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Mike321 said:
killeryoshis said:
If there is one thing could never understand is why do people not like the lyrical music in XCX? I mean I actually like the Day Theme for NLA (Not night, I dislike that one) . I mean I don't care for the cutscene music but songs like Uncontrollable, Ex001(?) , Both battle themes (skell & on foot), and Don't Worry. I listen to them outside my gaming sessions.

Maybe it's because I have a lot of experience with lyrical music (I'm a big fan of rock and alternative music) that I'm just more open to the idea. Then again I haven't played many RPG's with Orchestrated tracks IE games like Final Fantasy.


The only track I hated was the flying track, not only is it annoying but it plays over the planet music (which is fucking amazing)

I actually found it annoying that you can't jump after you recieve the flight ability. Like I actively try to run up a mountain hoping that I don't have to fly.  It is no fun to hear the flight song's first 10 seconds everytime I want to jump. And it also resets the planet theme. Screw whoever made that decesion.  


I usually don't listen to the lyrics but when I do oh boy are they cringy. I can get past them.  So i can agree with that but I don't mind the singing tbh. 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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