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Forums - General Discussion - The Snowy Manga Discussion Thread


Do you like snow?

Yes. *_* 17 42.50%
Hell yeah. 13 32.50%
Wooo! 6 15.00%
Fun times. 1 2.50%
I'm gonna make a snow man. 0 0%
Snow angel for me. 0 0%
Time for some hot cocoa. 0 0%
Maybe. 1 2.50%
It's pretty cool... 0 0%
Finally, a no answer. 2 5.00%
Shadow8 said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Hajime No Ippo 1150 - It was short but L am really excited to see what the answer is that Ippo will give Takamura.

Noblesse 422 - Just hurry up and get to the freaking ISLAND!!! And man I always get hype when Frankenstein is about to cut loose!

Hinomaru Zumou 95 - Wow some more back story to Hinomaru! And who would have thought that he had been watching Tennouji all this time and admiring him. I hope they don't make it so that all of the training that Hinomaru has done seems useless.

I will stop with these 3 since I don't want to put a whole lot of others I read on here that came out in the past few days lol.

Did you notice in Ippo

Kamogawa's left hand had blood in it when he went to his office? I had a feeling Morikawa was gonna kill him off, but I think it's way too soon right now. With Takamura possibly losing his eyesight, I don't know if Ippo can handle of'll definetly push him to lose his humanity at least.



No I did not notice that! I will have to go back and look again.....and don't think he will kill him off just will either be right before Ippo has his title match, during or right after it. And Takamru will probably struggle in his next weight class trying to take the belt and we will see a deeper insight of what is going on with his eyes.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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BraLoD said:

The author can't get it wrong, it's his creation.
Also if I could tell since the beginning on both cases, Naruto and Bleach, it definitely wasn't uncalled for, even if most of the fanbase started taking a different route.
I don't even do shipping, it's usually very easy to call love things on shounen mangas a decade before they even happen.

Is that why the IH fanbase in Japan is nonexistent? X.X

BraLoD said:

Japan was shipping IchiRuki?
Great to know I understand shounen better than Japan itself!

Japan had freakin' IchiRuki festivals, man. lol.

I haven't talked much about my opinion on this whole thing, but here's what I think.  What made me (and many others) think that IR would happen is how Rukia was always getting singled out in relation to Ichigo (and I mean things like Ichigo saying goodbye to her and not the other Shinigami, Rukia noticing that Ichigo's harboring something in chapter 514 when Shinji didn't, being the one to get him out of slumps - something Orihime said she was jealous about, etc.), this pretty much stopped early on in this arc after chapter 514. The last thing you can remotely call IR related were the Everything but the Rain chapters, with the parallel going on there. Since that, there's been a lack of Ichigo/Rukia interaction. Their bond, whether it was love or friendship, was the most developed one in the series, and that's why I find it extremely OOC of Ichigo to not visit Rukia's promotion ceremony. That shows a disconnection from Soul Society, something that goes against the FB and early TYBW arcs' themes, but that's another story.

On another note, here's a classic Bleach meme




BraLoD said:

The author can't get it wrong, it's his creation.
Also if I could tell since the beginning on both cases, Naruto and Bleach, it definitely wasn't uncalled for, even if most of the fanbase started taking a different route.
I don't even do shipping, it's usually very easy to call love things on shounen mangas a decade before they even happen.

In general I agree, and I think a lot of the readers miss that point, though I have seen cases where an author loses focus or shifts his plan, which I would argue can be objectively wrong, assuming it contradicts the main theme. A story should always maintain a certain level of consistency, after all. Not calling out specific examples...just in general.

With Ichi/Ruki, I think some of the bitterness is justified, since most of the story was about their relationship, and they easily had the strongest bond out of all the characters. Even in the last chapter, Ichigo and Rukia's partners were basically non-existent, and most of the chapter was focused and Ichigo and Rukia's reunion. I guess where Ichi/Ruki fans were wrong is in assuming that bond had to blossom into romance, when Kubo seemed to have no interest in writing anything explicit there. He only really added pairings in order to have kids appear in the end, which is why I can't really see why anything is worth celebrating exactly.

Keep in mind that I preferred Orihime to Rukia, this is just how I see it objectively.

And not to get nitpicky, but Shounen is a demographic, not a genre. :P I get your overall point though.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Cloudman said:
Shadow8 said:

Yay! It is a very good adaptation, one of the few times I'd say the anime is better than the manga, since the manga has a lot of motion in it and the anime's music and voice actors definetly help bring it to life. You can tell the studio put a lot of care and love into it :)

That's cool to hear, I don't usually hear that when it comes to manga and anime adaptations. Currently I'm watching Yugioh, so I can start watching it after I finish that.

Nice :)  what yugioh series are you watching if you don't mind me asking?

TheBlackNaruto said:
Shadow8 said:

Did you notice in Ippo

Kamogawa's left hand had blood in it when he went to his office? I had a feeling Morikawa was gonna kill him off, but I think it's way too soon right now. With Takamura possibly losing his eyesight, I don't know if Ippo can handle of'll definetly push him to lose his humanity at least.


No I did not notice that! I will have to go back and look again.....and don't think he will kill him off just will either be right before Ippo has his title match, during or right after it. And Takamru will probably struggle in his next weight class trying to take the belt and we will see a deeper insight of what is going on with his eyes.

Yeah I can see Takamura's case happening very soon to give Ippo the push he needs. Kamogawa dying will probably be at the very end when he's fighting  or is gonna fight Ricardo Martinez. It would be pretty awesome if Takamura became Ippo's Second for that last fight :o


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Shadow8 said:


TheBlackNaruto said:

No I did not notice that! I will have to go back and look again.....and don't think he will kill him off just will either be right before Ippo has his title match, during or right after it. And Takamru will probably struggle in his next weight class trying to take the belt and we will see a deeper insight of what is going on with his eyes.

Yeah I can see Takamura's case happening very soon to give Ippo the push he needs. Kamogawa dying will probably be at the very end when he's fighting  or is gonna fight Ricardo Martinez. It would be pretty awesome if Takamura became Ippo's Second for that last fight :o

And it would be really tight if that happens! Because it will be like it was when he first came to the gym! The coach maybe in the hospital or something watching or in the crowd and Takamaru as his second! I can see that coming full circle!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

I started reading Berserk, and I can't stop.

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

TheBlackNaruto said:
Shadow8 said:


Yeah I can see Takamura's case happening very soon to give Ippo the push he needs. Kamogawa dying will probably be at the very end when he's fighting  or is gonna fight Ricardo Martinez. It would be pretty awesome if Takamura became Ippo's Second for that last fight :o

And it would be really tight if that happens! Because it will be like it was when he first came to the gym! The coach maybe in the hospital or osmething watching or in teh crowd and Takamaru as his second! I can see that coming full circle!

Morikawa make this happen!


One Piece: Wow, Gear Fourth hasn't taken this guy down yet. I wonder how much longer Luffy can keep it up...I'm sure he has to have another trick up his sleeve.

Lots of other things in motion. Seems like the Vinsmokes have a super sentai theme. Sanji "Black"? 

And what's going on with Shanks? The Red-Hair pirates are at wedding in some ruins? Need to think about this...   

Hero Academia:'s cute how Deku knows Ochako so well. He's showing some real improvement too. I hope the real Ochako shows up next time...I want to see her be as awesome as Deku makes her out to be.

Sexy girl has morphing powers...this could be bad. Curious how he'll get out of this one. 


Kinda late...but Gin being topical.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

BraLoD said:

Another girl to be interested on Deku and let Uraraka jealous... XP

That's probably going to happen...though I hope she gets a cool fight alongside Deku while she's at it. I love the pairing, but I also want to see her get another badass moment like during the Tournament. Turning her into pairing fodder would be dissapointing IMO.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334