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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - About Alison Rapp case.

Aura7541 said:
sundin13 said:

@Aura: When I say "this pedophilia nonsense is irrelevant", I essentially meant that it should have been irrelevant, or at least a very minor part of the discussion to highlight her lack of professionalism, not to state that she was a danger to children and an abominable human being.

However, you can't make that conclusion with absolute certainty. The NoA supervisory line's reaction to Jamie Walton's inquiry was very serious. It wasn't something like, "Thank you for reaching out to us. We'll address this with our employee."; it was "We will handle this IMMEDIATELY. Unacceptable." That kind of response strongly implies that she might have violated a certain clause in their contract or goes against Nintendo's philosphy. Whether you agree with that or not doesn't matter because Nintendo has the right to adhere to certain values and if an employee acts contrary to those values, the company will not tolerate that.

Also, it's my understanding that in Washington, it's an 'At Will' State:

At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning.

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wombat123 said:

You know the thing that annoys me the most about this whole thing?  If this were about a man, the vast majority of us would not give a damn.  At most, we'd say 'sucks to be him' and go about our business but since this is about a young, not-ugly female, we get 40+ articles pushing a false harassment narrative, petitions, calls for boycotts, devs cancelling games and massive threads across the gaming community.  It's pathetic how thirsty a lot of males involved in video games are.

It tells a lot about society as a whole, frankly, anyway, it's good that justice has been served and Nintendo made the right choice for everyone.

hershel_layton said:

The people sending death threats because they can't adjust the size of a person's bust really need to reevaluate their lives.

Whenever social justice people say they've received 'death threats' (I say social justice people/progressives/3rd wave feminists because they've cornered  the 'claiming-to-receive-death-threats-online' market), I always assume it's something like a small step above disagreement that's exaggerated for effect or outright lies that are manufactured to increase the amount of money they get on patreon or to teach someone a lesson for 'wrong-think'.  I take nothing that a social progressive or feminist says seriously unless they go to the police and they corroborate their accusations -- and even then, I'm still skeptical because I've seen them lie, exaggerate, put things hilariously out of context and try to destroy lives to push their agendas too many times to take their word at face value.

wombat123 said:
hershel_layton said:

The people sending death threats because they can't adjust the size of a person's bust really need to reevaluate their lives.

Whenever social justice people say they've received 'death threats' (I say social justice people/progressives/3rd wave feminists because they've cornered  the 'claiming-to-receive-death-threats-online' market), I always assume it's something like a small step above disagreement that's exaggerated for effect or outright lies that are manufactured to increase the amount of money they get on patreon or to teach someone a lesson for 'wrong-think'.  I take nothing that a social progressive or feminist says seriously unless they go to the police and they corroborate their accusations -- and even then, I'm still skeptical because I've seen them lie, exaggerate, put things hilariously out of context and try to destroy lives to push their agendas too many times to take their word at face value.

I know that. I ain't a SJW.


Though. I have actually seen people use threats cause the bust slider was moved. Lmao. 



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

mountaindewslave said:

its not Nintendo's job to actively get involved in their employee's PERSONAL social media pages

its not as if Alison was being harassed as the face of Nintendo or something like that. I would argue that most big company's actually discourage their employees to be hugely active in social media (especialyl with personal opinions) as the opinions may not match up with the company.

in the end though we don't know why EXACTLY she was fired. It could have been that she was literally just poor at her job and the timing happened to be funny. or it could be that some of her comments (especially regarding child molesters) broke her contract. Bear in mind practically any large company will potentially fire someone for actively getting involved in political or sensitive conversation that could alienate a certain branch of consumers.

I understand that coming to a gaming forum, you don't encounter a ton of people in the corporate world, but this just isn't true. If you post anything illegal or something that would determintal to the company's image, you can be reprimanded for it. So, PR employee of child friendly company defends child porn and starts taking NSFW pictures as a side job (with Nintendo merch in them), you're going to get in trouble. The situation has blown up for many reasons, but I don't think Nintendo can really be accused of any wrong-doing. She was drawing far too much controversy and reacted poorly.

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mornelithe said:
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A lot of SJWs attacking Nintendo should have some egg on their face right now.


Last edited by OttoniBastos - on 31 July 2018

mornelithe said:
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This could turn out well for her. Microsoft may hire her as a dancer for their developers conferences now.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

Porcupine_I said:
mornelithe said:
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This could turn out well for her. Microsoft may hire her as a dancer for their developers conferences now.

...and then SJWs will 'slut shame' her for some reason.  Wait, nevermind -- they won't since she, personally, subscribes to the 'right' ideologies and politics.