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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%
AAA300 said:
KLXVER said:

MS is not my company of choice. Im just able to be unbiased when it comes to these conferences.

If your just watching to be entertained than I guess those trailers can win you over. : ) But for most exclusives are what makes e3 announcements  important because it shows value for that console/company.  Don't get me wrong 3rd party is important but  no one company wins e3 when the games on all systems. That's why I bring up ff7  as Sony's biggest announcement for most and yet it's also on xbox! Lol. I think Ms won too but for different reasons than yours. 

Well Fallout 3 and Dark Souls 2 was my top 2 favorite games of the 7th gen, so theres that. Nintendo showed nothing new. Sony showed TLG, my hype died for that game a couple of years ago. Im not a FF fan and I really dont get the hype for Horizon.

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I don't think people will vote for Sony no matter what (they really were the best overall in 2015 imo tho). For example, at E3 2014 I think most people voted for Nintendo. Speaking of which, I have strong feelings that they will win this year, cause they will reveal their next gen with brand new games and all... unless they seriously screw up.

2014 was around 2 years ago now though and even then I don't really see the other two getting votes this year, what with all the NX talk, MS apparently focussing more and more on PC, it's all set up in a way that they aren't likely to win this year or the enxt, not unless they pull some godsplitter of a move this year and I honestly don't see that happening.

Dunno about NX though, we've had a good number of years of a comfortable Nintendo that's fine with Wii like hardware, the last time they tried to go with power was the Gamecube and that was a long time ago which to their end, didn't produce amazing results for them since PS2 got the lead and was liked more. If they don't screw up with NX then that would be considered a normal thing for them to do (business and consumer wise not sucking should never be looked at like some bonus treat).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

KLXVER said:
AAA300 said:

If your just watching to be entertained than I guess those trailers can win you over. : ) But for most exclusives are what makes e3 announcements  important because it shows value for that console/company.  Don't get me wrong 3rd party is important but  no one company wins e3 when the games on all systems. That's why I bring up ff7  as Sony's biggest announcement for most and yet it's also on xbox! Lol. I think Ms won too but for different reasons than yours. 

Well Fallout 3 and Dark Souls 2 was my top 2 favorite games of the 7th gen, so theres that. Nintendo showed nothing new. Sony showed TLG, my hype died for that game a couple of years ago. Im not a FF fan and I really dont get the hype for Horizon.

Agree on horizon, the game looks good graphical but I'm not sold on the planet of the apes with robots story. TLG demo look really boring like they threw it together real quick to show that the game was actually real and not another trailer.

AAA300 said:
Luke888 said:
Since ReCore hasn't been shown since E3 I have to go with Sony.

This is about e3 only though so what does that have to do with it?

we're making a retrospect, aren't we ? so what I see is that ReCore, the only game I was interested in in the Microsoft presentation (and that probably I would have prefered to play over any other game shown by any company at E3) has been delayed and we've still not seen actual gameplay.

On the other hand games such as FFVII Remake or No Man Sky have recieved actual gameplay, a release date/period (2017 for FFVII, June for NMS) and expanded on what we knew from E3 (ie. we now know that the battle system in FFVII remake has changed from the original).

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of games that Microsoft showed that already released or are about to, heck look at Dark Souls III, but out of those that caught my interest I have to say that as of now Sony has won. 

There were no winners. Only losers. Of course, Nintendo lost hardest.

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AAA300 said:
KLXVER said:

Well Fallout 3 and Dark Souls 2 was my top 2 favorite games of the 7th gen, so theres that. Nintendo showed nothing new. Sony showed TLG, my hype died for that game a couple of years ago. Im not a FF fan and I really dont get the hype for Horizon.

Agree on horizon, the game looks good graphical but I'm not sold on the planet of the apes with robots story. TLG demo look really boring like they threw it together real quick to show that the game was actually real and not another trailer.

Based on the awards and nominations after E3, I think downplaying Horizon would be a huge mistake. It is clear that it is going to be a huge IP and have an interesting world that innovates on numerous levels. 

Bryank75 said:
AAA300 said:

Agree on horizon, the game looks good graphical but I'm not sold on the planet of the apes with robots story. TLG demo look really boring like they threw it together real quick to show that the game was actually real and not another trailer.

Based on the awards and nominations after E3, I think downplaying Horizon would be a huge mistake. It is clear that it is going to be a huge IP and have an interesting world that innovates on numerous levels. 

I doubt it tbh. Evolve also won awards and nominations remember.

MS had a better *show*, but Sony had better *announcements*. Sony could have had a way better show considering the stuff they showed, but maybe they just thought they'd let the announcements speak for themselves, which I guess they sorta did.

So in the end I'd say Sony.

E3 is about the Megatons.

Sony dropped them in numbers.

Lets hope we can also enjoy this year's E3 without leaks or spoilers.

Definitely not Nintendo lol. I still think Bethesda had the best press conference... it was concise and to the point, and we all got to see several new big titles announced, none bigger than Fallout 4 which was released a mere 5 months later.

Between M$ and Sony, I think they both had equally good press conferences with plenty of titles, but Sony maintained the momentum they had despite the delay of Uncharted 4, so I'd give the edge to them.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.