the double screen, I'm fine with motion controls in the game. For me, they're better than double joystick in every possible way. But, in the end, every person would have his favourite control scheme, so I wonder why not have everything. The WiiU has a great advantage over other consoles, you can play in almost every imaginable way. If you like standard controls, you can play with a Pro Controller or Gamepad. If you like motion controls, you can use the Gamepad gyroscopic controls. If you like pointer controls, you can use the Wiimote. I just think it's ridiculous to ditch all the possible control schemes and to force the use of only one. Just implement all the possible options, and let people decide! 

Mar1217 said:

Hell, you should add The Wonderful 101(78) and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (69) in that category. 

The fact that Pokémon SMM has only a 69 is just painful to my eyes. I really love that game XD. Yeah, I could use a lot of examples. Both of them are good games, well received by Nintendo fandom, they have both better user scores, yet because their scores less than 80 they're bad? No, I refuse to think that. The reviews were not generally bad! A 70 is not bad! Hell, I'd love to have that score on college haha. I think that you can read now some 70/100 scores, the vast majority, that speaks well of the game, so I don't know what they're waiting to change that mentality. 

Lawlight said:
gabzjmm23 said:
75 is fine. if this game looks like StarWars Battlefront for graphics, these reviewers would certainly increase the score in the 80s.

It's fine until you realise that only 30% of critics recommend the game.

Gotta agree with Volterra on this one. The Rotten Tomatoes/OpenCritic formula is fundamentally flawed (How's that for alliteration?).

A game that got a "fresh rating" of 70 across the board would be a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. But all that means is all critics gave the game a lukewarm reception. Aggregate scoring sites like Metacritic are flawed, but they're worlds better than sites like RT. Lumping all media into either "fresh" or "rotten" based on an arbitrary cut-off? It doesn't capture the full picture.

Lawlight said:

According to OpenCritic, the game has an equivalent of 31% on a RottenTomatoes-style rating:

RottenTomatoes? lol.

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