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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I demand a sequel to Xenoblade X!


Do you want a sequel to Xenoblade X?

Yes 128 59.81%
No 26 12.15%
That's a stupid question 15 7.01%
I don't even own that game 13 6.07%
I don't even own a Wii U 13 6.07%
I don't even have a current gen system 5 2.34%
I don't even do gaming 5 2.34%
I just want to wonder why... 9 4.21%
Mike321 said:
killeryoshis said:
If there is one thing could never understand is why do people not like the lyrical music in XCX? I mean I actually like the Day Theme for NLA (Not night, I dislike that one) . I mean I don't care for the cutscene music but songs like Uncontrollable, Ex001(?) , Both battle themes (skell & on foot), and Don't Worry. I listen to them outside my gaming sessions.

Maybe it's because I have a lot of experience with lyrical music (I'm a big fan of rock and alternative music) that I'm just more open to the idea. Then again I haven't played many RPG's with Orchestrated tracks IE games like Final Fantasy.


The only track I hated was the flying track, not only is it annoying but it plays over the planet music (which is fucking amazing)

I actually found it annoying that you can't jump after you recieve the flight ability. Like I actively try to run up a mountain hoping that I don't have to fly.  It is no fun to hear the flight song's first 10 seconds everytime I want to jump. And it also resets the planet theme. Screw whoever made that decesion.  


I usually don't listen to the lyrics but when I do oh boy are they cringy. I can get past them.  So i can agree with that but I don't mind the singing tbh. 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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killeryoshis said:

I usually don't listen to the lyrics but when I do oh boy are they cringy. I can get past them.  So i can agree with that but I don't mind the singing tbh. 

I can put up with them, I'd just rather I didn't have to.

The final boss music and Noctilum theme I liked in spite of the lyrics, since the music itself was so cool. But with stuff like NLA and the battle theme, I found the backing orchestration lacking, so it wasn't able to counterbalance the lyrics.


curl-6 said:

While I thought X was really good, there is definitely room for improvement in terms of music, pacing, UI, and story.

While I agree that they can be improved, what is FAR more important is they work out the sound issues (or add sound controls), and deal with object pop ins, and the delayed texture loading. These are the true flaws of the game.

bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

While I thought X was really good, there is definitely room for improvement in terms of music, pacing, UI, and story.

While I agree that they can be improved, what is FAR more important is they work out the sound issues (or add sound controls), and deal with object pop ins, and the delayed texture loading. These are the true flaws of the game.

The NLA music and the inconclusive conclusion bothered me a lot more than the delayed texture streaming.

curl-6 said:
bigtakilla said:

While I agree that they can be improved, what is FAR more important is they work out the sound issues (or add sound controls), and deal with object pop ins, and the delayed texture loading. These are the true flaws of the game.

The NLA music and the inconclusive conclusion bothered me a lot more than the delayed texture streaming.

But if it was meant to be a series, I would say that is the point of the ending. The music is what it is, it's obviously not going to be the same going forward, so that is pretty much fixed.

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bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

The NLA music and the inconclusive conclusion bothered me a lot more than the delayed texture streaming.

But if it was meant to be a series, I would say that is the point of the ending. The music is what it is, it's obviously not going to be the same going forward, so that is pretty much fixed.

How do you know the music's not going to stay the same?

RolStoppable said:

How can you dislike that track, let alone hate it? I'll have to reconsider if I want to continue watching Supergirl (started this week over here). It's not going to happen if you act like that.

O_O I was just kidding, I love that track I can't get enough of it (keep watching supergirl )


curl-6 said:
bigtakilla said:

But if it was meant to be a series, I would say that is the point of the ending. The music is what it is, it's obviously not going to be the same going forward, so that is pretty much fixed.

How do you know the music's not going to stay the same?

Because generally speaking no two games have the same soundtrack.

bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

How do you know the music's not going to stay the same?

Because generally speaking no two games have the same soundtrack.

You do kinda have a point, Monolithsoft doesn't seem to stick with the same exact style from game to game :P

One thing I hope they do if we revisit NLA is take a page out of Fallout's book and have a city radio and put most of there pop-type songs on that.  For two reasons:  1) it would be cool and immersive to have the pop culture music be in-universe and playing on radios plus hearing news and such from said radio and 2) it would allow you to toggle that kind of music off in favor of regional music. 

bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

How do you know the music's not going to stay the same?

Because generally speaking no two games have the same soundtrack.

But a style can and often does persist. New Super Mario Bros on Wii U sounds not dissimilar from NSMB on the DS. Call of Duty Black Ops III sounds a lot like Black Ops II. Twilight Princess sounds similar to Ocarina of Time.