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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It seems that former NoA employee Alison Rapp *may* be a prostitute

so? why is this a problem? this is actually one area where i think feminists have a point, its her body so let her do whatever she wants with it whether that be self-destructive or not

if it doesn't impede her ability to do whatever work she's doing for a company why should it be an issue?

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Chevinator123 said:
GoOnKid said:

Boy, just stop it already. That girl got fired. That was what those idiots wanted but now that they have it, they still can't let it rest? They still don't have enough? She handles her sexuality different than you, so what? If some people could stop thinking that sex was the devil's work, that would be great.

The media and rapp herself insisted it was GGs fault she got fired yet Nintendos reasoning was that she had a second job. with this new information Nintendo had very valid reasonings for firing her, shes a PR spokesperson person afterall. She knew exactly why she got fired yet still tryed to point the finger.

She was probably hoping to become a martyr like Zoe Quinn and reap the benefits of that.

Soundwave said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah, here's the thing - I didn't follow the full story about her and GG (if its GG in the first place, and not some "trolls for fun"). The first time I've read anything about it was on EG, I concluded that she was socially stupid (you simply do not poke snake lair if you see one) and that Nintendo probably had every reason to fire her.

What ticked me however is how game "journalists" covered that story, making her insta-martyr, even going as far as deleting all posts that did not agree with their party line. And that is what's happening now on GAF again. So yeah, while it is indeed just gaming, and it is not religion, it's SJWs who brought ideology into gaming, and it's quite obvious that they have "either you're with us, or you're enemy" kind of view.

And the funny thing is, gaming "press" is dodging the bullet again, while click-baiting for ad revenue.

Maybe some gamers need to like CHILL the fuck out?

Any criticism of gaming is not free reign to start hurling death threats like what happened to Jimmy Kimmel for making a goddamn joke (as an example). 

Secondly, just because you disagree with someone's POV doesn't give you free reign to then go hound their personal life and try to get them fired. 

Third, this woman from what I can tell wasn't even against whatever the fuck these idiots were upset about in the first place. She actually agreed with them. 

This is gaming, it's not some ISIS like idelogy where anyone against it needs to be destroyed. 

That's funny - you say you're on no ones' side and yet you only attack one side.

Soundwave said:
HoloDust said:

@bolded How about you go by your own advice first?

As I said, trolls will be trolls, you cannot dodge the trolls so easily, so smart person would handle them better - my bet is that's one of major requirements for PR job in this day and age - while what trolls have done to her is terrible, her handling of situation was poor at best. I had, neither then nor now, any doubt in Nintendo's desicion to fire her, for lack of her competence as PR alone, let alone all other stuff.

As for your ISIS comparison - as I said, true again, gaming is not ideology, never has been, until SJWs started injecting their "justice" into it - if anything, its them that are very comparable to that sort of single-minded dogmas.

Some gamers need to stop being so thin skinned is my point. You cannot react like a fucking moron or threaten to kill someone every time an issue like this comes up. I don't give a crap if it's SJW and wah wah it's not fair. This is not an acceptable type of behavior, cyberstalking people and trying to dig up dirt on them because one has had a Twitter arguement is just shameful bullshit. It's the whole "it's OK to shoot up a newpaper office because they dared to draw my religious deity" train of logic. 

You're either not reading what I'm replying, or you're not putting any effort to understand what I'm saying, so I guess I'll just give it a rest after this:

Again, trolls will be trolls, nobody can change that, but there's a proper way to handle it and then there's poor way. Bottom line for me in this whole mess is, again, how gaming "press" handled it, and that's either without ethics, jumping on the SJW bandwagon, or like another click-bait (which makes them as bad as those trolls) - I guess Stephen Totilo is proud on mission accomplished, given his views on gaming journalism.


Last edited by OttoniBastos - on 31 July 2018

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with how polarised this whole "feminists/sjw" vs "gamergate/redpill" debate is getting i figured that this would be appropriate



people really need to wake up to how they are being played... its not so obvious when you're in the heat of debate for your "side" but take a breather, step back and really look at what is going on...

We do not need threads on this forum detailing someones personal life, especially when said person is being harrassed (And her family is being harrassed) by a bunch of fucking losers on the Internet.
