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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X1: Rocket League getting cross-platform play with PC (maybe other platforms)


That's pretty cool. I wonder if PS4/X1 cross play will actually happen. Maybe other games too? Platform V platform games of CoD

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

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"Cross-network play has been the number-one most requested feature our community has asked for since Rocket League was first announced on Xbox One, and now that we are able to pursue complete online unity on all platforms, today’s announcement is a dream come true."

This is huge. Not just for Rocket League players but all X1 owners in general. The ability to cross-play is honestly a big step forward for them. Games like FFXIV didn't come to X1 because of the cross-play disagreement. Now X1 will have access to more games, not to mention be able to enjoy Rocket League even more!

"Rocket League players on Xbox One will be able to play matches against PC gamers, with "an open invitation for other networks to join later," Microsoft announced this morning as part of an overall initiative to open Xbox Live up for cross-platform multiplayer across all services."
-This gets 2 thumbs up from me!

Although now Vivster and I have to find something else to make fun of.......

#1 Amb-ass-ador

This is the first game to ever go cross platform online between Xbox and PS right? Pretty kewl.

Chevinator123 said:
This is the first game to ever go cross platform online between Xbox and PS right? Pretty kewl.

Final Fantasy 11 is PS2-Xbox-PC cross-play.

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Chevinator123 said:
This is the first game to ever go cross platform online between Xbox and PS right? Pretty kewl.

Not confirmed between X1 and PS4 yet; just PC-X1. However, it sounds like it very well could happen soon!

The player pool will probably increase to ~200,000+ at peak hours. Insane to consider really, since we are almost 8 months past initial release.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Cross-Play is the best idea for online gaming. It keeps the games alive a lot longer. Adding more players in the queues is never a bad thing. Great work.

All good. Hopefully such a feature will be in Tekken 7 and I can beat anyone on any platform. :P

Hmm, pie.

This is fantastic. I hope to see more games with this kind of feature.

Neat. Time to crush some bones.

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