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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to unify PC and Xbox One platforms, ending fixed console hardware

zero129 said:
Soundwave said:
This is going to be interesting because Spencer himself mentioned being able to run games in 4K resolution on an Xbox model.

The whole "hardware cycle" concept has now been thrown for a loop. Effectively the next-gen Xbox could be here like next year now, so a year from now I could be playing Killer Instinct on my TV in 2K/4K resolution.

This is interesting, PS4 is going to be pretty outdated fast.

I dont think so. The was rumors a few months back of a more powerful PS4. Plus it would help alot with VR .

I believe console gens as we know them is coming to an end for all companys.

I highly doubt that. The whole point of consoles is for 3rd devs to have standardized hardware to make games and for consumers to play those games for 5 to 8 years. If people don't like that, they buy a gaming PC. So a steambox like xbox won't really work or change consoles. 

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zero129 said:
Pemalite said:

When a PC with multiple GPU's stuggles to run the latest games at 4k... You know a console is nowhere near capable of that resolution for many many many years.
Heck, AMD's latest AMD Fury X and nVidia's Titan X struggle to achieve 30fps @ 4k. - You could buy 3-5+ Playstations/Xbox's for one of those cards.
I don't even think next generation of consoles we will have 4k, 2560x1440 is possible, but the target will likely be 1080P.

I would like to see how Microsoft handles the hardware fragmentation issue by having different performing SKU's, which will also increase developer burden as they will have to build software that targets the lowest common denominator.

Consoles have never needed to be as powerful as PC's to run games close to higher tiar specs since they are closed systems. It would take a much less powerful console to run 4k then it would to run the same game on PC.

Not in the way you expect it, you are Saying that Consoles, can run the same PC Games, with the same quality, but need less hardware than a Equal PC, and do you know why is that ?, is because Developers work more on The Version, they know what the Consumers have, 100% of the Console owners have the same hardware, so they can push the Maximum from it, and they know their limits, on PC, you have Multiple Hardwares, and a lot of Inssues about this, because of that, Players can Change the Settings, and this would be one thing that would piss off Console Gamers.


If you are saying that Microsoft, will release a New Hardware early, just to make it Powerful, and make a lot of Versions, so Those Versions will be More Expensive than a Regular PC, the Actual Core Console, would run the games Poorly, because would need to compete grownd, with their Own Brothers, no one would purchase, and would end up like Steam Machine, a Niche, Overpriced Product, and when we speak about gaming, the User Base, is all that matters.

The thing is, graphics cards come out every year. You don't want to have to buy a new console every year. The only way this works is to take the steam machine approach and use common PC parts for everything.

zero129 said:
Aeolus451 said:

I highly doubt that. The whole point of consoles is for 3rd devs to have standardized hardware to make games and for consumers to play those games for 5 to 8 years. If people don't like that, they buy a gaming PC. So a steambox like xbox won't really work or change consoles. 

Except they will still be able to play them games on their old systems.

Its like how PC does it today. People with low end hardware get lower graphics people with highend hardware get better graphics.

This isnt the same as going from PS4 to PS5. It will be like a Half gen console.

Like i said if consoles dont start following this model Soon they will be replaced by Tablets and Mobiles when it comes to the hardcore gamer since Tablets and Mobiles will surpasse them when it comes to power. So if a user buys a smartphone that can be plugged into their TV, plays all the latest games better then the console versions that user would then have no need for a console.

This is something that could end up coming if Consoles dont change to the same model.

You know how Expensive one Smart Phone of this kind would cost ?, more than a PC, and would have worse games than the Consoles, people purchase consoles for Exclusives, and for Games, Releasing Middle term consoles within the generation will only make the Generation end, will never have a Jump from one generation to another, because the Tech aways would be too expensive for this, If People want this kind of thing, they go for PC, if want the Natural kind of things, they go for Consoles.

BasilZero said:

What does Steam box have to do with anything around this topic xD.

Microsoft will have to deal with the crappy fragmentation issues with an already lowered userbase ... 

If I wanted PC gaming I will go build myself a PC cause getting better Xbox One SKU is still just an inferior PC ... 

I don't like this PC and Xbox One "unification" plan their aiming for since Microsoft is failing to understand the fundamentals of consoles ... 

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zero129 said:
Aeolus451 said:

I highly doubt that. The whole point of consoles is for 3rd devs to have standardized hardware to make games and for consumers to play those games for 5 to 8 years. If people don't like that, they buy a gaming PC. So a steambox like xbox won't really work or change consoles. 

Except they will still be able to play them games on their old systems.

Its like how PC does it today. People with low end hardware get lower graphics people with highend hardware get better graphics.

This isnt the same as going from PS4 to PS5. It will be like a Half gen console.

Like i said if consoles dont start following this model Soon they will be replaced by Tablets and Mobiles when it comes to the hardcore gamer since Tablets and Mobiles will surpasse them when it comes to power. So if a user buys a smartphone that can be plugged into their TV, plays all the latest games better then the console versions that user would then have no need for a console.

This is something that could end up coming if Consoles dont change to the same model.

People would just buy a pc and just upgrade the parts as they go versus having to buy a console that's gotten a slight upgrade every year or so. Also, tablets and smartphones will never replace dedicated home consoles. The specs of those are all over the place. i doubt any dev would want to develope a serious AAA game for a phone or a tablet. 

Some people seem to want consoles to die but it won't happen because they still sell good. That's the simple truth.  People thought this same sort of nonsense when steamboxes came out. 

OneKartVita said:
Will the increased pc support effect the sales of the x1? It has to. The sales are already low and struggling against the competition. How can I gain momentum when there's another viable alternative.

Exactly how i feel.

BasilZero said:

Oh - but why'd you say "Steam box" - that is what confused me XD.

I thought you meant the actual steam boxes from third party hardware makers like alienware for Steam OS.

I was pointing out "similarities" ... 

This plan will backfire against Microsoft just like it did to Valve ... 

fatslob-:O said:
BasilZero said:

What does Steam box have to do with anything around this topic xD.

Microsoft will have to deal with the crappy fragmentation issues with an already lowered userbase ... 

If I wanted PC gaming I will go build myself a PC cause getting better Xbox One SKU is still just an inferior PC ... 

I don't like this PC and Xbox One "unification" plan their aiming for since Microsoft is failing to understand the fundamentals of consoles ... 

Seems to me like the only one that benefits from everything staying the same is Sony. Changing the rules of the game is good for Microsoft. 

Console owners have never been given a choice of having different hardware models really. Sega was all over the place in the 90s, that's not really a great example of anything, also there was no unification between platforms ... 32X couldn't play Saturn games or vice versa. 

Consumers accept multiple models of virtually every other electronics device (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, etc.) ... maybe it's time someone did try a hardware model that isn't stuck in the 1980s when video games were sold next to Barbies and He-Man. The world and consumer market has changed. 

Microsoft making propietary closed off console boxes was always kinda stupid anyway ... it's like Michael Jordan playing baseball instead of basketball. MS is the largest PC OS company, unifying the PC + XBox brand was always the logical way to go. 

Soundwave said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Well accorind to most(well some of the PC users anyway) both the PS4 AND the XB1 are already out dated and "weak" so I can't see how this will change that.

And if I am understanding this right the real benefactor of this will be the PC users. The people who do not game on XB1 and only game on consoles will be getting the short end of the stick. It seems more like MS is giving up on the XB and focusing on Windows 10 and PC gaming. because not the PC gamers will get all of the XB exclusives along with all the Pc exclusives so it would be no real reason to have an XB. The PC will be easier to upgrade and get more frequent upgrades.

I guess I could be looking at it wrong. Depending on how MS works this it could change the game all together. Time will tell and I hope they succeed witht heir vision!

Wouldn't PC exclusives just end too? I mean if the XBox is basically a PC running Windows it should be able to run any game. 

The loser in this scenario IMO is Sony. They do well if the industry just stayed in the same restricted fixed hardware setup, but if MS can rally the power of the PC game market behind them, that changes the rules of the game entirely. 

That is what I am wondering. Will it be a PC nad be able to run PC exclusives? Or will it just be locked to things on Windows 10 for download?

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