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Forums - Sony Discussion - Evolution Studios Closed

Did Microsoft/Phil Spencer tweet on getting employees that are now jobless due to the studio being closed? or all those employees moved into a different Sony studio?

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The PS5 Exists. 

Eh, at least Sony still has a good amount of studios (and a lot of them co develop games) So not that big of a loss imo.

Sucks but not shocking.

The should've made a motor storm sequel for the PS3 and PS4 imo. Motor storm was a great game series.

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kowenicki said:
Machiavellian said:

Knowing and not knowing still does not make the situation any different.  A closure is a closure and most companies will relocate the people who they want to keep and not the rest.  I have been on both sides of the fence where the company was bought out and we did not find out until it was reported on the BBC and a straight closure.  In both situations the parent company kept the people they wanted and the others were left with options.  Most options involved severance packages that are pretty generous in helping you stay afloat while you look for other employment.  I believe if the company find you new employment they do not have to pay you’re a severance package which probably is more a cost saying maneuver than anything else. 

100% correct.

The only difference here is the spin that certain supporters or fans want to put on the message.  The end result for employees of these two companies is identical... they lost their jobs.  nSome, probbaly at both firms will have found wrok at other studios or formed their own studios.  But the parent company let them go in both cases.

We need to get over this MS = evil, Sony = cuddly pal of the planet and puppies. 


Proud to be a Californian.

SvennoJ said:
Drive club never ever made sense, Sony have GT no need for another racer, though what makes me worry is Media Molecule could be next to go as i think Dreams will bomb.

That's like saying Gears or war never made sense, MS have Halo, no need for another shooter.

One is third person while the other is first-person, not really a good comparison.

Proud to be a Californian.

Yes, lets offer Ex-Lionhead employees a job and then fire ours at Evolution.


Nooooo.... they made the beat racing game of all time :(

Wow, honestly didn't see this coming due to the support they had for Driveclub, pretty sad news tbh.