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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

Einsam_Delphin said:
Wright said:

You'll be in depression for a long time then, I'm afraid.


I know... <(ToT<)


KLXVER said:

Yeah, like you wont buy the new Paper Mario.


Oh cmon now. I think I've made it pretty clear how I much I freakin hate that game, and I've only done so based on it's own merits. Don't even get me started on how it and Sticker Star are absolute disgusting disgraces to the Paper Mario series.

We`ll see...

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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

Don't think having the most third party support is a "gimmick". Forget the PS2, GameCube couldn't even beat the XBox and the XBox only had 4 years on market and GCN was $99.99 for the entire second half of its life cycle. 

Nintendo has branding issues IMO. A lot of people (whether we agree or not) don't want to buy a console that's too "cartoony" or "too kid friendly" IMO. 

Given a choice even kids choose something else. I think the Wii was able to overcome this by targetting casual *adults*, but I believe this audience is also now shut off from Nintendo due to sexier/cooler/more convienant smart devices. 

Having a DVD player for that cheap at that time built in was, and again, the GCN had the minidisk problem.

Nintendo definitely does have serious branding issues, but that doesn't stop the above two issues being far more crippling to the GCN's success than Nintendo's brand.

Kids don't choose anything. Parents do. The PS2 targeted those same casual adults. With its DVD player. The PS1 did too. With its CD player. Same with PSP. With its being a portable multimedia device before the iphone. You know, their gimmicks.

Everyone lost those types of casuals, not just Wii. Wii and DS took them from Playstation and Apple took them from Wii and DS (and PSP). Now no one has them so it's only gamers in a way it hasn't been since Gen 4, and Nintendo can easily win that with good hardware that has no caveats, something they literally haven't done on the console front since the Super Nintendo aka Gen 4.

I'd disagree that parents choose console, most parents will try to convince their child to buy the cheapest option naturally because they don't want to spend anymore than they have to but they don't want to deal with a crying kid all the way home. 

The problem is even the "kids" market is a broad cross. If I have two boys, one is 13 and the other is 8 and the 8 year old is fine with Nintendo, but my 13 year is screaming in my ear that he doesn't want the Nintendo and only wants Playstation (because really he wants to play Grand Theft Auto because that's the game all his friends have, but he won't tell his parents *that* part), well then as a parent Playstation is the compromise because Playstation still has "kiddie games" like LEGO Harry Potter or whatever. 

Every time my parents bought a console for me, I made damn well sure they got the console I wanted. They sure as hell were not going to bring home a Sega Master System when I asked 100000 times for a Nintendo Entertainment System. 

Nintendo has problems against competitors that position themselves as a "cool" brand, Nintendo's had trouble with this really since the Genesis marketing changed mid-stream and started to target teenagers instead of kids first. Since then, Nintendo's been basically on the defensive, it just got worse with Sony as Sony is a far more capable competitor than Sega ever could dream of being. 

Miyamotoo said:

MK8 released in May 2014, I am pretty sure Nintendo can prepare MK9 for end of 2017, 3.5 years after last one.

I'm not saying they can't. I'm saying they won't. It's too soon. For a lot of people, it'll be the second MK in 3 years. They can easily push it back and release something else instead. They can release Diddy Kong Racing Returns in May of next year, and not release another Mario Kart until the year after, or the year after that.

Same with Smash. The Smash that launches with NX could very well be the last Smash. Like ever. There's no need for another one. It's too complete. Smash 4 will be the NX Smash and Mario Kart 8 will be relevant on NX for years thanks to BC and the eshop giving it as much visability as they want. Smash may not get another entry ever again, being succeeded by Pokken and the eventual Nintendo vs. Capcom please don't debate this let me have this, and Mario Kart can be held over by a Diddy Kong Racing Returns until the last of that comes out and Nintendo turns it into an open platform to which new tracks and characters can be added indefinitely.

No way a new Mario Kart is coming next year, though. Too soon.

RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

Maaaaybe some into 2017, simply because demand for the system is so low to begin with, but 2018? Nah. 

First of all retail space is not finite, retailers are going to want this gone as fast as possible so they can use that space for something that actually sells. 

Secondly, I don't know if people know the history of the GameCube but about mid-way through the GameCube's life cycle Nintendo made a grave error in overproducing the system so much so that they had to halt production for several months because of a glut of inventory. This was seen as a big black eye for Iwata's early days as president. 

This is also why it was so hard to find Wiis early on, Nintendo underproduced because they were so hurt by what happened with the GameCube that they didn't want that they were overly cautious with the Wii. 

People who don't understand finacials also need to understand a glut of unsold inventory is one of the major things investors look at in financial briefings and that can damage the stock price badly. 

The Wii was sold out because demand was so high. Nintendo had shipped 20m Wiis by the end of 2007, so almost as much as the GC's lifetime total within the first 14 months. For comparison, the PS2 didn't even reach 11m in shipments through its first 13 months. Nintendo's production numbers don't strike me as cautious. Through the first five months they had shipped almost 6m units, making it the system with the highest production rate up to that point in video game history (the PS4 did beat those numbers this gen).

It was both. It shouldn't have been that hard to ramp up production becasue the Wii was basically just a GCN chip moderately upgraded, but it took Nintendo a long time to do it because they erred on the side of caution and weren't prepared to make that many systems. 

Since the Gamecube Nintendo has been very stingy with having excess inventory, it scares the shit out of them. 

Soundwave said:

I'd disagree that parents choose console, most parents will try to convince their child to buy the cheapest option naturally because they don't want to spend anymore than they have to but they don't want to deal with a crying kid all the way home. 

The problem is even the "kids" market is a broad cross. If I have two boys, one is 13 and the other is 8 and the 8 year old is fine with Nintendo, but my 13 year is screaming in my ear that he doesn't want the Nintendo and only wants Playstation (because really he wants to play Grand Theft Auto because that's the game all his friends have, but he won't tell his parents *that* part), well then as a parent Playstation is the compromise because Playstation still has "kiddie games" like LEGO Harry Potter or whatever. 

Every time my parents bought a console for me, I made damn well sure they got the console I wanted. They sure as hell were not going to bring home a Sega Master System when I asked 100000 times for a Nintendo Entertainment System. 

Parent's don't try and convince their kids of anything. They just by their kids what they want because kids don't know anything and will like what they get.

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Gamemaster87 said:
dongo8 said:

Because they are bringing their new console out sooner? This makes no sense to me, it's going to be an upgrade. What if it winds up being something that is completely irresistable? I think you may be defecting too soon in the game haha

Because they are betraying Wii U owners? They are a bunch of liars. Kimishim asaid that they have many unannounced Wii U games left. He also said that he wants more Splatoon-like games on the Wii U. Iwata said that Nintendo will make Wii U owners happy of owning Wii U and give them what they want. Aonuma said that Zelda will launch exclusively on Wii U. Iwata said that NX won't replace the Wii U. Those were all lies. And I'm not the one who takes lies with humor or fun. If Nintendo lies in my face I will refuse to further support them. Not to mention that the NX will most likely fail even harder than the Wii U since they make the mistake and launch it mid-gen.

I'm done with this company. They can close their doors and I won't care. They can just die now.

Maybe it was true at the time then Nintendo made the decision to transfer late 2016 Games to the NX. This news still doesn't mean it will be out this year. Maybe they calculated based on sells that they could end production sometime in 2016 to have minimal stock through 2017. I didn't read the article though so I don't know what's in it.

KLXVER said:

We`ll see...


You think Nintendo fans have an insatiable urge to buy every Nintendo game or something? :L

I didn't buy Crap Party 10, Ultra Trash, or Garbage Festival afterall.

I really can't wait for E3.

Though I do feel Nintendo will have to announce NX before E3. I mentioned previously I'd see an announcement happen in an ND sometime around their Q1 financials with E3 being focused on any surprise functionality plus games, games and more games plus exact launch date / price.

spemanig said:
Miyamotoo said:

MK8 released in May 2014, I am pretty sure Nintendo can prepare MK9 for end of 2017, 3.5 years after last one.

I'm not saying they can't. I'm saying they won't. It's too soon. For a lot of people, it'll be the second MK in 3 years. They can easily push it back and release something else instead. They can release Diddy Kong Racing Returns in May of next year, and not release another Mario Kart until the year after, or the year after that.

Same with Smash. The Smash that launches with NX could very well be the last Smash. Like ever. There's no need for another one. It's too complete. Smash 4 will be the NX Smash and Mario Kart 8 will be relevant on NX for years thanks to BC and the eshop giving it as much visability as they want. Smash may not get another entry ever again, being succeeded by Pokken and the eventual Nintendo vs. Capcom please don't debate this let me have this, and Mario Kart can be held over by a Diddy Kong Racing Returns until the last of that comes out and Nintendo turns it into an open platform to which new tracks and characters can be added indefinitely.

No way a new Mario Kart is coming next year, though. Too soon.

Meh, what's so damn hard at this point about making a Mario Kart game? I mean honestly it's a freaking formulaic racer where half the tracks are just recycled old tracks. They should basically have it down to a science by now. 

If they can't get MK9 out for holiday 2017, like 3 1/2 years after the last Mario Kart ... that doesn't really bode well for the NX in general at all. 

At some point if you're president you just have to put your foot down and say "finish a fucking game already". 

Einsam_Delphin said:
KLXVER said:

We`ll see...


You think Nintendo fans have an insatiable urge to buy every Nintendo game or something? :L

I didn't buy Crap Party 10, Ultra Trash, or Garbage Festival afterall.

People hated 3D World when they first saw it because it looked just like 3D Land. People hated Tropical Freeze when they first saw it because it looked just like Returns(and they were mad that Retro wasnt making a Metroid).


I just think you`ll change your mind.