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Forums - PC Discussion - Quantum Break on PC has serious issues

Normchacho said:

That's very odd...the voice acting was the same as the U.S. version though, right? So...did they call it Zootopia in the actual film?

The voices are the same (save for the parts where the VA's have re-dubbed over their own lines like SHakira welcoming you to Zootropolis while the US/her music video say Zootopia), I;m not sure why but looking for sources just gives me info that Disney are playing coy and at the same time saying “to merely allow the film to have a unique title that works for UK audiences”.

There are shows and films that do go through name changes when being shown to other countries, I just find it odd because Topia and tropolis are already close in their meaning (not entirely exact but close enough), they could have just stuck with the original name.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Chazore said:
Normchacho said:

That's very odd...the voice acting was the same as the U.S. version though, right? So...did they call it Zootopia in the actual film?

The voices are the same (save for the parts where the VA's have re-dubbed over their own lines like SHakira welcoming you to Zootropolis while the US/her music video say Zootopia), I;m not sure why but looking for sources just gives me info that Disney are playing coy and at the same time saying “to merely allow the film to have a unique title that works for UK audiences”.

There are shows and films that do go through name changes when being shown to other countries, I just find it odd because Topia and tropolis are already close in their meaning (not entirely exact but close enough), they could have just stuck with the original name.

Huh, that's very strange. That's like how the U.S. got Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, instead of the Philosophers stone.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Normchacho said:

Huh, that's very strange. That's like how the U.S. got Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, instead of the Philosophers stone.

Exactly, I'm just not sure why they would even consider such a change, it's not like the original name would cause any negative harm to the public just by looking at the name, makes me wodner if games go through different name changes around the world as well (not really aware of that area when it comes to name changes).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Normchacho said:

Huh, that's very strange. That's like how the U.S. got Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, instead of the Philosophers stone.

Exactly, I'm just not sure why they would even consider such a change, it's not like the original name would cause any negative harm to the public just by looking at the name, makes me wodner if games go through different name changes around the world as well (not really aware of that area when it comes to name changes).

"Time Fracture on PC has serious issues" haha

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

... but I thought the "Unified Windows Platform" tools were supposed to make porting a breeze. Why is MS having so much trouble?

Around the Network
Normchacho said:

"Time Fracture on PC has serious issues" haha

Back to the break, "where we're going we don't ened patches".

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Goatseye said:
The PC streams on Twitch seemed fine to me and there are bunch of them.

blackufa_twitch  (pc) It stutters and is laggy.

His pc: i7-6700K 4000MHz + ASUS GeForce GTX 980 Ti + 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4 2400Mhz


cohhcarnage (pc) it runs fine, looks like hes useing really low graphics settings:

his pc: Intel I7 5820K + MSI GTX 980 + 8GB DDR4 x 4


teasycat (pc) it runs well enough (minor stutter), graphics look good.

his pc: no idea, cant see it on his twitch profile.


Cryssness (pc) it runs well, graphics less than xbox version (imo)

his pc: no idea, cant see it on his twitch profile.

^ this are just me looking through the first 15 streams or so, and checking the ones with (PC) in them.



"The PC streams on Twitch seemed fine to me and there are bunch of them."

That is not the first impression I got checking them out.


I really wish we had benchmarks for the PC version, and digital foundry to analyse this stuff.

The mod community is definitely an upside to pc gaming. 

Sorry meant to have a quote in this reply ^^^

Im not sure if there should be a new thread dedicated to the PC performance for this game? or it should just be lumped in here but... going to just keep it here unless people say we need a new thread for it.

Apparently the PC port of this game isnt very well optimised.

Testing source:

Test rig is a oc'ed 3770 with 16 GB ram, and 2 x 980Ti in SLI.

"The bad news is that Quantum Break at maximum settings doesn’t run well at all, even with this configuration, at FullHD resolution."

Basically 1080p with maximum graphic settings requires more than 980ti.
The SLI / Crossfire either dont work at all, or barely offer any performance gains.

G-Sync turns it into a slide show, without it, it has serious sutter & lag issues.

" Furthermore, the graphics are actually more than a bit underwhelming due to plenty of aliasing and blurry textures. This can’t even be fixed via downsampling – I have DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) enabled in the NVIDIA panel, but resolutions higher than my native one (1080P) can’t be selected at all within the game;"

"Right now, though, this port isn’t in a good shape. Recent games like Rise of the Tomb Raider and Tom Clancy’s The Division have raised the bar, looking and performing much better than Quantum Break does right now even though they both feature far larger environments than Remedy’s title.

Moreover, this is the second DirectX 12 only game to be released. Both were distributed via the Universal Windows Platform and published by Microsoft; both, so far, have been disappointments in terms of performance. "

I honestly think if you have a Xbox One, your probably better off playing on that then the PC version currently.

"low 20s I would say on a single 980ti on maxed settings, not a demanding scene." - jony_m

Jebus.... that is demanding (or really poorly optimised).