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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Reviews - 31% RT

Soundwave said:
Nem said:

And is a complete unoriginal copy of episode 4 ignoring decades of filmografy.

As they say...kappa!

Great character development he says... why don't you tell me who ray is?Why was she left in that planet? Why don't you tell me wich planets/star systems were destroyed and why we should care? Why don't you tell me how Leia conveniently wasn't in one of these? Why don't you tell me why the new republic ignored this empire remnant(?) or new threat? Why dyd kylo feel so strongly the dark side to do what he did? Great character development, it all made perfect sense!

And don't get me started on "magically splitting laser beam" (i mean, i can overlook that it would take centuries to travel to the targets for the sake of urgency... but magically splitting?! WTF?!). The movie was trash. Full of plot holes and scientific abominations. I never hated on the prequals. I very much managed to enjoy them even though i hate prequals cause i know the ending. But episode 7 was pure and simply a bad movie. Ofc old timers will think... oh nice they used props instead of CGI 10/10. Ridiculous...

Rey is an orphaned scavenger who lives a solitary, lonely life who discovers she has a larger destiny by the end of the film and finds a new adopted family. 

Alderaan is destroyed in the first Star Wars. Why should we care? 

The prequels are just garbage cartoons, there isn't one relatable human being in three movies. TFA mimicks ANH but at least you believe these characters actually care about each other.

don't bother. Some people jump on the haterwagon. TFA has made 930+ Mil domestically. You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. Also, some people automatic categorize anything they don't like as garbage. Because if their refined taste did not like something, then it truly must be pure trash. 

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

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Lawlight said:
petebeertree said:
Zack Snyder is a terrible director and I am not surprised at the rotten tomato reviews.

So, you did. It watch it? Also, your post is illogical since he has several movies that has had good reception.

wait? Zac Snyder is not a terrible director because he has made a few movies that were well recieved. 

But you are correct in calling TFA trash even though it has a 92% RT from Critics and 90 from audiences? (+ all time DOM box office)

Seems like a bit of a double standard from you. 


That said, I agree. Zac Snyder is not a terrible director. He can be a little hit and he has his own unique style. So if you don't dig that you might not like his movies. Does not mean he is terrible of course (which was my point with you and TFA, just because it is not your cup of tea does not me it is categorically trash). I like his movies for the most part (I seems to be one of the few that actually enjoyed MoS, might be because it felt like superman meets DBZ). 

I have not seen BvS, but I honestly think I will enjoy it. It may not become an alltime favorite, but at least the 1st time I see it, I will enjoy my time. 

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

It was good. Definitely not worthy of a 30%. Glad I went.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

tokilamockingbrd said:
Soundwave said:

Rey is an orphaned scavenger who lives a solitary, lonely life who discovers she has a larger destiny by the end of the film and finds a new adopted family. 

Alderaan is destroyed in the first Star Wars. Why should we care? 

The prequels are just garbage cartoons, there isn't one relatable human being in three movies. TFA mimicks ANH but at least you believe these characters actually care about each other.

don't bother. Some people jump on the haterwagon. TFA has made 930+ Mil domestically. You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. Also, some people automatic categorize anything they don't like as garbage. Because if their refined taste did not like something, then it truly must be pure trash. 

I like it how not enjoying something it automatically the hate bandwagon. So, how do you explain that i managed to enjoy the prequals?

A bad movie is a bad movie. A game full of plotholes is a bad movie. If it didnt have STAR WARS in the title that movie would've tanked really hard.

Nem said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

don't bother. Some people jump on the haterwagon. TFA has made 930+ Mil domestically. You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. Also, some people automatic categorize anything they don't like as garbage. Because if their refined taste did not like something, then it truly must be pure trash. 

I like it how not enjoying something it automatically the hate bandwagon. So, how do you explain that i managed to enjoy the prequals?

A bad movie is a bad movie. A game full of plotholes is a bad movie. If it didnt have STAR WARS in the title that movie would've tanked really hard.

He already explained why you liked the prequels...

" You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. "

Not everyone likes the prequels.

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JWeinCom said:
Nem said:

I like it how not enjoying something it automatically the hate bandwagon. So, how do you explain that i managed to enjoy the prequals?

A bad movie is a bad movie. A game full of plotholes is a bad movie. If it didnt have STAR WARS in the title that movie would've tanked really hard.

He already explained why you liked the prequels...

" You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. "

Not everyone likes the prequels.

Err... i think you're on a different line to everyone else.

Of course, no one likes the prequals. They are criticised all the time. I said i managed to enjoy them despite that. But i am accused of "hating" on the new movie. So, how does that add up? I hate when said poster says i must be hating? How very selective! If only life was that simple eh? :P

No. i'm not hating. The movie was just bad. I'm just not falling to my knees to revere his highness the seventh episode of SW.

Nem said:
JWeinCom said:

He already explained why you liked the prequels...

" You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. "

Not everyone likes the prequels.

Err... i think you're on a different line to everyone else.

Of course, no one likes the prequals. They are criticised all the time. I said i managed to enjoy them despite that. But i am accused of "hating" on the new movie. So, how does that add up? I hate when said poster says i must be hating? How very selective! If only life was that simple eh? :P

No. i'm not hating. The movie was just bad. I'm just not falling to my knees to revere his highness the seventh episode of SW.

I really haven't been following everything, but people often hate things that were popular way more than things that are not.  Which is the reason why people say things like how Skyward Sword is terrible, or Call of Duty is the worst franchise in gaming while way worse games get way less hate.

Prequels were teerrible.  I can't think of a reason to like them better aside from contrarianism.

Nem said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

don't bother. Some people jump on the haterwagon. TFA has made 930+ Mil domestically. You will find people who like to hate on it because everyone else likes it and it drives them crazy. Of course no one ever admits this. But you can usually tell when they use copy and paste arguments that you have seen from other haters. Also, some people automatic categorize anything they don't like as garbage. Because if their refined taste did not like something, then it truly must be pure trash. 

I like it how not enjoying something it automatically the hate bandwagon. So, how do you explain that i managed to enjoy the prequals?

A bad movie is a bad movie. A game full of plotholes is a bad movie. If it didnt have STAR WARS in the title that movie would've tanked really hard.

Explain how it more than performed 30% better than any of the prequels (adjusted, more than double not adjusted) and both ESB and ROTJ (adjusted) while they too had the Star Wars name? 

I don't have an issue with others not liking it. Everyone has their own taste. But to categorically define it as "bad" because you did not like the direction they took it is not logical to me. If plot is your number one criteria for a movie then you likely dont particulary care for star wars in general. None of them have had "good" plots. Not every movie requires an air tight plot. Obviously the better the plot the more it helps a movie, but in some cases it is okay for the plot to simply be a vehecle used to get to the objective of what the movie is targeting to present. 

With Star Wars it is a character driven saga set in another galaxy. The whole point is to transport you. Some people dont like that and it is fine, they prefer movies that they can identify with the world they see around them. 

Again, my issue is not that you did not like it. I dislike movies that everyone else seemed to love (Furious 7..... god I hated that). We have our own taste. Its more to do with you and that other poster defining as bad which it is not. I am not here trying to claim TFA is one of the greatest movies ever made. But what I will say is it was an extremely fun movie, with for me very high rewatchability.  Which is exactly how I categorize the originals. 

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

JWeinCom said:
Nem said:

Err... i think you're on a different line to everyone else.

Of course, no one likes the prequals. They are criticised all the time. I said i managed to enjoy them despite that. But i am accused of "hating" on the new movie. So, how does that add up? I hate when said poster says i must be hating? How very selective! If only life was that simple eh? :P

No. i'm not hating. The movie was just bad. I'm just not falling to my knees to revere his highness the seventh episode of SW.

I really haven't been following everything, but people often hate things that were popular way more than things that are not.  Which is the reason why people say things like how Skyward Sword is terrible, or Call of Duty is the worst franchise in gaming while way worse games get way less hate.

Prequels were teerrible.  I can't think of a reason to like them better aside from contrarianism.

Or maybe... just maybe... i try to enjoy the movies without allowing what other people think bother me or change the way i form my opinion?

The prequals had a plot that made sense. They had a beggining and an end. I wansnt left asking: who is this character? Why is she important? Why did these planets get destroyed? What are they? Why did a whole faction that is widely known to be evil get purposedly ignoreduntil they built a freaking planet weapon without anyone knowing anything about it?

Just cause theres a dumb silly character jumping around tripping and beeing silly, its not gonna impede my enjoyment of the movie. It was meant as comic relief to keep a light mood.  In SW7 it wasnt one aspect, it was everything!There were plot whole everywhere. None of it made any sense. It was disjointed and hastily put together.

So, yeah take your contrarianism and keep it. Even if it was, i would be in my right to like what i want. I like things that are popular and i like things that arent popular. If you need other people to tell you what you like... then well... that is your perrogative.

I didnt enjoy your swiss cheese movie. Live with it.

tokilamockingbrd said:
Lawlight said:

So, you did. It watch it? Also, your post is illogical since he has several movies that has had good reception.

wait? Zac Snyder is not a terrible director because he has made a few movies that were well recieved. 

But you are correct in calling TFA trash even though it has a 92% RT from Critics and 90 from audiences? (+ all time DOM box office)

Seems like a bit of a double standard from you. 


That said, I agree. Zac Snyder is not a terrible director. He can be a little hit and he has his own unique style. So if you don't dig that you might not like his movies. Does not mean he is terrible of course (which was my point with you and TFA, just because it is not your cup of tea does not me it is categorically trash). I like his movies for the most part (I seems to be one of the few that actually enjoyed MoS, might be because it felt like superman meets DBZ). 

I have not seen BvS, but I honestly think I will enjoy it. It may not become an alltime favorite, but at least the 1st time I see it, I will enjoy my time. 

No, I'm correct. TFA's bad plot and terrible characters were glossed over by fanboys (and that includes critics). This has nothing to do with preference. That movie makes no sense at all if you start thinking a bit.