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I don't think people will vote for Sony no matter what (they really were the best overall in 2015 imo tho). For example, at E3 2014 I think most people voted for Nintendo. Speaking of which, I have strong feelings that they will win this year, cause they will reveal their next gen with brand new games and all... unless they seriously screw up.

2014 was around 2 years ago now though and even then I don't really see the other two getting votes this year, what with all the NX talk, MS apparently focussing more and more on PC, it's all set up in a way that they aren't likely to win this year or the enxt, not unless they pull some godsplitter of a move this year and I honestly don't see that happening.

Dunno about NX though, we've had a good number of years of a comfortable Nintendo that's fine with Wii like hardware, the last time they tried to go with power was the Gamecube and that was a long time ago which to their end, didn't produce amazing results for them since PS2 got the lead and was liked more. If they don't screw up with NX then that would be considered a normal thing for them to do (business and consumer wise not sucking should never be looked at like some bonus treat).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"