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hershel_layton said:

The people sending death threats because they can't adjust the size of a person's bust really need to reevaluate their lives.

Whenever social justice people say they've received 'death threats' (I say social justice people/progressives/3rd wave feminists because they've cornered  the 'claiming-to-receive-death-threats-online' market), I always assume it's something like a small step above disagreement that's exaggerated for effect or outright lies that are manufactured to increase the amount of money they get on patreon or to teach someone a lesson for 'wrong-think'.  I take nothing that a social progressive or feminist says seriously unless they go to the police and they corroborate their accusations -- and even then, I'm still skeptical because I've seen them lie, exaggerate, put things hilariously out of context and try to destroy lives to push their agendas too many times to take their word at face value.