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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to unify PC and Xbox One platforms, ending fixed console hardware

Soundwave said:
potato_hamster said:

MS nixed the original Xbox after 4 years? That's probably because it came out a few years after the PS2 and MS wanted developers to put all their energy into games for their new console so they could take the fight to the PS3. I remember quite a few original xbox owners that were pissed that MS abandoned the console after 4 years.

And it's awesome man that you want to blow $300-$400 on gaming hardware every 4 years, but most console gamers don't want to. They'd rather buy 8-10 more games for their exisitng console they got a couple years ago. Most people want a console that they know is going to be supported fully for 8-10 years. That's not you? Cool.  There's already a device that supports your desire for upgrades and "adults with adult wallets", it's called a PC. Go buy whatever PC you want. There's nothign stopping you. You already have the option. You just want to create a new option for you, that directly impacts the options of others that don't think like you. You just don't care that your desire for a new option affects them. Go be an adult and buy a PC for however much money you want to spend, put Steam OS on it, and play those games on whatever settings you like. Well gee that seems exactly like what you're asking for! Don't like what Microsoft is currently offering, go buy a competing product, right?

P.S. It's hilarious that you think establishing a console standard, and giving consumers the option to buy a game console that will stay relevant and play current AAA games for 8-10 as "treating gamers like children".  I could just as easily say "I'm an ADULT. I want to buy a console and play the latest AAA games on it for the next 20 years! I'm tired of being treated like a CHILD and only getting 10 years out of it!". The two have nothing to do with one another.

How do you know what "most gamers" want? The fact of the matter of the four major hardware makers 3 of the 4 have enjoyed their best selling hardware after short previous cycles. Sega replaced the Master System with the Genesis after three years (this is their best selling system). Nintendo replaced the GBA with the DS after three years (this is their best selling system). Microsoft replaced the XBox with the XBox 360 after 4 years (this is their best selling system). 

Game consoles are sold like toys still. EVERY other electronic device offers choice but game consoles. That's why I bring up kids. It's not the end of the world if someone does something different, if you don't like it hey stick to a PS4. No one is forcing you to do anything. 

This isn't going to lead to fragementation in the way you think most likely anyway. What will happen is the same thing that happens with PCs ... people will lower end hardware can still play the games they just have to accept lower effects and resolution and what not. 

And that's fine. I'm sorry if little 10-year-old Johnny has to play COD 029394 in "only" 900p instead of 2K resolution or something or "broke college age Johnny" can only afford the lower spec version. So what? 

Honestly these segments don't contribute that much to the business. Partially because they are freaking *broke*. The adults with real money are the ones that likely drive this business today. It's high time this audience had a hardware offering more suited to us. 

I don't want to build a PC. I keep my PC in my basement, it's not something I'm going to hook up in my home electronics freaking center. My fiance would take one look at that and say "hell no, get that out of the living room". 

Game consoles aren't sold like toys. If they did there would newer shinier model every 3-6 months. That's how they sell toys.  What are you getting on with?

Can you name another electronic device where if you want to make top-quality media for it, it'll cost you millions of dollars and a lengthy certification process. If I want to make a CD, do I need to put together a team of 20-30 people, take a few years, and buy 20-30 $2000-$3000 dev kits? No? How about Blu-rays? Ohh right. No I don't. PC games? Nope. All I need is a regular PC, and a license to a game engine if I don't want to make my own. It seems that console video games are actually a pretty special electronic device.  Are you forgetting that developers would have to reinvest in these consoles every-3-4 years as well, and learn the new hardware every-3-4 years. Buy new dev kits every 3-4 years, but when making a game, still QA the old console as well, actually making video games more expensive to make. Screw them.

Is MS treating EA like children by not giving them the option to spend tens of millions of dollars investing in a new platform every 3-4 years, and not forcing them to spend even more to develop games on their platforms? HOW DARE THEY!

Don't want to put your a PC in your living room? Think it belongs in your basement? I thought you were an ADULT! Your PC has every right to sit in your entertainment center, if your fiance doesn't like it, tell her to act like an ADULT! Why don't you use your adult money and buy a PC that will look nice in your living room? Or how about you use your adult money and buy an entertainment center with doors on it?"

"Don't stop me from buying a new console every 3-4 years, I'm an ADULT!  I'm tired of Microsoft treating me like a child!"

"There's a platform that suits all of my needs, but i don't want it because it's UGLY, and HARD and I don't wanna put my PC under my TV! My fiance will get MAD, and I don't to get in trouble! I'm totally not acting like a child"

You're a riot.

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Soundwave said:
Swordmasterman said:

People would not be happy because they would need to pay  500US$ Every 2 years for a Console, this is  A lot of Money, and spend this for the company stop of supporting the Device, because the new one launched, just like Microsoft, did with windows 7, and 8, look at other Nation's Wallet 500US$ Is = 2000 Brazilian's R$ The minimum wage is 800R$, 27,5% Of yearly Tax = 620R$, One new console cost 3.5 months of a Brazilian's minimum Wage, People that get 6000-8000 US$ per year are crying because of a 600US$ Machine, the money you can spend on entarteinment, is a Small %, that the money you get every month, less than 10%.

I'm sorry that people in Brazil have a low minimum income, but that's not my problem. Should Apple not release an iPad Pro because certain people can't afford it? No thanks, I'd rather have the choice. 

You don't "need" to buy anything either, my PC has a Nvidia 570 GPU from like 4-5 years ago and it still can run a lot of new games and thousands of existing games. I'm not going to whine and cry though if it can't run every single game or if it doesn't run every game at high settings. 

Do you think that iPad sales have decilned because people have discovered that after 3-4 hardware iterations their iPads run only a small fraction of new games and apps? Why do you continue to ignore this concern?

I wonder how MS is going to explain to investors on why they paid AMD $3 billion for a APU and now that they are going essentially the PC route. Such a waste of money.

elektranine said:
I wonder how MS is going to explain to investors on why they paid AMD $3 billion for a APU and now that they are going essentially the PC route. Such a waste of money.

What is a "APU" ?, They paid 3 Billions to develop Xbox One, and now will burn it because will release multiple Hardware, is that what this means ?.

I don't believe this is a good thing. I believe this is the end of Xbox as a console, and the beginning of Xbox as a third party developer.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

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Around the Network
Swordmasterman said:
elektranine said:
I wonder how MS is going to explain to investors on why they paid AMD $3 billion for a APU and now that they are going essentially the PC route. Such a waste of money.

What is a "APU" ?, They paid 3 Billions to develop Xbox One, and now will burn it because will release multiple Hardware, is that what this means ?.

"APU" is an AMD marketing term. It means "Accellerated Processing Unit" - Basically where AMD has the CPU and GPU on the same die.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

elektranine said:
I wonder how MS is going to explain to investors on why they paid AMD $3 billion for a APU and now that they are going essentially the PC route. Such a waste of money.

Microsoft is not only a software company but is also (recently) a hardware company. They make phones, Tablets, Consoles and are now making Laptops. I believe purchasing AMD will allow them to ensure hardware unification across their different devices. So every hardware made by them will have an AMD APU and a Windows 10 OS. Seems like a good plan imo.

Azuren said:
I don't believe this is a good thing. I believe this is the end of Xbox as a console, and the beginning of Xbox as a third party developer.

Neither Nintendo or Sony will have platforms running windows 10 so future Xbox consoles/living room PCs are gauranteed.

teigaga said:
Azuren said:
I don't believe this is a good thing. I believe this is the end of Xbox as a console, and the beginning of Xbox as a third party developer.

Neither Nintendo or Sony will have platforms running windows 10 so future Xbox consoles/living room PCs are gauranteed.

Until, in the name of profit, they see more money being made in releasing their games on all platforms instead of two. 

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Azuren said:
teigaga said:

Neither Nintendo or Sony will have platforms running windows 10 so future Xbox consoles/living room PCs are gauranteed.

Until, in the name of profit, they see more money being made in releasing their games on all platforms instead of two. 

Won't happen anytime soon. They're investing in building Windows 10 as a platform, playstation and Nintendo are not part of that equation.