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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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8 9 30.00%
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See results 2 6.67%

Oh and the movie just passed Superman Returns in NA and Ant-Man worldwide (height of comic book movies, right?).

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Lawlight said:
Oh and the movie just passed Superman Returns in NA and Ant-Man worldwide (height of comic book movies, right?).

Are you seriously compared an event movie including Batman and Superman to one of the least known heroe son the face of the universe. The fact that Ant Man made the amount of money it did is exactly why this is the golden age of super heroes. Deadpool wich is also a super unknown hero to anybody not realy into comics is almost reaching 800M worldwide and you want to make anyone believe that any investor in the planet will be happy with Batman and Superman in the same movie doing less than Iron Man 3 ?

If Civil War comes out and it does not reach 1B or so it will be a failure too btw, that movie is hughe, the marketing is insane and it has an enormous ensable of heroes.

I still don't get how you don't see what this is all about and it has nothing to do with if the movie will be profitable but with if the movie can even reach the minimum expectations which should be around 1bn WW. I mean, is there anybody who wouldn't have said that it will reach this before reviews and word of mouth? I think it can reach it but yeah, it's the minimum expected. 

And WB doesn't get 50% of the ticket sales. This may be true for USA but not for foreign countries. You get only 25% of Chinese ticket sales and like 30-40% from sales from the rest of the world so no, it won't have made already $30m for WB.  

It made over $530 million world wide now, even if its legs turn out to be terrible it will easily make over $700 million world wide and it really should do more then that since there really isn't anything major being released during April. The next big budget movie being released is Captain America: Civil War and that doesn't come out until May the 6th.

crissindahouse said:

I still don't get how you don't see what this is all about and it has nothing to do with if the movie will be profitable but with if the movie can even reach the minimum expectations which should be around 1bn WW. I mean, is there anybody who wouldn't have said that it will reach this before reviews and word of mouth? I think it can reach it but yeah, it's the minimum expected. 

And WB doesn't get 50% of the ticket sales. This may be true for USA but not for foreign countries. You get only 25% of Chinese ticket sales and like 30-40% from sales from the rest of the world so no, it won't have made already $30m for WB.  

Even if it did get 50% of the ticket sales world wide it still wouldn't be profitable so far since on top of the $250 million dollar production budget it probably had at least a $100 million dollar advertising budget.

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Lawlight said:
DakonBlackblade said:

It hasnt, the producer gets around 50% of the box office on USA and mor eor less 25% of it Worldwide. If the 400 M budget ppl say is the BvS total budget (even tough Warner keeps saying tis only 250M insiders indicate it was around the 400M mark) then this movie needs around 900M-1B worldwide (considering a 50%USA/50% rest of the world split) to break even. If the actual budget is 250M then it breaks even at around 600-700M.

You are wrong. The production budget is covered in large parts by marketing deals. Man of Steel received $170M in marketing partnerships before the movie released. This movie probably already broke even.

Do have a link for that since the only major marketing deal I have seen for this movie is Jeep ads that promote it.  My guess is that the marketing partnerships covers most of the advertising budget which should be over $100 million dollars on top of the $250 million dollar production budget.

Friday estimate is $15m which is behind Deadpool's second Friday. BvsS will rake in more WW especially because Deadpool didn't release in China which reduced Deadpool's overall revenue a lot (probably $100m or more, even Ant-Man made $105m there and China's yearly growth of cinema revenue is insane) but yeah, that BvsS already struggles to beat Deadpool on the second weekend just shows that people are definitely not telling all their friends to watch BvsS.

spurgeonryan said:


So word of mouth should actually be decent.


Then it had a huge opening weekend, held back by Easter imo.


Fun fact, Walmart is up this year in Easter sales, so Americans went big on Easter this year. More Eastering praising thw resurrection of bunnies everywhere and less movie viewing.




I hope you update this thread after weekend, and you keep it up to date while the movie's on cinemas. But things don't look good according to this...

spurgeonryan said:

Drops 68 percent. Not the worst ever though! After Monday it should be at 700 million world wide, so still good. 800 million by the end of next weekend and 900-1 billion lifetime. Even with a 400 million total budget including marketing it is hard for anyone to argue that it will not break even while still in theaters.

1 billion lifetime + blu-ray sales are a good start for WB's cinematic universe.

Saw it today. It was astoundingly mediocre. The plot was incoherent at best, but it was a cool spectacle. I really didn't understand Lex's motivation for well.... anything. It was like "Oh I'm just crazy and doing this for the lulz". Affleck's Batman was okay, but I prefer Bale's batman from TDK trilogy.

Wonder Woman was cool though! And it did get me intrigued for Justice League, so mission accomplished I guess.